Chapter 1

The Promise

Chapter one: Life After 5 years 

Everyday for the past 5 years, the thing that Sulli keeps her hoping is the promise she made to Minho and the promise Minho made to her. Now at age 23, the hopes of Minho comeping back is still high for Sulli. Although not having communications with each other for the past 3 years, Sulli didn't loose hope 

"Are you day dreaming about what Minho promised to you? Sulli-ah, it's been five years. Do you think he still remembers the promise? What if he forgot all about it?" Victoria says, trying to break Sulli's day dreaming. Hearing this, Sulli came back to reality and shyly smiled at Victoria

"He won't. He makes his promises come true. When I promised him, I really meant it. I'll wait no matter how long. Unnie, you get where I'm coming from right? You and Nichkhun oppa had a smiliar situation as me. Look at you guys now, your happily married and going  to have your first baby, me and Minho will be the same." Sulli says 

"That's because we have constant communication. I'm not saying that you won't end up like me and Nichkhun because you guys haven't talked for three years. I'm saying that having communication with each other is better than waiting on a hopeless promise. Don't take this in a wrong way, okay?" Victoria counters back, Sulli sighs 

"I get you. Frankly, there were times where I had to rethink of what happened. Sometimes, I want to call him up and say that I'm over it and I don't want to go through it. But then I remembered that Minho keeps his promises. He won't disappoint me. I'm sure of it" Sulli says 

"How are you so sure? Do you really know him? What if he gave you promise that he won't keep? You know there's a saying that sometimes promises are meant to be broken, what if he broke it and went to stop other girl? And your still hoping for nothing?" Victoria says, hearing such words, Sulli felt a pinch of pain in her heart 

"He won't.. He loves me and I love him" Sulli shyly replies

"Let's say, you two meet after 5 years. You remember him, but he doesn't remember you. Are you going to confront him?" Victoria says 

"I'll do anything to get him remember me. Anything." Sulli replies

"Like what? Sacrificing everything you have?" Victoria asks 

"If it's needed, then yes. I would do that" Sulli responds 

Although Victoria doesn't agree with it, she tired to convince herself that whatever Sulli's decision maybe, she'll support her. It was true that Nichkhun and Victoria had a similar situation with Sulli and Minho right now. But the only difference is that Nichkhun and Victoria talked to each other constantly, and Victoria would visit Nichkhun in the states. 

As much as Sulli wanted to visit Minho, time forbids her to do so. Being busy with school and family, Sulli couldn't find a time to go. Sulli missed Minho so much, she wants to feel his warmth, smell his scent and kiss his lips once again

"Your coming back aren't you? Bubba, you know I miss you. I miss touching your face, holding your hands, hugging you. So comeback quickly. I love you, bubba. You take care, while I take care of myself." Sulli thinks back to the last conversation they had with each other 

"Oh unnie, what should I do? What if your right?" Sulli cries, Victoria moves closer to Sulli and hugs her. Victoria just let Sulli cry, for she knows that she was trying to hold back the tears for the past 5 years and now she let them out. 

"It will be alright, dont give up now. You waited this long." Victoria comforts, Sulli sobs harder 

"Your stronger than this. You can get through this" Victoria says, Sulli wipes her tears and smiled a bit at Victoria 

"Unnie, I miss him. I really do but what would crying do? Nothing right? You're right, I can get through this. Fighting" Sulli says, Victoria smiles 

 "Sulli-ah, I have to get going now. Nichkhun wants be to be home by this time. Go home safely, call me when you get home. No more crying, Araseo? Bye aegi! I love you" Victoria says before leaving. Victoria hugged Sulli one last time and leaves 

Since Sulli is left behind, Sulli decided to stay for abit before leaving as well. As she was leaving out the door, Sulli accidentally bumped into someone pretty hard, causing her to drop her bag. Luckily the man picked it up, when Sulli was going to say thank you, she froze at the sight of who was the guy 

It's been the person she has been dying to see again, and now they meet again. 

"Bubba.." Sulli whispers 

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naeminsul #1
Did Minho lose his memory??? I hope it's gonna end happily for my Minsul. Waiting for your update ^^
mariehojas #2
pls update soon authornim
Bubba ^^ Cute endearment. There must be something wrong that Minho forgot everything about Sulli. Interesting authornim. Will anticipate for the story. Thank you.
nana4ever #4
I hope Minho remembers. Looking forward to reading your story. ;)