Somewhere in the Grey

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Title: Somewhere in the Grey

Main Pairing: Kyusung (Kyuhyun x Yesung)

Other Pairings: Kyumin (Kyuhyun x Sungmin)

Rating: PG13

Length: Two Shot (14.5K)

Genre: Romance, Fluff

Summary: In which Kyuhyun has a final year project to do, and Jongwoon is a coffee worker who volunteers to be the centre of Kyuhyun’s story (in more than one way).

Greyscale (noun)

  • An illness that affects some people on the planet characterized by the loss of colour in a person’s vision.
  • The illness can be temporary or affect a person forever. It has been known that some people over seventeen can catch it whilst others have been able to regain the colour in their vision.
  • It made its appearance in the year 2000 where a lot of the population over the age of seventeen lost the colour in their vision.
  • Became a medical mystery because nobody knows the cause or how to get rid of it.


I apologise, but I have not made much progress on the Prince and I ff, however, I hope to make it up to you by publishing this. This was originally written as a SeKai fic, but I feel that it should be published Kyusung because I want to share it with everyone.

Also, this is a school au, and for the story and characterisation, I have swapped the ages around so Kyuhyun is in fact older than Jongwoon (so don't find it weird for Jongwoon to call Kyuhyun "hyung").

I hope you like this story as I do. I read back on my old work occasionally and I was reading The Thief and I think of how awful of a fanfic it is, it is so cringe worthy! I hope you will like this one though. The prompt was told to me by a friend (I don't want to reveal it to you because it will give the story away) but I altered it accordingly for the fic. :)

I will start posting this once I have finished the Kyusung festival thing! :)

Please subscribe, comment and upvote. It is like 14.5K long, just saying. ;)

Going to update this and switch Kyuhyun and Jongwoon round. This has been pissing me off for a while so I think it is time that I make the ages right. haha.


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390 streak #1
Chapter 2: Aah, I believe I've already read this before, but maybe forgot to leave a comment 😅 so here I am 🥰
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 3: A well written story, and a Kyusung happy ending.... Yesung with pink hair ...adorable!!!! <3
AuperJ #3
Chapter 3: Well this story post in 2014 and in 2019 we can see a beautiful pink hair Yesung. Predict?
Chapter 3: This story is beautifully written. Thank you for writing this story.
Chapter 3: you should renamd it hahahahhahahaha. anyways this story was quite interesting! i liked the concept of the greyscale disease(?).
fatimakys #6
Chapter 3: -my hand on-under my chin as if thinking- yeah fifty shades of gray is even better hahahahaha , but the name is not every thing , well with this name or any other name i will like it anyway -wink-
fatimakys #7
Chapter 2: omg omg omg finely someone i can -have eyes- , i always say to my friends that yeye pink hair is the best ever , but the airheaded they are , they stick on yellow and red , not that i do not like those , but comeone yeye with pink is the cutest in the universe , anyway , i thought yeye will disagree kyu love but he said it wisely ''sometimes better follow your heart'' which i will never do , hahaha , i liked how kyu is being nice here and wow every thing seems so real , i loved it author-nim idk y but every fic with science in pull me to love it .
fatimakys #8
Chapter 1: what what what what ???? the last thing was sooooo unexpected ahahhahaha and i liked it , really ! u worked hard on this ! anyway being the nerd i a, u just gave me anther thing to learn -more- about , yeye ill , ouch , ouvh , ouuuuuch i do not even want to imagine that , i paint a little -do fan arts tbh- and it is better to go to hell than losing the colors , i liked that u changed the ages hahahaha it is so funny to even think about ye say hyung to kyu , it will be so fitting , i mean when we see it like that ; ye looks more like a maknea hahahaha , but i will miss the evil maknea ! so missed up hahahahasha thanks for writing such a story !!
Chapter 3: Will wait for it ~
sayasayangtodae #10
Chapter 3: Lovely story and I enjoyed reading this stories.. In the beginning never thought he will breakup but I guess it is for the best