Hot pack

Running with No Limit {Hiatus}

We all gathered around the lists that had been posted on the wall and looked at the rankings of the groups and a breakdown of the marks. My eyes falatered a little as I saw Jinhwan oppa and my name in the top bar result... however only in position two. And above our name sat B.I and Minji at first. I walked away from the board and looked at the individual feedback in my hands.I looked over to Jinhwan who stared mindlessly at the sheet with a phased out look as if he was staring past the paper to something else in the room. I just felt liek crumpling it up and ripping it to shreds but held back the urge as I picked up my backpack and headed to the dance rehersal room. I heard the footsteps race up behind me as her shrill smug voice rang up in my ear. 

"Unnie! good job, you guys did well"

I held back the urge to tackle her to the floor and just turned in the middle of the corridor and gave her a dead poker face 

"thanks, you too" I said before turning back and starting to walk again

"I guess I get to go with oppa to the dance then" I could feel the smug smile lacing the tone of her voice as I turned to face her again

Before I could reply I watched Hanbin step out of the main room doorway

"I guess so" and with that I left. 


The day dragged on just as terribly as it had began and as I stepped out of the building after training I could feel the weariness set into my bones finally give in.

As I walked out of the building I wondered what to do. Usually when I had a ty day at training I would go over to Hanbin's dorm and drown my sorrows away in as many packs of ramyun as I could manage but... I couldn't really do that today. Walking I stopped as a speck of snow landed on my nose and I looked up to see it starting to snow. I pulled my coat around me tightly and adjusted the beanie on my head. I arrived at the dorms but somehow my legs just froze when I tried to walk in and instead I stood in the cold of the night letting myself become covered by the continuous fall of snow. 

Hanbin approached from behind and stopped a metre away standing watching as I too stood silently. Slowly he came over clearing his throat as I gave an unexpected shiver and turned around snapped out of my daze.

"Hey" he said looking at me

"Hi"  I said back with a small smile and before I knew it I said something I probably shouldn't have let myself

"Want to go get some ramyun from the convenience store?" 

He stared at me before slowly nodding. The two of us walked silently and I could feel my hands freezing from the cold. I rubbed my red nose before dropping it to my side as I felt my hand brush against Hanbin's.

"Sera... your hand is really cold" he said scratching his temple

".. yeah I know" 

It went silent again as we walked in the dark of the empty night. Suddenly he pulled his backpack of his back and pulled something out of it before grabbing my hand and placing a small hot pack in it.

"I'm fine, it's okay"

"aaay you're nose is betraying you Yoo Sera"

"Thanks" I said awkwardly as we arrived at the convenience store "don't you need it though"

"Don't worry I'll just buy another one here" Hanbin pointed to the shop. We went in looking for our signature ramyuns before sitting at the window ledge seats and waiting for the ramyun to cook.

"You were really good Yoo Sera"

I turned to face him

"I really liked you're performance it felt... really real with you and Jinhwan"

"thanks, you guys were reall good too, well obviously" 

Hanbin kept looking at me as I went back to looking out the window

"I think you guys were better Sera" he said soft before looking out the window aswell 

"thanks for the stockings" I said as his eyes expanded in size and he turned back to look at my side profile.

"you left them at the bench that day, thank you Hanbin. Guess we're even now then huh"


"yeah you know, like you don't owe me any stuff from pissing me off anymore" I said jokingly but Hanbin's face turned ice cold

"I didn't plan to give them to you to get even Sera"

"I'm kidding Hanbin, I was just sayi-"

"Is that why you did a performance like that with Jinhwan, to get even" Hanbin said as I saw that look of anger resurface in his eyes

"what are you saying" I said feeling my cheeks starting to burn

"nothing" he said suddenly looking out the window again

"No, what do you mean to get even Hanbin" I said feeling offended

"you know Sera" he said suddenly cold

"No. I don't"

"Oh come on Sera, don't tell me you did a piece like that without having in mind you're weird thing with Minji"

"Oh my god Hanbin, what thing with Minji, what is a piece 'like that'"

"YOU KNOW, LIKE EMOTIONAL AND STUFF" he said his voice suddenly rising as I was set back

Sharply I turned to him as he clenched his jaw looking away."Hanbin you're losing it okay, the world doesn't revolve around your head and anyway we decided on that piece the day we picked partners and it was before ...Christmas"

The atmosphere chilled over as we both sat 

"Well you were really good, doing that piece" Hanbin said with a bitter sting to his words. He looked up into my eyes with that same look from the day of assessment "you really moved me Sera,whether you'd meant to or not, guess you're just that good a performer you move people Yoo Sera"

I stood up and took the hot pack out of my pocket and threw it at him as he flinched a little shocked and I walked out of the store feeling my head burning.

What the hell was he talking about, he was making no sense. I just wanted to eat ramyun with him and be cool and normal and fun but ....  I guess us, as friends ... just wasn't something concrete enough. And I mean we made friends as trainees where everyones neck to neck, noone's really friends when they're trainees. They're all weary that they might have to let go of these people soon or these people might turn into their enemies in a split second if need be and so I guess our friendship wasn't that strong to start off with anyway.

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PrinceKai299 #1
Chapter 10: what's wrong with hanbin? poor sera
Chapter 5: Can't wait for the update.