Interlude: Collision

And I Can Fix Your Broken Parts

His company was unnervingly empty, blazing Sunday sun filtering into air conditioned rooms. It had been quite long since Jongdae had set foot there. Yixing's (well, Minseok's) company had become their place, somewhere to create new memories, better ones.

It still awed Jongdae how much one could get attached to someone, how could two people go from being strangers to the most important person in the other's lives. The room felt too empty without Yixing's comforting presence, too silent. He thought he'd made the right decision practicing by himself, without the distraction that would be having Yixing there, especially when he could only think about kissing him since the night before, but now he just felt lonely. And kind of sleepy. He sighed. He wasn't getting anywhere.

The beeping of his cellphone was a much appreciated interruption, a grin breaking into his face as he glanced at the screen.


From: Xing
Are you busy rn?

To: Xing
Not really
Dying of boredom

From: Xing
I'm coming over
Want something to eat?

To: Xing

From: Xing
What room?

To: Xing

From: Xing
I'll be there soon

With the prospect of seeing Yixing soon, Jongdae turned back to work, decided to make the most of that couple of minutes and then call the day off for good. He was finally seeing a progress in his high notes, despite barely having tried Yixing's advice for a day. Everything seemed to be falling into its right place. And Yixing was to thank.

The door opened with a creek, startling him and making him laugh softly, "I didn't think you were really that close. Weren't you going..." He turned around, words dying in his mouth as he took in who was really standing by the door. "Joonmyeon?"

And he was, in fact, right there. Shoulders slouched and looking worn out, it was so unlike the Joonmyeon he'd known so well. He tried to recall the last time he'd seen him, that time when he'd told him about the duet. He'd seemed fine. Not that he would have known if he wasn't. It had been much longer since they'd really talked. Just about when Joonmyeon broke their thing. Was it even a thing? Having with someone who you really like, could see yourself falling in love with, expecting that someday he'd feel the same way about you? Having to pretend not being heartbroken when he tells you he found someone else, a woman, and that he loves her? Jongdae is not sure anymore.

"What's wrong? Why are you here?" he didn't mean to be so bold, but honestly, Joonmyeon had been avoiding him like he had the plague for months, and now, all of a sudden, he showed up while he practiced?

"I wanted to talk to you," Joonmyeon finally said, voice low. Jongdae felt that telling stir in his stomach, the one that he'd come to know so well in their short time together. Only that it wasn't welcomed now.

"I'm really busy. And Yixing'll be here any moment now."

Joonmyeon approached him until there was barely any distance between them, an openly lost look in his eyes that terrified Jongdae. Joonmyeon didn't let his emotions show. That was just not him.

"Do you hate me?"

"Hate you?" I should, "No. I couldn't."

Joonmyeon leaned forward, embracing Jongdae, who froze in his place, too confused to even comfort the obviously distressed man. What was even going on? Since when had Joonmyeon needed to lean on him?

When he regained control of himself, he wrapped his arms around the man's waist, holding him. "What happened?"

"She left me," Joonmyeon murmured, lips ghosting over his neck, and Jongdae tensed at the words. He'd been waiting so long to hear them. He should be laughing, or at least feeling happy about it. Though, he could only feel pity. Pity for the man in front of him, left by someone he loved. He'd been there. He knew how much it hurt, the betrayal and the sensation of loss. And also pity for himself. For his past self. It had taken Joonmyeon to literally run into his arms for him to realize his feelings weren't there anymore. Sure, he still liked Joonmyeon, but the magnet-like attraction was gone. The love was gone. Too much damage had been made for them to go back to how things were.

Joonmyeon raised his head, frantic eyes switching between Jongdae's own and his mouth. Jongdae saw his intent, should have stopped him, said something, move, but it was already too late. Joonmyeon's lips were on his, and for once their sweetness didn't melt Jongdae. It was just kinda awkward and he should really really stop it. He didn't need to.

"Hey, they were out of tteokbokki, so I got some-" Jongdae's eyes widened at the sound of Yixing's voice, pulling himself out of Joonmyeon's grip to face an open mouthed Yixing by the door. "Sorry!" he said before turning around and closing the door behind himself.

"," Jongdae cursed, looking between the door and Joonmyeon, "I'm sorry. Can't do this anymore."

Without waiting for an answer, Jongdae ran towards the door, yanking it open and jogging behind Yixing's retreating figure.

"Wait!" he said, placing a hand on his shoulder to turn him around. Yixing flinched as he turned, and Jongdae wanted to punch himself for putting that hurt look in his eyes, "Xing! What you saw there-"

"Don't worry about it. I should've knocked. I'm gonna go now. See you tomorrow," he said with a quivering smile, "And... sorry about yesterday. The kiss, I mean. I must've gotten it wrong. Didn't know you were with him."

He looked so, so hurt. Jongdae felt his heart sink to his stomach, suddenly feeling sick. No, this couldn't be happening. Not when things were finally going well. Not with Yixing.

"No! I'm not! Please, just-" he sat on the floor, back against the wall. He was so tired. He couldn't do this. He couldn't let Yixing go, "Let me explain."

It was moments later that the man sat by his side, avoiding his eyes, and brought his knees to his chest. Jongdae opened his mouth, unsure of how to begin. It was then that Joonmyeon left the room and sat eyes on them, raising an eyebrow at Jongdae.

"Uhm. Nice to meet you, Yixing. Jongdae. I'll... see you later, I guess?" he said, tone barely sheepish under the "son of the president of the company" façade. Jongdae shoot him a murderous glare as he left, turning to Yixing once the man was out of sight.

His fingers were tightly wrapped around his arms, knuckles pale, and his glassy eyes were set on the wall in front of them. And then he blinked, shaking his head slightly, and untangled his limbs.

"I should probably go," he said, voice hoarse. Clearing his throat, he made a move to stand up. Jongdae panicked, rushing forward to grab a hold of his wrist.

"Hear me out. Please."
Yixing finally met his eye, settling back down with a nod. Jongdae let out a shaky breath.

"We're not together. Joonmyeon and I. We've known each other since before my debut, before his father left him the company," he swallowed, stealing a glance at an impassive Yixing, "We... were a thing about a year ago. It was a secret, as he couldn't risk people saying he was with an idol from his own company. We broke it off when he fell for a woman, and I haven't really talked to him since then. She broke up with him, and now he came looking for me. I swear I didn't know! I didn't even want to kiss him!" Jongdae finished rambling and drew a breath, feeling his heart pounding in his ears. Yixing was still motionless, and he was losing hope. "Xing? Say something. Please," he begged.

"Do you like him?" he said, voice barely audible.

Jongdae smiled a little, inching closer to where Yixing sat. "Nah. I used to, but not anymore. There's someone I really really like now, though."

Yixing turned to him at the words, expression considerably less grim, but not daring to be hopeful. Yet. Jongdae let out a chuckle, leaning forward to capture Yixing's lips. He felt the boy go still under his touch, before bringing his arms up to rest at his shoulders. Jongdae made a noise of contentment, tangling his fingers on Yixing's silky hair to pull him closer.

"It's you, just so you know," he said breathlessly the moment the pulled apart to catch their breaths.

Yixing chuckled, raising his eyebrows in feigned surprise, "I would've never guessed it," he joked, pulling Jongdae back to him to speak against his lips, "I really really like you too, then."

Their second kiss was even better than the first, soft and unhurried, filled with reassurance and emotion. Though, the distant sound of footsteps reminded them just where they were, sat in a very public hallway in the middle of Jongdae's company.

Jumping to his feet, Jongdae offered a hand to Yixing, "Come on. The floor is freezing."

Yixing shoot him a smile, dimple and everything, and Jongdae felt himself melt, seriously considering sitting back down. But then the man was by his side, twining their fingers together, and Jongdae realized that he had everything he could possibly need.

"Oh! I had bought food. Are you still hungry?" Yixing asked as they began walking out of the company. Jongdae couldn't help but laughing as he pressed his lips back to Yixing's.


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Chapter 8: I want mooooooore of chenlayy...pretty please...
this is sooo sweet...
Chapter 8: but but but but but whyy ;A; the ending made me so unsatisfied
parvitasari #3
Chapter 8: Yeah this story is great!! As a huge Chenlay shipper, I want more.. Maybe another great chenlay story of yours.. Fighting!!
nightingalesatnight #4
Chapter 8: I really like this story. I can't get enough of Chenlay, they are adorable!
parvitasari #5
Chapter 7: So sweet awwwww.. I want more..
parvitasari #6
Chapter 6: Omg they're sooooo cute..
parvitasari #7
Chapter 4: They're finally kissing.. Awwww..
Seungjo #8
Chapter 3: This is adorable. I couldn't stop smiling!