heaven's door (Keric)

my heart towards you is... (kpop drabble/oneshot dump)

you're all i ever wanted

you're all i ever needed

getting to be closer, so the window of time won't pass me by

baby i can see it

is it real or am i dreaming?

my heart is beating faster, and even faster

you're headed straight at me



eric thought he knew how love worked pretty well before he met kevin. 

kevin turned everything he thought he knew about love inside-out and upside down, but eric is glad he did.

it's february 14 and he takes steps towards him now, both physical and metaphorical, and kevin is meeting him halfway. his heart is going to beat itself to pieces at this rate, but when kevin takes eric's hands in his it all stops and eric is sure he's going to faint sometime soon.

"happy valentines day," kevin says quietly, almost solemnly. it's a stark contrast to the upbeat, laughing character he was just a few minutes ago when the cameras were on, so drastic of a change that eric almost laugh. 

"happy valentines day," eric says in reply. a smile tugs at kevin's lips.

"you're busy the rest of day, aren't you?" he asks. eric pauses. 

"i could be. but if you're asking me out..." he flashes kevin a ridiculous smile and wink. 

"idiot," kevin scoffs. there's affection his voice, though, that makes eric grin. "tomorrow."



i know, that we may have our troubles

but my heart knows that this is so right

baby, i'm running towards the horizon

i know we'll get there

even though the road may be less traveled

running for the horizon

and when we get there, we can seize the dawn and leave the dark behind



"the fans are going to be suspicious, y'know, if we go out together the day after valentines day," kevin comments.

eric squeezes his hand. "we'll figure it out."

they walk out together, the february chill an excuse to keep their shoulders pressed close. they have to take a back way to avoid a roaming group of girls, but seeing kevin laughing breathlessly as they dart from alley to alley and feeling his hand around his, eric's never been happier.

when they reach their destination, kevin's cheeks are flushed pink from laughter and eric knows whatever happens after this, it'll all be worth it.



standing at a crossroad, everything slow motion

see i'm just a ship lost in the ocean, but you'll always be my light

the road ahead is broken, we will undertake it

i guess it's just forever, and whenever, my heart will take the lead



there's a choice now: after school club—and kevin—or some eight week-long gig that, while not detrimental to his career if he doesn't take it, would boost his popularity if only by a couple rankings. 

eric doesn't know what to do. he doesn't really want to do the gig, but his managers say he should. yet the thought of being away from after school club—and kevin—for so long makes the idea seem unacceptable.

he follows what his heart says.

kevin scolds him for it, saying he and jimin could handle the show fine without him for a measly two months but the look in his eyes say "thank you" and that's what eric did it for.

he's never been very good at this romance thing. he wanders most of the time, except when kevin is there next to him. kevin keeps him grounded and pulls him in when he does drift, while never standing too still himself.

eric follows his heart, and his heart follows kevin.



i know that we may have our troubles

but girl you know this feels so right

baby i'm running towards the horizon

i know we'll get there

even though the road may be less traveled

running for the horizon

and when we get there, we can seize the dawn and leave the dark behind



they hug tighter than they ever have when kevin comes back from u-kiss promotions for the first time since that valentines day. kevin points out the obvious; that this wouldn't be easy, two male idols who only ever see each other two days a week when their schedules allow trying to make some kind of lasting relationship; eric kisses his forehead and utters those words again.

"we'll figure it out."

kevin rolls his eyes and kisses him back. "in the most unconventional way possible, right?"

"of course."



A/N: my guilty pleasure keric... barely anyone actually unironically ships these two but they're so ????? otp material ???? 

songfic drabbles i wrote valentines weekend kkaebsong

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7/20/15 im so sorry i havent updated in months omfg i'll try to get back to this soon


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Hannahsu #1
Chapter 15: All of your fics are great! I would like another Wenyoun but since there are alot already then it's just a small request^^
Tsurumaru #2
Tsurumaru #3
Chapter 5: Clutches heart. Ouch.
omg love all your drabbles xD you are soo good ^^

i also had 2 request hehe could you write a kaiho fic (kai & suho) and another one with edy and prince mak please please please ^^ priority for me is eddy+prince mak since there arent a lot stories about them TT
Chapter 1: Yeah SANCO FOR LIFE . Sorry , just had to comment twice xD
TaeKookHope #6
Chapter 11: This is adorable!!!
MinjiJu #7
Chapter 1: sancheong <3 e.co
u r awesome!11!!!!!1
Chapter 14: It's not gross, this is so fluffy. Thanks for this fic. I really did enjoy it. ^^

(I hope you can aTakuShin angst tho).
Chapter 15: I meant though lol
Chapter 15: Omg your fluff through

Bojoo <3