Marry her if you dare.


Marry her if you dare. just marry her if you dare.

forever forever..............nope.


you might think she's desperate but no she just doesn't date.


sooyoun just doesn't date and people think she likes girls or had a past with someone? She's just too serious.



-"can ...can I ...I mean would you go out with me?..I know we just met but...I think I like you" said a boy she never saw. Soo youn sighted this is like the 382818<>%%%^^++ time a boy asked her out and every time she answers "are you willing to  marry me" not In an asking tone. *after a 15 min talk about how serious she was*  "...........WHAT!!" Said the boy as if sooyoun turned to a frog and asked him to kiss her. "Then get the hell out of my face"sighted soo youn" what the **** is wrong with you" the boy said with disbelieve " no wonder you don't have a boyfriend.....freak" said the boy and walked away " I wouldn't even marry you if you asked"said  soo youn "whatever"-


Anything wrong tell me and I'll fix it^^


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