The Mysterious Fighter

Super Kyung!



There are exceptionally rare moments in life when one would question the authenticity of their sanity, for Park Kyung today was such a day. What began as a mere display of chivalry became something quite perplexing and disastrously undesirable. Now begins our story.

There is an expression that states that you must love your neighbor as you would yourself. Block B applies this proverbial admonition passionately.

“I heard we have a new neighbor.” Minhyuk announced flatly one morning as Kyung, Jiho and Jihoon are gathered around the table for breakfast. He then opened his newspaper to read. Park Kyung frowned at him, what would possibly be so interesting about a new neighbor?

Minhyuk turned a page, and then continued, “I heard she is “as beautiful as the sunrise against the East Sea”.

Jiho scoffed, “Who said that greasy line?”

“Manager-Hyung said so.” Minhyuk answered and continues to read.

Zico bounced up and down, “What? Is she moving today? Which apartment? Is it on our floor?” Jiho gushed animatedly.

“She’s supposed to be moving today, in the vacant apartment next to us.” Minhyuk answered. Jihoon dashed to the window. “Oh Hyung! I see a moving truck!” He exclaimed.

Jiho leaped next to him. Then suddenly they both gasped simultaneously; Jihoon stared wordlessly almost in trance outside the window, while Jiho emitted a sound that resembled that of a dolphin.

“What is it?” Kyung asked curiously, he highly doubted that she was that fascinating. He got up and went to the window and peered outside.

Now this may positively be Kyung’s most unforgiveable error. You see, the things we see with our eyes may at once become greatly alluring. Lust may be considered the ultimate impediment of the male species.  Any male with a pair of hungry eyes will promptly tell you that for a chance to bed a gorgeous young woman they would impulsively proceed to take action with great stupidity. Here we see Park Kyung’s inevitable circumstance.

A waterfall of silky long black hair waved in the wind, followed by enchanting captivating brown eyes which blazed brightly and behind them there was a hint of innocence and mischief. Her lips red like a drop of blood against snow. “Beautiful” was a word that had spoken injustice to her looks.

Kyung’s heart raced wildly. He clutched his chest because of the sudden excitement; he felt his cheeks and ears burn.

“Her thighs…” Zico said in a high-pitched voice, “I wanna touch her thighs.” He knotted his hands nervously.

“No one is touching her thighs, I saw her first!” P.O. exclaimed and dashed out the dorm.

“YAH! Is that the way to treat your hyung? Don’t talk to her before me!” Zico shouts as he swiftly follows Jihoon.

As the two rush out the door to meet the new tenant Kyung can’t help but wonder why Minhyuk was  behaving in such a solemn manner. It didn’t seem to be “normal” considering how much he liked “dimples”. He was clearly hiding a secret.

 “Hyung, don’t you like pretty girls?” Kyung asked innocently him. Minhyuk smirked and turned another page of the newspaper before answering.“ I love beautiful girls, but I like girls that speak Korean.”

“Eh?” Kyung responded.

Minhyuk let out a hearty laugh, he could not contain himself. “She’s Japanese. She doesn’t speak a word of Korean.” He doubled over laughing, “Wait till those babos find out.” He cackled.

Jiho and Jihoon had fallen prey to one of Minhyuk’s  classical pranks. (A/N *Bazinga!) On the other hand, Park Kyung now had absolute advantage.


Zico and PO spotted the angelic woman gliding up the stairs leading into 2nd floor. Her long ankle length white dressed waved behind her—a white dress that seemed to identify with her pure image.

“She’s like a goddess” Jihoon whispered.

“Excuse me Miss, can I help you with that box?” Zico asked in a hopeful voice. The woman turned around and looked at the two with a blank expression.

Zico had thought that maybe she had heard incorrectly.

“Miss, could I help you with that box?” he said a little louder and he pointed to the rather heavy box in her hand. The woman blinked in confusion.  

Just then Zico heard a haughty laughter from behind him—unmistakably it was Park Kyung.

Kyung pulled out a sheet of paper and walked towards the woman, reading from the paper in perfect Japanese he said, “It is very difficult for such a lovely woman such as you to carry such a heavy burden. Please allow me to help you with this box.” Kyung spoke politely.

Jiho and Jihoon looked at him in disbelief.

The woman however covered as if she was holding back laughter; then she dashed upstairs and into her apartment room next to Block B’s.

“Aish, now she thinks we are strange.” Jihoon said sadly.

Zico started to poke Kyung’s back incessantly, “YAH! since when are you so good with Japanese.”

Kyung stood there in utter shock; he could not believe that any woman would reject his advances. It had gravely damaged his pride.  He turned and walked away bitterly.

“Oh well” Jiho said and skipped back to dorm followed by PO.


After an interview, the band arrived back at the dorm. It was too late to make dinner so Taeil decided to order dinner for everyone.

“I’m tired of Chinese food.” Jaehyo complained.

“Are you rich?” Jihoon asked in defense. Jaehyo stormed off to bed in anger.

“What’s wrong with him?” Yukwon asked innocently holding his Pikachu teddy bear.

“Oh, he just woke up this morning with a pimple.” Minhyuk said nonchalantly.  

Kyung didn’t join in with their playful banter; rather he stood outside on the balcony looking out at the city lights. They glistened and merrily flickered, in the pitch black night; the chilled air of the incoming Fall touched his chest. He took note that soon he would have to buy more Fall and Winter clothes because his closet was filled with Summer clothes and two jackets.

He wanted to be alone tonight; he wanted this dead silence, after all his pride was irreversibly crushed. He had to redeem himself, the name “Grease Kyung” had was absolutely insignificant if he could not even have a simple conversation with an attractive woman.

Just then he saw a familiar white figure in dark. He squinted his eyes; it was the new Japanese neighbor. She was looking around cautiously and nervously. It must be hard moving to a new country, she must be scared. Kyung reasoned.

“She must be cold. Maybe I should follow her and make sure she’s okay.” Kyung said to no one in particular.

He grabbed the two jackets in his closet and told the members that he would be going to the local shop to (ironically) buy more soy sauce.

He was a few feet away from her when he saw her enter into a bar. Kyung panicked. Those drunken men are going to eat her alive. He started to run towards the bar to stop her, but before he could get there he saw her exit the bar followed by a strange looking man. The man was taller than average, he had so much tattoos that the natural color of skin on his arm was not visible, his hair was pink and long reaching his hips.

What the hell is she doing with that guy? Kyung was thrown into confusion. He watched as the Japanese woman and the pink haired man dart into a pitch black alleyway.

Kyung suddenly felt like passing out. He could not believe that such a pure woman could be so lewd.

“Even I haven’t tried it in the alleyway yet.” He said to himself in disappointment. He was about to leave when suddenly he heard a shout of pain from the alleyway.

“What are they doing over there?” he asked curiously. He ignored all the voices his head that told him to go home--he inched over to the alleyway.

He quickly poked his head out to see what was going on and what he saw changed his life completely.


Pressed against the wall of alleyway was the Japanese woman, but her appearance was eerie. She no longer looked the same. Replacing her long black hair was a stream of long fluorescent red hair that glowed abnormally. The iris of her eyes was flames of crimson red. Kyung’s knees started to shake. This was definitely not normal. Kyung could not believe what he was seeing.

“Fifteen, I see you came all the way to Earth just to capture me. I never knew you cared so much about me?” The pink haired tattooed man growled sarcastically at the woman. The red haired woman smirked.

Earth? What is she an alien? Kyung leaned forward so that he could hear the conversation

“By the way nice, dress did you raid your sister’s closet?” The pink haired man said laughing at the woman.

The woman chuckled, in an unfittingly but clear masculine voice the woman responded, “As a matter of fact I did raid my sister’s closet.”

Kyung gaped. She wasn’t a girl, she was a man? There was no possible way that Kyung would go home now, things were getting interesting.

The red haired man now pulled out a oddly shaped instrument that looked like a gun and pointed it to the pink haired man’s head. He spoke rather roughly to the tattooed man, “Let’s get this over with. Okay Jin you know the rules . You have the right to act in a unified manner and peacefully submit yourself to the United Galaxy State, or you can temporary vouch for freedom through battle.”


“I guess we will just have to battle then. Right Fifteen?” The pink haired man named Jin responded. Jin then sent a forceful kick to the man’s body, which sent the long red haired man flying back against the cement wall. The crack of back bones was heard and bricks crumbed upon impact. The force sent the strange gun flying a few feet away from them and next to Kyung. Kyung covered his mouth in afraid to make a sound. What the hell is going on?

“How do you expect to win this fight without an Earth Partner fool?” Jin yelled and kicked the fallen man repeatedly. “Look at you, you are weak from travelling. You haven’t even gotten acclimated with the atmosphere yet.” Jin picked up the weakened feminine-like man and threw him against the other side of the wall. The frail red haired man fell pitifully, he clutched at air as he tried to stand but he could not. He was covered in blood, and suffered a severe injury to his left arm.

Kyung’s eyes started to brim with tears. It was probably the most gruesome thing that he had seen in his whole life. He had never witnessed should a violent fight.

Jin then pulled out a knife from his back pocket. Around the knife was an unnatural glow of blue.

“Here’s surprise for you! I have an Azulite knife.” He then pierced the sharp knife through the man’s collar bone. The man let out a shrilling scream of pain.

Kyung choked, he could hardly breathe. This was unbelievable. Only a few feet away from where Kyung was standing was the oddly shaped gun. He was caught in between running away back to dorm and pretending as if this didn’t happen or actually saving someone’s life. He decided to do what he thought was right, he picked up the gun and ran down the alleyway.

“YAH! Leave him alone?” Kyung shouted half-confidently. The beastly pink haired man snarled at Kyung. He backed away in fear.

“Don’t hurt him, he’s innocent.” The weakened man whispered.

 Jin ignored the desperate man’s plea and launched at Kyung with great fury. Kyung closed his eyes in fear expecting a very gory death, instead he felt a warm body embracing him. He opened his eyes to see strands of glowing red hair blocking his vision and a pair of strong arms pillowing him in a protective hug. The almost-defeated man had saved his life. A souvenir of his self sacrifice, on his back was the glowing blue knife jotting out of his flesh.

“Why would you risk your life to save a human?” Kyung heard Jin say mockingly. “It’s a surprise you haven’t died yet.”

A feeling of remorse and deep gratitude overcame Kyung, suddenly he felt a very strange feeling in the pit of his stomach; his body temperature started boiling. What’s this strange feeling?  Kyung looked down at his hands and saw that his there was glowing ring around his wrists, as if he was wearing halo bracelets made from the rays of the sun. What the hell is happening to me?

The red hair man felt the sudden change in the temperature in Kyung’s body; he instinctively grabbed Kyung’s hands and started to laugh happily.

“So you’re my Earth Partner?” he cried.

“Earth Partner?” Kyung questioned.

“It looks like we can actually win this fight.” The attractive man smiled brightly.




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Truth be told, I was expecting probably some romance in this fic.
I was quite shock when the woman is actually a man!
The part Kyung spoke Japanese really crack me up xD
MyMelodyAmigurumi #2
Oh.My.HepHap. This idea is pure genius!!!
whooaaah i really look up to this please update please please please!! <3
rappeating #4
I think this is going to be really interesting! ^^