t h r e e

All's Fair In Love and Pets


You know how people get a clearer mind as they age? Sehun felt like he was getting dumber as he aged. (Or maybe was it because the other three of them liked to speak Alien?) Whatever it was, it was fine as long as he had the two of them. As in the cats. Okay and maybe Luhan too.

He woke up this morning, realising with a start that he woke up earlier than Luhan. But when he checked the clock moments later, Sehun realised he had set the alarm wrongly at six. Oh well, at least the alarm didn't go off late. He let Luhan sleep in a little more as he went out of their room to wash up.

Then he nearly screamed out loud when he saw two sets of glowing eyes staring at him in the dark corridor. One of the pair of eyes blinked and gave off a miaow before leaping down the nearby staircase. The other stayed still and stared back at Sehun.

Sehun took in a deep breath to calm himself down. They were Tear and Drop. Who else had mismatched eyes? Then he continued his walk to the bathroom, now fully awake after his scare. Barely a few steps later, he got his next scare. It wasn't really scary, but it was sort of bizarre.

It took Sehun a while to adjust his eyes to the dim lighting in the corridor. Then he realised it was Minseok, but with the three parakeets balancing on his shoulders. And he didn't look at all pleased. "Eeeediot," Fir cawed nervously from Minseok's right shoulder.

"Shut up," Minseok and Sef at the same time. Sehun raised his eyesbrows and asked, "What are you doing here early in the morning with them?" "Don't ask me. They sounded really irritated that I had to leave them alone," Minseok replied with a scowl, flexing his shoulders as if they cramped. 

Sehun suggested, "Maybe they're afraid of Jewel." The other scowled again, in a less surly tone, "There's no need to be scared. Jongdae has her locked in her cage already." Some blood drained away from Sehun's face when he heard that. He was sure he knew more about Jongdae than Minseok did, being his friend for the past few years. "Do you seriously trust what Jongdae says?" he asked unsurely.

Before Minseok had the time to reply, the all too familiar high pitched barking echoed up the staircase beside them reached Sehun's ears. The three parrots on Minseok's shoulders all shrieked at the same time and flapped their wings around Minseok's face, causing him to cough in the midst of their feathers. The brown poodle yapped happily as she leapt up the last flight of stairs and jumped at Minseok.

"Woah !" Minseok yelled as Gem flew to the top of his head and stood there. "No no no no no no-" Sehun instinctively backed up to the wall as he watched Jewel try to reach the parrots, in the meanwhile also forcing Minseok to balance on one foot in order to not step on Jewel. It took Sehun a minute to realise they were inching closer to the free standing lamp.

Sehun quickly ran towards Minseok to try to pull him out from the mess, but as usual, he tripped on the wire for the lamp on the floor. You can guess what happened next.

All of them, pets included, collapsed onto the floor, pulling the lamp along with them. As if the fall wasn't enough, the lamp landed on Sehun's bum hard. "Ouch," he muttered under his breath. So much for the day they got to go to Seoul.

He heard the room door open and Luhan asked in his hoarse morning voice, "Who died?" 

"No one," Minseok growled. Sehun then pulled himself away from the pile and collapsed on the wall behind him.




The early incident put Minseok in a fowl mood for the rest of the morning. It was only during lunch that he calmed down significantly. After taking their lunch, they split their duties for which animals to take care of. And Sehun got Jewel and a few other dogs. (God damn it.)

Since the rest of the three literally disappeared straight away after deciding which pets to take, Sehun resigned to his fate and began chasing the dogs into their respective cages. The others were relatively docile, so Sehun didn't have a problem settling them down. Jewel had been quite quiet, sitting at the side watching Sehun pack her comrades into their cages. Then, loud music suddenly blasted from upstairs.

Jewel went barking mad when the music played and began running around in circles. He wasn't even makinga pun. "Kim Jongdae! Can you turn your music off?!" Sehun yelled angrily towards the stairs. He went from sitting position onto his feet to a squatting position before lunging at Jewel. Just as his fingertips touched her curly fur, Jewel gave a sharp yip and dashed off.

Lying on the ground retardedly, Sehun sighed, feeling his elbows ache from the impact. Jewel then padded across the wooden floor and sat in front of him in an innocent manner. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously at her before leaping forward to catch her. In the last minute, he caught sight of Jongdae walking down the stairs hurriedly.

Jongdae's eyes flew wide open when he saw Sehun 'flying' towards him. "Get out of the way!" Sehun yelled in partial shock, but still ended up hurtling into Jongdae. While they were lying on a crumpled heap on the ground, Sehun grumbled as he pushed his friend away from him roughly, "That was the freaking second time today."




After a few other hoo-has and interruptions, the four of them managed to get their asses with their belongings (pets in tow) to the bus station. Minseok was still acting all jittery even though he had already calmed down. Sehun could only guess it was because he was nervous about returning to his old hometown.

A few other people were judging them from all the animals they had brought along and Jewel did not help the situation by barking in an extraoridinary high pitched tone from her carrier. "Keep quiet," Sehun hissed at her, but as you know, animals don't listen. Jongdae and Minseok were busy cooing over Kieran who at least had been able to move recently.

Thus, he and Luhan naturally got the role of taking care of the one, two, three, four- Nevermind. So there they sat, amongst the carriers, receiving the curious and awkward stares, and acting like they didn't know Minseok and Jongdae.

Sehun adjusted his snapback out of boredom before casting a random look at the other pair sitting opposite them. Tear and Drop sat in their carriers, glaring at him with their mismatched eyes in an accusatory manner, as if it were his fault that they were locked up. "Rrow."

He ignored Tear and looked over to the golden retriever who was wagging his tail happily due to the pats he was getting from Jongdae and Minseok. It seemed like a peaceful scenery until Drop interrupted, "Rrow."

"Shut up."


"Keep quiet."




Sehun sighed in frustration and ped the carrier before carrying the two of them out and them. Luhan commented as he gave Sehun a side look, "You look stupid." "Thanks dear," he answered while rolling his eyes. Luhan then went back to scribbling stuff onto a notebook afterwards. He had been writing all afternoon, but Sehun didn't give much thought about it. However, he felt interested in it now.

He shifted his position to the right to sit closer to Luhan and peered over his shoulder, trying to decipher his words. "Go to Gangnam... Namsam Tower... Pet show... Kieran's recovery..." Sehun took his head off the other's shoulder as he asked and looked at him, "A wish list?" "Mmhmm," Luhan replied serenely with a smile, "I want to do as many of these while we're out of town."

Sehun couldn't really say no to his smile. "Okay. We'll do all of those."

Luhan beamed and leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. Sehun's heavy mood immediately lifted when the breeze like kiss carressed his cheek. The coach then drove into the parking lot, right on spot. Cheerfully, he took Luhan's hand and moved off to get ready their belongings.


The coach ride was unusually peaceful and rather quiet. Not that Sehun was complaining. It just felt surreal that they would have silence for the first time in days. Even Jewel must have felt oblidged to stay calm. As the countryside zipped by, Sehun stared blankly outside, leaning back onto the seats while holding hands comfortably with Luhan.

Halfway through the ride, Sehun felt Luhan's head drop onto his shoulder. He smiled discreetly as he looked down at the sleeping angel. His angel. No matter how sassy Luhan could get at times, he felt blessed to have him by his side. 




Two hours later, the coach made a stop in a small village. Luhan and Minseok wanted to go to see a small pottery shop, leaving Sehun and Jongdae alone to wander around. Somehow, they ended up in a convenience store near the coach area.

As expected, the store was empty, except for two girls slightly younger than himself. Sehun wouldn't have noticed them if not for the nosy parker Kim Jongdae who noticed them watching a television at the cashier. When they moved closer to the girls, Sehun realised that they were watching an entertainment channel.

"Omo Kai's so hot!" the long haired one squealed as she stuffed her face with chips. Her bespectacled friend nodded wholeheartedly but she seemed to eye the bag of chips her friend was holding wistfully. Just wanting to get an idea of what was happening, Sehun stretched his neck over the counter to catch a glimpse of the screen.

There was a male in the program in the midst of cuddling a few dogs. His smile could have passed off as au naturale for the girls, but Sehun knew better. Maybe it was because of staying in a place where sincere smiles existed. "Who is he?" he heard Jongdae's voice behind him.

The two girls immediately stood up from their high chairs and turned to face Sehun. The long-haired girl grinned at Sehun, "How can I help you?" Before the awkwardness could settle in, Jongdae came walking into their view with a few bags of stuff. "Uh just wanted to buy these," he said.

Sehun picked at one of the bags and found that they were marshmallows and chips. He sighed, "You're not going to feed Kieran the marshmellows again, are you?" Jongdae complained immediately, "Geez. That was such a long time ago. Anyway, no. They're for Minseok." Sehun then took in the amount of bags Jongdae held in his arms. He frowned, "All for him?"

"Eh no. The chips and some marshmellows are mine."

"You spent one year to cut down on that cheek fat and now you're eating all... these...?"

Jongdae quickly hushed him up, "That's private and confidential." He then smiled at the two girls, "Hullo. Hope you won't mind." The bespectacled one shrugged and answered coolly, "It's okay. We don't have much going on around here anyway." They procceeded to tag the goods and Sehun gave Jongdae an evil eye which the other had no qualms about ignoring.

After a minute, Sehun returned his attention to the televsion programme. Jongdae seemed to remember his earlier question and asked, "Who's that guy?" "Oh, you mean Kai?" Long-hair giggled, "He's the current Hallyu star." "Very popular. Very handsome," her friend chimed in. Sehun raised a skeptical eyebrow before asking, "I dunno... But don't you think it's a bit fake?"

The fact sank into Jongdae a moment later but the girls still looked puzzled. Long-hair asked curiously, "What do you mean?" Sehun exchanged glances with Jongdae then shook his head, "Nevermind."

Just as they were paying for the snacks, Sehun heard the bespectacled girl whisper to her friend, "Is he the Sehun guy?" "Not sure. But he does look like him. And his friend, um who was it? Jongdae?" 

"Huh? What? Did someone call me?" Jongdae asked dumbly while looking around. "Oh my god it's really them!" Both girls shouted at the same time. Sehun couldn't help but feel stunned at their outburst. Apparently, Jongdae also felt a similar way judging by his lost expression.

All Sehun could say was, "What?" The bespectacled girl asked excitedly, "How are the puppies? They were so cute in the picture!" Sehun quickled recovered from his trance and answered, "They've been adopted. Anyway, how do you know about us?" 

"You and your friends are really famous now, don't you know?"

Obviously not.

"Plus the four of you are really handsome too."

"Can I have an autograph?"

Okay we need to scrat now.




It was 7.00 in the evening when they reached. Brutally saying, it was a direct culture shock. There were buildings everywhere. And there were so many people. While they were dragging the luggage and the pet carriers, he heard Luhan ask, "Shouldn't they be at home by now?" Minseok answered a second later after looking around at the buildings, "City people don't go back home that early."

"What about their families?" Jongdae asked curiously beside Sehun. But Minseok again slipped into his own dimension of dreaming. So they didn't get their answer.

If there was one thing Sehun liked about Seoul, it was the lights. The life at night. It was almost like there was order in chaos. 

Even the pets continued staying silent, taking in the new surroundings. Fortunately, Minseok's old apartment was near the Central Business District where they had alighted, so they had little walking to do. The environment got more and more glamourous as they walked. European cars lined the roads as whitewashed buildings popped up into view.

Soon, they all reached a particular building with a black coat of paint and a currently closed cafe at the first level. The front door was a heavy gold metal with an electronic passcode pad. "Um, Min. Are you sure we're at the right place?" Jongdae asked unsurely.

Minseok nodded his head impassively and answered, "It still looked the same. They only put this damn passcode pad here. What do they think this is? A celebrity's house?" It took them a long time before they could unlock the door. When the door beeped open, Sehun literally rushed in on cloud nine.

The lobby was just like a five-star hotel, with sofas and whatnot. "Are you damn sure this is your apartment?" Luhan inquired, looking very intimidated by the expensive things around him. Minseok answered agitatedly, "Yes I am sure!" 

The first lift up to the fifth storey was empty, but they could only fit Jongdae and Minseok in with the pets. As a result, they went up before Sehun and Luhan, leaving the luggage to them. In the next lift, they shared it with a soft looking male, maybe older than Sehun. 

The ride up was fine, up till Luhan beamed at the male, "Hello!" The guy seemed to melt into the lift's walls upon hearing Luhan's greeting. Leave it to Luhan to make everything awkward. It took Sehun a moment to realise that the male hadn't pressed any number other than their floor. 

When the lift doors opened, the male immediately dashed out to the right corridor. Sehun stepped out just in time to see him shutting an apartment's door close behind him. The two of them pulled the luggage to the said number with Minseok standing at the doorway. He asked tiredly, blinking his eyes to keep himself awake, "Who was that running?"

Luhan then cupped a hand to the side of his mouth as if telling a secret. He mouthed comically to Minseok, "It was our neeeighbourr. I think we scaaared him off. Do we look weird?" After hearing that, Sehun let out a long sigh and banged his head helplessly against the door post.



Hello! Sorry for not updating! Any guesses on who their neighbour is? :)



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Eevees #1
Chapter 2: Granny is not joking around.. but she seems nice (I don't think that anybody in this fic is fully sane, including pets :3)
Eevees #2
Chapter 1: Ohh I love your story and I'm really glad you decided to write a sequel! I'm already getting too attached to all these pets and I hope to God Kieran will be fine :c
I have a doggie myself and I'm pretty sure he's slightly possessed by a demon so I cannot imagine how hard it is to run a shelter or a veterinary clinic with dozens and dozens of crazy creatures.
Can't wait to see how this story is going to turn out :3
4suremel #3
Omoooooooo! Looks so goooodddd! But what's the slight angst? Drama? Happiness? La la la la la la la la la La~ thank you for the sequel, I always felt I wanted to see more hunhan! And the other EXO members obviously!
Can't wait! Thanks so much for the sequel~