


There are 12 zodiacs signs yet the only sign that I seemed to catch with my bait is Aquarians. 

Yes, it's a bad thing. Why?
Because it's either they are players or they're disloyal, huh same thing either way.

In my years of living the only boys I've encountered with was always Aquarians. As much as I've tried to avoid them, they just somehow found their way to me or it's the other way around. 

My sister's boyfriend is an Aquarius, funny how he's now 'loyal' as he was just as a player then from now.
But as much as my sister tells me everytime I complained to her she'd say the same thing : that Aquarius just haven't find their 'the one' yet, and when they do, they'll be the most loyal bla bla bla. 


Then now, I think I might have found my 'the one' but sadly I'm not sure if I'm his.




Zodiac symbol Water-Bearer
Duration (tropical,western) 20 January – 19 February (2015, UTC)
Constellation Aquarius
Zodiac element Air
Zodiac quality Fixed
Sign ruler Uranus
Detriment Sun
Exaltation SaturnMercury
Fall Neptune



According to the Western astrologers Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aries make the best partners for Aquarians


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