Dreams Or Nightmares?


“So you are Kai the boxer?” Sehun asked as if he was drunk. Kai just nodded, sipping his drink. “Who gave you that name? That doesn’t even match you!”
“That girl did!” Kai answered, managing his anger.
“That creepy girl was your girlfriend?” Sehun asked disappointedly. “Man, what happened to you while I was gone?  Now your whole life is screwed up. What are you gonna do now?” Kai shook his head, tiredly, looking down. “Any plans on starting dancing again?” Sehun raised his eye brows.
“What? No!” Kai was quite shocked that his head shoot up. “I just don’t have guts to go there.”
“And?” Sehun crossed his arms against his chest.
“And what?” Kai put a blank expression.
“And what are you hoping to do?” Sehun explained like a ‘pro’.
“That, I don’t know yet” Kai answered, shaking his head.
“Are you kidding me?” Sehun hit the table with his fist attracting all the people’s attention but not caring a pin about it. “How are you gonna live your life? You’re not planning on becoming a beggar, are you?”
“Can you stop shouting? Cause I’m quite sure that all the people around here now know that I lost my life. Maybe if we ask them to donate some money, I’m sure we’ll find plenty.” Kai whispered in a you-are-dead-if-you-don’t-shut-up tone. “So thank you very much for your CONCERN!”
“Aish you’re so harsh!” Sehun pouted. “Any ways I’m serious! Not like the one in Harry Potter though. What are you gonna do?”
“I told you once. I DON’T KNOW!”

        Just like that their conversation ended that night. Sehun was really concerned about Kai, but the bad news was he had to go back in three days because of his school work. Though Sehun and Kai went to the same school two years ago, Sehun’s parents moved to another town that Sehun too had to switch his school. Sehun had no idea how Kai was ever dragged to the bad side as he had quite a good personality. But it may have caused by the sudden death of his mother and the loneliness he felt. Still Sehun couldn’t make up his mind to leave without seeing Kai being stable. He has to have a job. Otherwise he’ll have to starve to death.

          But at night Kai was sweating like crazy and he struggled a lot in his bed. Turning here and there as he was dreaming of something deadly. He was dressed in a formal suit. Though he cannot see his face, he’s pretty sure it’s him, but he felt quite short though.  It was a very dark night and he was walking alone in an underground car park. All his way to his car he feels like someone is following him so he just turns around once in a while to be sure that there was no one behind. As he unlocked the car, in which he recognized his, someone grabbed him from the back and stabbed him with a knife. Just then Kai woke up and breathed deeply and looked around in fear. “What was that?” he mumbled to himself.

“Yah Kai! Get up, you SLEEPYHEAD!” Sehun shouted his lungs out, making the whole apartment shiver. “You don’t get paid for sleeping, do you?”
“Would you please shut up?” Kai shouted, annoyed. “I’m trying to sleep here.”
“What? Excuse you! You should be trying to get up there!” Kai couldn’t stand it any longer that he pressed his pillows against his ears. In some minutes he was back in his dreamland until something watery splashed on his face.
“What the-“ Kai paused. “What the hell is this?”
“Bubble tea!” Sehun said as if he has done something heroic.
“But why bubble tea?” Kai was pissed off, but his curiosity always won.
“Because everybody use water, I decided to be different and stand out!” Sehun said while getting out of the room. Well, that lame excuse made Kai burn in fire of anger.
“WHAT?!!” He shouted, but he was automatically walking to the bathroom rather than to Sehun as he felt the emergency of cleanliness, saving the revenge for the later.


“Finally!” Kai sighed in relief as he came out of the restaurant followed by Sehun. He was sweating because of the tiredness after walking to so many shops and restaurants.
“Well, if I didn’t drag you here today when you even threatened me, you would have never let out that sigh of relief.” Sehun started boasting. It’s true though. After waking Kai up, Sehun dragged Kai out of the apartment to find him a job, which will help him to make his day. “If it weren’t-”
“Thank you!” Before Sehun could finish Kai said without hesitation. There was a look of gratefulness and satisfaction all over his face, which made Sehun think that the old Kim Jongin still lives inside this Kai. Sehun smiled kindly and put his arm around Kai’s shoulder. What can one say at such moments than enjoying the friendly silence?
“But don’t you dare to plan on being a waiter all your life.” Sehun threatened. “This is only until you find a better job.” Kai couldn’t say anything. He just nodded.
“Sehun-ah, I need to tell you something.” Kai uttered as his expression changed.
“What is that?” Sehun asked, worried.


“So you’re telling me that your dreams feel so true?” Sehun asked as Kai finished telling his story. “And you died there?” Kai nodded.
“I do not know whether I died there or not but I felt that I lost my consciousness.”
“You think you’ll be alive after being stabbed?” Sehun smirked. “What are you? Hulk?”
“Aren’t you stupid?” Kai hissed. “Of course I can survive if it isn’t a deep cut.”
“Okay. Okay. Whatever!” Sehun gave up. “ However it’s just a dream, So don’t think too much. You’ll be fine.”
“You think so?” Kai asked almost like a child.
“I know so!” That smile Sehun gave made Kai feel comfortable. Though he saw the same dream over and over again, and sometimes different dream that gave the same fear of death, he refused to take it seriously or he tried to. As the days went pass, the dreams, more likely nightmares, started to get even worse that he believed it to be true. And people around him thought that he was mad because he always suspected others around him, thinking that they’ll murder him.


             Days went by and Sehun was gone. Time with Sehun helped Kai move on and live his life. And he kinda missed Sehun, mostly because he couldn’t get his revenge. The life in the restaurant was good. He worked hard and made some money, which weren’t much but enough for him. The waitresses keep eyeing him all the time, but Kai was already done with girls. So he didn’t care about them. His life went smoothly that he thought he’s life is finally getting better until he heard someone ringing his doorbell. Kai walked across the living room and opened the door to find two gentlemen standing in front of him.Both of them were dressing formally and one of them were very tall while the other was shorter than Kai. They smiled brightly.

“Is this Kim Jongin?” The taller guy asked, kindly.
“Yes.” Kai answered. “And you are?”
“We are from U.I.” The taller guy kept on talking. “And we are here to talk with you about the nightmares you see at night.”
Kai was stunned. “How do you know?”
“Your friend, Oh Sehun, informed us about you before he left.”

Wait. What? That Sehun!Does he too think that I'm crazy?  Kai cursed Sehun inside his brain.

They both smiled again awkwardly as they said, “Can we come in?”


So yeah anothe update! Just tell me what you think about this! I'd love to know! I' m too sleepy to write an author note! Just forgive me!

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Bleak_night #1
Chapter 1: Sehun is quiet funny guy here and poor kai.... So what Kai'll do... It feel so sad knowing someone was so good at something and that thing became part of his life but then it all get snatched away... Its too awful feeling, hope kai can do well with Sehun's help by the way its amazing story ^~
Chapter 1: I want to read it, but yes the layout is not looked good in my phone.
DeepMeaning #3
Please can you credit the shop.
narusasuforever #4
Im looking forward to this FF~
monsterstud #5
looking forward to this :)