Water and Falls

Water and Falls


Why always being sad or angry at someone when we don't live a long life? That was what I was asking myself all the time. It is normal to feel sad and angry about someone and we all know how tought it is to forget the person we use to be with the person you loved, but times past, felling too one day. People will always juge you for what you are, maybe because they are jealous or they hate you we never know. But friends are important; good one, real one. The amout of friend doesn't matter. When you lose the person that is the more important in your life and you know that he will never come back to this world you just want to believe that they still happy.I love you dad!


When school started a mouth ago my dad past away in a car accident and I miss the two first weeks of school. When I came back to school everyone was looking at me weirdly because I was living alone now because my mom past away when I was in elementary school; she was very sick and now it was my dad. Me and my dad were very close, he helped me when I got math problem or even love problem. He always accepted me for what I was and he was always proud of me no matter what. Even when he learned that I was gay.  I am now alone I got no friends, no family, no lover. I was sitting in the back of my math class, it was long and I didn't understand a thing and even the teacher didn't want to help me, so I had to do everything alone like I used to do for the past mouth. When the diner break came I was sitting in the library trying to understand everything but nothing was working well. When I got back home after this long day of school, I went to take a shower and started crying and asking why I didn't understand a thing, why my life was sad, why all this was happening to me? After that episode I eat and got to sleep. The next morning when I woke up I prepared myself and after tweety minutes I was gone for school.

- Hi my name is Lee Chansung, but people call me Joon. Please take care of me!

Great someone else who was going to laugh at me.What a good day? Again I past my lunch break at the library, but I saw that Joon was alone and was doing his homework. He was sitting beside me in math class. He sarted to talk to me because we had a little break.

- Hello what's your name?

-Lee Jinki. I said quickly because I didn't want to talk to him, but he didn't stop he was asking a lot of question and their was one question  I never really heard in my life it was:

- Do you want to be my friend? He asked completly out of nowhere. I didn't know what to awsner. No one ever ask me that.

- Shure...I said with a unshure voice. Before I knew the school year finished and I past all my test, I was so happy that Joon did help me all the year. Before the summer started we had a school trip but I didn't have the money to go. Yes I was working but almost all my money was going in the food and for my little appartement. I wasn't going to the school trip so I was staying at home for the week. But suddendly, someone came to my house. Who was it? When I opened the door I saw Joon.I didn't know how he got my address. He came in like it was is own house and said:

- Pack your bag we're going camping! Joon said without letting me answering. He push me to my room and he watched me packing my bag. When I finished packing my bag he brought me to his car, put my bag in the back and I sat in the front. After one hour of driving Joon stopped and started to unpack our thing and do the tente. It was the first time I was camping. It was late and we were eating marshmallow, we were laughing, having good time, I was so happy to be with him.It was time to sleep but it was so cold at night so we cuddled and my heart started to race faster. I didn't know why? I've never felt that before. I was turning red, could it be...?I was in love with him!


I saw that Onew was turning red it was so cute. He is always cute.I should confess my love for him because I finally saw that he felt something for me and it was making me so happy that I wanted to kiss him.

-Onew why are you turning red?Are you shy? ,but he never anwser.

- Onew I have something to to tell you please awnser me.



-My heart is racing so fast it feel weird.

-You are so cute Onew!

-Don't say that my heart racing faster and faster. Onew was so innocent but it  was making me feel so happy that he openned is heart to me because it was only the second time. The first time was the day when he explained to me how his dad and his mom died he was crying, it was so sad that it was making me crying.

-Onew do you want to go out with me? He didn't anwser my question but I saw that he was nodding his head. I was so happy that I hug him tight and we felt asleep like that.


After that day everything was happy angain and I hoped that my dad was their to show him my boyfriend. Each day wewere together. He walksmehome everytime I didn't have to go to work. One year past and our love looked the same but we were now kissing each other and make love, each time I think about it it make me blush. I wasthe happiest man in this world. I remember the first time we talked, I was so negative and now we are lover. When the year finish we were at the school trip and I saw Joon with a girl, that girl kissed Joon, I was so frustrated that I ran away.


I was suprise. I got kissed by that girl but I didn't like it. Suddendly I felt like someone was watching me and when I trned around I saw Onew running away. I started totry to catch him he was running to fast in the wood.

-ONEW! WHERE ARE YOU? IT NOT WHAT YOU THINK SHE KISSED ME BY SUPRISE. ONEW ANWSER ME! I was still searching for him and I found him on the top of the mountain crying I felt so bad.  I ran to him.

-Onew I'm sorry, but I felt nothing for her please believe me. I try to get closer to him but each time he was walking back. But suddendly he turn around to face the water and said:

- It time for me to go. Thanks for all the memory you made with me . You made me happy. He said, I started to cry.

-Onew you can't go like this, I will be alone! What will I do without you? He turn around to seemy face and kissed me. He was about to jump when I grab his hand and we felt together. Together till the end. It was our lasttime together in this world.



Seeing you, touching you in a other world is beautiful. Mom, Dad we are all together now with my lover. I can write a letter to explain my sadness or my happinest, but I prefer to show it to all of you.That fall was beautiful with that water. Thanks everyone in the worl where i use to be. I hope that no one will finish like me so pitiful. I will live happily now. I love you mom, dad and Joon. We are all together now, not feeling any pain. Water and fall.


(A\N: Hey guys sorry it take so long to post this story because I didn't feel like writing and when I was reading some other fanfics I said to myself ''I should finish mine''. Hope you guys enjoy it and I would like to have some feed back about the story it the first time I write that kind of story. I know that I did make a lot of mistake. BYE BYE!!!!)

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Chapter 1: Seriously? I just....*cries*
niyltts #2
Chapter 1: And thanks alot for writing Joonew!
niyltts #3
Chapter 1: Awsome....
Happy ending!