My Life be like Ooooh Aaaah

Its all uncharted

The sound of basketballs rhythmically thumping against the floor and sneakers squeaking filled the gym. A loud laugh broke through the noise. The basketball coach shot the source of the obnoxious sound a look of disapproval.


Yoona laughed again. Not bothering to apologize. What's the worse the coach could do? Suspend her from the team? They'd never. Yoona was their ticket to the championship and everyone knew it.


"Hey Yoona, there's a party this friday. You coming?" One of her fellow teammates asked.


"I'll think about it." Answered the basketball star. The key to popularity was to always keep them guessing. Make it seem like you always had multiple things to do.


The coach blew the whistle signaling that practice was done for the day. After hitting the showers Yoona raced down the hallway trying to avoid anyone who hadn't gotten the hint that she wasn't interested in a romantic relationship with them.


"Oof!" Yoona and another student collided, sending the latter to the ground.


"Omo! Are you okay?" Yoona asked as she extended her hand to help the fallen girl up. She raised an eyebrow when she realized who the girl was.


"Seohyun? Am I right?"


The other girl looked up in surprise as she dusted off her skirt. "You are correct."


Yoona looked the girl up and down. Despite attending the same schools since middle school the two girls had never had a single class together. Yoona had to admit the brunette grew up well.


 Seohyun adjusted her glasses and bent over to pick up her books.


"I got it." Yoona said as she squatted and picked up the fallen books.


"Lotta books you got here. Your english teacher must really hate your class." Yonna joked.


"Actually these books are for my private reading." Seohyun replied. She took the books from Yoona one by one until all 7 were in her arms.


Yoona checked the slightly taller girl out again before making her decision.


"There's gonna be a party this weekend at my friend's place. I'm sure you'd love a chance to get away from those books." Yoona winked. No one could resist her charm.


"No thank you."


Yoona shook her head lightly. She must have heard her wrong. "What?"


"Sadly I will have to decline your invitation."


Yoona stared at the girl in shock. Was this a joke? No one had ever said no to Yoona.


"I have a lot reading to catch up on." Said the taller girl.


Yoona leaned against a locker and brushed her hair back. "Its one night. You'll have the rest of the weekend to read those dumb books."


A look of hurt flashed across Seohyun's face. Yoona inwardly flinched at her mistake. Maybe she shouldn't have called the books dumb.


Seohyun bowed politely and said "I have to be home now. Goodbye."


With that Seohyun was gone leaving Yoona in the hallway alone.


Yoona stared after her with hanging slightly open. Girls usually fell at her feet left and right. Any other girl would have jumped at the chance to be Yoona's date to a party. Shaking it off Yoona pushed herself off the locker.


"Whatever." She grumbled. Continuing down the hall Yoona spotted a pretty girl standing in the corner packing her bag.


"Hey Lizzy. Me. You. Party this friday night. I'll pick you up at 8?" Yoona stated as she winked. Lizzy practically melted.


"Yes!" The younger girl shouted out way too eagerly.


Yoona grinned. She still had it. What happened with that Seohyun girl was just a fluke.


Yoona walked closer to Lizzy and placed her hand against the wall next to Lizzy's head. She leaned in closely; her hips grazing the other girl's just slightly.


"Wear something y." Yoona breathed into her ear. She turned her head to look into the other girl’s eyes.


Lizzy's gaze was fixed on Yoona's lips. She started to lean in when Yoona jerked back.


"See you then." Yoona said walking backwards away from the girl. Once she was through the school doors she heard the girl squealing, but she didn't care to look back.


Girls like Lizzy bored her. Yeah they were hot, but they were too willing. After one date they'd just become another notch on Yoona's headboard. Where was the chase? Where was the suspense?


The only girl who ever challenged Yoona was her ex-girlfriend. No matter how hard Yoona tried her ex refused to sleep with her.


Yoona knocked herself in the head.




No more thoughts about that witch. Not after what happened.


Finally reaching her car Yoona got in and sped off into the night.

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Oooohhhh!!!! Yulsic....drama.... Heheheheh I'll like it if you put drama in it (yulsic) heheheh Please Update soon!! Hehehe Jessica vs Gyuri for Yuri yay! Hahahah hihihihi I'm going slightly crazy XP peace~ (^o^)v
remapsouls #2
Love your Fanfic :D<br />
Update Soon Please! x
Yulsicafied09 #3
kya~~~ it is so cute.<br />
RF? im definitely in!<br />
Yuri is such thoughtful seobang<br />
and sica is really an ice princess and scary..