01 ~ A not-so-normal day

Love Again

"Jae... Wake up, it's time for school" Onew shook Jaehyun lightly. The said boy groaned and turned away.

"Two minutes Appa... just two minutes" He showed his two finers as he buries his face inside the pillow.

"It's already 8 Hyunnie, get up now" Onew pulled him out of the bed. The small boy pouted as he gave a stern glare at his Father.

"I said two minutes, Onew" he gritted.

"I know, now go brush your teeth and get ready for school. Did you do your homework last night?"

"Yes Appa" He said as he staggered towards the bathroom.

"Appa!!" He called from inside, the brush still in his mouth.

"Will you drop me at school today? Please?" He asked cutely. Onew smiled a bit and ruffled his hair.

"I can't today, Jaehyun. I have to go early today..... Minho uncle will drop you today, okay?"

"You never drop me, tell me one day when you have came with me till school" he muttered under his breath as he continued brushing.

Onew heard that, and thought about it for a minute. When was the last time he went with his own son somewhere, let alone school?

.....Yeah, when she was still alive and with them. 

"Hyung?" He heard a familiar voice at the door, and went to meet that person.

"Jonghyun, how are you? How's Minji doing?" He asked as he let Jonghyun inside. Behind him came a small girl, around seven years old.

"Ah! So here's our Minji baby!" He smiled as he lifted the girl up in the air.

"Ah! Uncle put me down!!" Minji shouted cutely as he spun her around. Jaehyun got out, all ready for school.

"Jjong uncle!" He ran towards Jonghyun, and hugged him tightly.

"Hyun! How's our champ today?" He asked.

"Fine and ready for racing!" Jaekyung replied with a fist pump.

"Really? So shall we get ready for today's race at school?"


"Yeah hyung, didn't you know? There's a racing competition in their school today" Jonghyun replied and Onew scratched his head, with an awkward teethy smile.

"He doesn't even know anything, yet he's my dad" Jaehyun said, glaring at Onew.

"Don't say that, your Appa's busy at the company. That's why he–"

"He's right, in a way. I should have known that myself." Onew cut him off.

"I know how it is hard for you, but you'll have to at least spend some time with Jaehyun. You're getting more and more distant with him"

"I try, but work is killing the time out of my day. I can't seem to find time with all the work put atop my head" 

"Then, tell the Management you need time" Jonghyun suggested. Onew stayed silent, thinking about it.

"Let's go Appa! It's time for school!" Minji broke the silence, calling Jonghyun.

"Okay, say bye to uncle! Come on Jaehyun, I'll drop you at school today" Jonghyun said and took the two kids out.

"Bye Jaehyun!" Onew said as he waved his hands.

"Bye Appa!" He replied a but rudely and went away with Jonghyun and Minji to school. Onew went inside, and took a picture in his hands.

"You saw it right? I'm so bad at parenting, right Hyemin? It's just..... I can't spend some time with him. When he's awake, I'm at work, and when I come back, he's asleep. I'm worried, worried that...... he'll hate me" A tear drop fell on the picture, and soon many fell down. He sat there, crying his heart out.

Ooh ooh~ Oh pretty baby~!

Ooh ooh~ chwihan geot gata!

Ooh ooh~ Making me crazy~!

Ooh ooh~ nae son jabajwo~!! 

"Aish! Who is it?! Ruining my beauty sleep!" Jiyoung groaned as she got up, squinting her eyes at the brightness o the sun scattered in her room. Searching for her specs and putting them on, she searched for her phone next. She hoped it wasn't who she thought, but her hopes went false.

"Wakey wakey!" It was Sehun, her supposes 'boyfriend' who she hated.

"What is it, Mr. Oh Se Hun?!" She hissed.

"Ooh~ Angry much? Get up or you'll be late for work baby" He sang.

"Shut. Up. And, thanks for ruining my sleep" 

"Very welcome~ Now get up. Bye baby" He hung up, and she pulled her hair in frustration. 

"Must find a way to kill that guy, he ruined my sleep and my dream!!" She gritted angrily.

After getting ready, but still having an hour before work, she decided to make breakfast. She wad frying the eggs when the doorbell rang. She sighed as she knew who it was and opened the door.

"Wasn't it enough for you to ruin my morning?" She asked Sehun, who was standing outside.

"At least you're making breakfast today, thank me for that"

"Get. Out. Of. My. House!" She hissed, her tone filled with anger and venom.

"This is gonna be our house, must get used to coming here!" He said as he pushed himself inside. 

"Since when is this house gonna be ours, if I may ask?" She asked sarcastically.

"We're gonna get married anyways, right?"

"NO! Now get out before I kill you with my hands!"

"Doctors save people, they don't kill them"

"FYI, I'm a Dentist, not a surgeon, so GET OUT!!" She pushed him out, and locked the door.

"He burned my eggs..... Perfect! He ruined my sleep, my morning, and my breakfast!!" She stomped her feet like a child and made a new set of eggs. After finishing her breakfast, she locked her house and went to the clinic on her scooter.

A/N : Yay! First chappie's up!! So, Jaehyun is a cute boy who's getting distant with his Dad Onew, who can't spend time with him because of work. And Jjongie has a daughter!! ><

Now isn't that special?

This is something I never want to happen to anyone, you know, your own child getting distant from you. I mean, that would be heartbreaking right? :(

And Sehunnie is the rival here! Too bad he will be out of the love-zone.

CUD's......... Annyeong~!!! ♥

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C3cilia #1
Chapter 11: Ugh!!!!What did she notice?!?! Can't wait for next chapter
C3cilia #2
Chapter 10: I bet jiyoung is watching them. Ani. Authornim your story us good. Its okay if u cant come up with any idea. I know its hard.
C3cilia #3
Chapter 6: Oh so thats what happen. Oh, Sehun u should have not doubted her. -_-
C3cilia #4
Chapter 4: No problem authornim, i really enjoy your fanfic. Omo they kiss!!! Ah~ cant wait for the next chapter!!! >~<
C3cilia #5
Chapter 3: Cant wait to read more!! I was wondering why is Jiyoung is dating Sehun if she doesnt even like him? Was she force to by her dad??