


- Before. ( three years ago )


It was almost time to open the shop but Naeun wasn’t nearly finished with her work. She still needed to send the money from yesterday to the bank, water all the flowers and bring new ones in from the back and she didn’t even start one thing because of an annoying working that works next to her shop. 



This happens almost everyday ever since she brought the place. she would wake up extra early, take a shower and then would eat her breakfast quickly and leave to open the shop. But that annoying worker, Bang Yongguk would always bother her and it would stop her from doing her work. They would always argue over the littlest things. How he plays his music too loud in the morning, how he is parked in her spot ( though it isn’t technically hers but she always tends to park there. ) and the list continues.


The “annoying worker”, Yongguk may seem annoying or rude but he really isn’t. Unlike Naeun, he doesn’t feel hate towards her, like she does with him. It’s more of a lovey-dovey feeling he has towards her. Yongguk would purposely do things to just talk to her. Stupid, right? He knows it himself but he knows she wouldn’t even look at him once if he tried to talk to her like anybody else would. Yongguk did try that once, when she first brought the place next to his tattoo shop …


Naeun had invited a couple of her friends over to help her decorate her new flower shop that she had just brought.. Naeun had always loved to grow things ( especially flowers in general ) ever since she was little. She would always look out the window and see her mother growing all types of flowers in the garden in their backyard-


“Hey Naeun!” Naeun turned around and smiled at her friend, Eunji who was calling her “Hey, what's up?” She wiped her hands with a cloth that was on a table and walked over to her, pushing a couple pieces of her hair behind her ear. “There is somebody outside for you” Eunji pointed to door and Naeun smiled, thanking her and walking to see who the person was.


As she was walking to the door she noticed a man waiting in front. She suddenly became nervous. Not that that she was nervous of boys in general, it was because of what happened to her father two years ago that had made her change her perspective of men. Beads of sweat started to form on her head and her pace started to slow down with every step she took but she made it.


The man turned around and gave her a smile and she ree back to him, “Hello, I’m Naeun.” It was short and simple. She bowed quickly and held her hand out to shake his.


Yongguk could tell she was nervous, her hands were literally shaking in front of him. He actually found it rather cute. “I’m Yongguk, Hello Naeun” Giving her a smile again he bowed also and held her hands to shake and he swear his heart was beating a hundred times faster when their hands touched.. “I just wanted to welcome you here and introduce myself, I didn’t want to seem rude” He laughed a little trying to change the mood and Naeun chuckled a bit. “Well it’s nice to meet you, Yongguk” she smiled at him and heat started to suddenly form on his cheeks. Was he blushing? Yes. Surprisingly Naeun found it cute but didn’t say anything. “I still need to finish cleaning up place, it’s nice meeting you” she bowed again and he did the same “Goodbye, Naeun”  Soon they both went their separate ways.


“Why was she so scared?” Yongguk asked himself, tilting  his head a bit as he started walking back to his place next 


- After. ( three years later )


The sun was shining through Yongguk’s curtains and it was hitting him right in the face. He groaned loudly and squinted his eyes, turning his whole body over to the other side of the bed, wrapping his arms around Naeun’s waist. Yes, Naeun. The girl who was afraid to even look at him three years ago is now sleeping peacefully in his arms on their bed.


“Good morning, baby” Naeun whispered as she rubbed her eyes and turned her body to face his, while fixing his hair a little even though she knew it was still going to be messed up either way. Yongguk sighed a little and gave her his best smile that he knew would always make her heart skip a beat, “Good morning, beautiful” He gave her light feather kisses on her neck and naeun giggled. 


It was like a dream to Yongguk, the girl he met three years ago was afraid of him and he just thought there was something wrong with his appearance that made her so afraid but it wasn’t and he was glad of that. 


One day Naeun’s flower shop got robbed late at night while Yongguk was just closing up his place when he heard a scream and a gun shot. He stood still for a moment and dropped his keys. He had to save her. 


And he did. His boxing skills really came in handy that day, let’s just say no one will really see that man again. After that they surprisingly got closer and both of their feelings towards each other just grew day by day.. It wasn’t hate that grew. It was love. For almost two years they have been dating and now they live in a small condo together happy as they could ever be.


“Can you believe it?” Naeun and Yongguk were still in bed. Only this time they were cuddling each other and playing with each other’s hair. “We’re going to get married .. This is like a dream” Yongguk looked at his fiance and kissed her nose, “Oh I believe it” He laughed and rested his head on her neck, “I love you so much Naeun, I don’t know what I would without you.” He closed his eyes and tried to imagine what it would look like if she wasn’t in his life and all he saw was a black wall staring at him, “You won’t lose me, I promise you.” Naeun replied and drew little circles on his arm.


“Now let’s get up, I need to cook breakfast.” Naeun said as she tried getting up from his tight grip but it only caused him to hold her tighter, “No, let’s stay in bed the whole day.” He smiled to himself and closed his eyes. “I wish, Yongguk. I wish.” She laughed softly, “But come on we’re both off today and I really want to go to that new restaurant that just opened, you promised me” She pouted a little and he kissed her lips and smiled, “We will go, but that’s later” His grip on her stayed the same.


Naeun groaned a little and tried to free herself even though she knew yongguk was ten times stronger than she was. “Yongguk please, I know you’re hungry” As if she read his mind the empty room was soon filled with his stomach growling. “See? Let me cook you something” Naeun laughed. Groaning quietly he let go of her but soon grabbed her arm, “You promise to come back?” He looked up at her and she nodded her head, “I promise.” She kissed his forehead and walked to the bathroom to brush her teeth and then went straight to the kitchen.


Not even ten minutes he finally got out of the bed, took a shower and walked downstairs quietly and wrapped his arms around her waist, “You’re just in time, the food is ready” Yongguk only hummed as a reply, “Hurry up before the food gets cold” He could tell she was laughing the way she said that and he smiled letting go of her and sitting down at the table.



- ( a/n: please tell me what you think about the story, feedback would be great ~ )
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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 1: Good one... Beautiful