Eternal Sunshine

The first time Shinyeon found Minho cheated on her was on their anniversary.

It was a rainy day when Shinyeon decided to take her umbrella and went out to buy the ingredients for the dinner she planned. She wanted to make a special dish for Minho although she couldn’t cook that much. She made an Omurice and spicy fried chicken in hope Minho would still like it even the egg was messy and torn right here and there.

It was 30 minutes before Minho came home when Shinyeon realized she needed to buy some cupcakes just for a little celebration, so she took her umbrella again and walked to the bakery. Her smile never left her lips, remembering the first day she and Minho were together until now they would have their 5th anniversary. A lot of moments passed and Shinyeon was more than grateful for those moments.

Shinyeon walked out the bakery holding a box of cupcakes. She also asked for little candles too knowing Minho loves to blow some candles, how childish wasn’t he? But Shinyeon loved this childish Minho. She hummed some random happy songs during her walk, watching the passerby who ran through rain or just waiting the bus at the bus stop. Sometimes she thought about how the other people’s lives were; were they happy just like her or else. She was smiling looked at an old couple who used an umbrella together when suddenly she saw someone familiar.

Shinyeon couldn’t see his face, no, she didn’t recognize that person who hugged a girl and almost kissed her from the face. Shinyeon recognized the person from his shirt. That shirt was the same shirt as Minho’s, the shirt she bought on Minho birthday, the only one shirt with an SH embroidery on the chest right where the heart was, the white shirt that Shinyeon herself buttoned it up for her Minho this morning.

Shinyeon felt like her breath was taken away when Minho leaned in to kiss that woman. She couldn’t even breathe when Minho smiled to that woman, that smile that Shinyeon loved to see in the morning when she woke up, but right now, that woman got to have it too.

Her umbrella fell, just like her heart. The water splashed everywhere, damped her.

Her tears fell, joining the rain. And she ran. She held the cupcakes box tightly. She had lost the direction, the direction her heart was supposed to go.


Shinyeon sat in their shared sofa. The cupcakes box neatly placed on the table in front of her, closed. The table was decorated beautifully 30 minutes ago. The dish seemed like calling someone to eat them up. But Shinyeon just sat there, drenched, and lost. Her memories about her and Minho was broken into pieces, she still couldn’t believe that Minho was cheated on her.

Suddenly the front door opened, and Minho came in and placed her coat. Shinyeon saw Minho walked to her and smiled at her, but then his brows curled, signaling he was confused, maybe the reason why Shinyeon was drenched.

“Babe, what’s wrong? Let’s get a dry shirt or you’ll catch a cold”

‘Why did you care Oppa?’ that was what Shinyeon wanted to say to Minho, but indeed couldn’t utter a single word. She just gave up to Minho’s embrace who guided her to the bedroom.

‘He just smelled like another woman’s perfume, this smell wasn’t mine again’ Shinyeon’s lips quivered, smiled bitterly.

“Wait here, babe, I’ll bring you some shirt”

Shinyeon watched Minho’s board back, like he really walked away from her.

“Go get changed babe, I’ll take a bath neh?” Minho gave a soft peck on Shinyeon’s lips and left.

‘Why are you so calm Oppa? Are you trying to kill me a little by little? Burn me into ashes?’

It was ten minutes later when Minho was already inside the bathroom and Shinyeon sat on the bed.

‘How did Minho met that woman? How long they’ve been together? What did they do?’

Curious eating her up, so she took Minho’s phone from the drawer.

It was locked and had a password.

‘Sure Shinyeon, he didn’t want you to know what did he does with her’

Amazingly the password was just their anniversary date, how ironic-that was what Shinyeon thought.

She scrolled down through the messages and there they were, the proofs.

Half of his messages were from Yul.

‘Yul..’ and Shinyeon opened the contact photo. ‘Pretty’

She opened one of the messages and she broke into the tears again.


From: Yul

Baby, I miss you. When will you come again? I already missed you :(

 I’ll cook you your favorite dish again. I love you <3


So that was why Minho never complained about Shinyeon’s awful dish? Because he had someone cooked for him later. And they met, they freaking met behind her back.

Shinyeon couldn’t bear it, she placed the phone back and walked out the room.


“Happy anniversary baby”

Minho said that to the stiff Shinyeon, back hugging her while kissing her nape.

“I love you”


“Only you”


After those lies, Shinyeon still couldn’t resist when Minho kisses her neck, down to her collarbone. Marking her just like he usually did. He kissed her lips, like he only kissed Shinyeon in her life. He couldn’t even stop Minho when he carried her to their room without parting their lips.

Night passed with moans and cried from Minho’s lips. Shinyeon just moans and cried, tears of bitterness and broken. That woman slept with him too, so what’s the point of she slept with him? Just to satisfy his need? Or it was just his obligation as Shinyeon’s lover?

A long moan and groan escaped from their lips and Minho collapsed beside Shinyeon.

“I love you Shinyeon, so much”

It was funny that I still can't hate you even when you didn't keep your faith.

‘I love you too Oppa, so much it hurts’


Minho woke up, feeling empty and cold.

It was unusual when he woke up without Shinyeon beside him, smiling at him.

He walked to the kitchen, hoping he would find Shinyeon’s warmth there, cooking for him.

But it was empty.

‘Maybe he was out for grocery shopping’

That was Minho thought until he saw an envelope on the table.

And he fell on his knees.

His Shinyeon left him.

And it was his fault.


I’m sorry Oppa

I really need to go, away from you

It was me who can’t make you happy enough

It was me who can’t make you such a delicious dish

It was me who wasn’t good enough for you

Thank you for those memories

Thank you for being the best lover I ever had

Thank you for everything

Don’t forget that I’ll still love you

But now I’m letting you go

Please be happy with Yul





The apartment was messed.

Clothes hung everywhere. Dirty dishes left untouched. Glasses scattered into pieces. Just like the owner of the apartment, broken.

Minho was a mess.

He couldn’t smile, he couldn’t eat, he couldn’t do his job, he couldn’t move around the house without crying.

He couldn’t pretend that nothing was wrong, that his life without Shinyeon didn’t give an impact on him, that his heart was still great without Shinyeon with him, that his bed didn’t feel empty without Shinyeon beside him, that his morning was as bright as when there was Shinyeon’s smile to brighten it, Minho was indeed wrecked

Minho walked down the living room. Hie eyes blurred again. He remembered the time when he and Shinyeon cuddled on that sofa-the sofa that Shinyeon picked with a fight with Minho because Minho wanted the blue one while Shinyeon wanted the red one but in the end they got the red one because Minho loves Shinyeon that much-and watched movie, talking about the future.

“Oppa, how many children do you want?” Shinyeon asked.

“Hm? I want twins”

“Huh? Can we have twins? We don’t have any twins in our family”

Minho kissed her crown then her cheek “Of course. If it’s our luck”

“You won’t regret it right? Being with me?” Shinyeon suddenly asked.

“Why would I? You are perfect babe. I can’t find someone else”

Shinyeon was moved hearing those from Minho. Her eyes filled with happy tears.

“But please tell me if you got bored of me and want to have girl instead, you can always tell me and I will set you free Oppa”

True, Shinyeon will let Minho go instead of having the half-hearted boyfriend with her, the feeling of Minho didn’t love her again was hurt.

“I won’t baby, I promise”

“Don’t make a promise if you didn’t sure you can fulfill it Oppa”

“I’m sure, I promise you”

‘I broke it, I broke my promise. I’m sorry babe, I’m sorry’ 


Yul was Minho work partner. They were in the same department.

To be honest, Shinyeon was a lot way better than Yul, but there was something that Minho felt when he was with her. He was comfortable with her, just as comfortable as with Shinyeon. They went for dates, Yul cooked for him, she gave surprises for him, she greeted him with her smile when Minho had a fight with Shinyeon the day before. So maybe that was why Minho went out with her. He knew that he loves Shinyeon, but letting go of Yul was hard for him too.

But in the end, his heart would always back to Shinyeon. He would always need Shinyeon’s hugs, he will always need to hear Shinyeon’s ‘I Love You’s.

Minho stopped contacting Yul the second he read Shinyeon’s letter.

He was guilty, he knew how hurt Shinyeon must be.

Minho missed Shinyeon. A lot until he couldn’t breathe. He missed Shinyeon’s embrace, he missed Shinyeon’s kisses, he missed Shinyeon’s scent, and he missed Shinyeon’s homemade’s foods.

It hurt, hurt so much.


It was a month after Shinyeon left Minho.

Minho walked on the street, his mom was coming to his apartment and asked him to buy some groceries. She was irritated with Minho’s life, she was sad knowing her son could be this awful.

That was when Minho saw Shinyeon on the street across him.

She was smiling.

Minho’s heart swelled with happiness when he saw that smile he missed so much.

His heart cheered, his brain told her that it was his chance to make Shinyeon his again.

Until he saw Shinyeon was approached by a tall boy, a handsome tall almost malegod man. That man was smiling showing his gummy smile, as bright as Shinyeon’s. His hands opened wide, ready to embrace Shinyeon.

‘No no no Shinyeon no, you can’t hug him. NO! You’re mine!’ that was what Minho thought.

“SHINYEON!” He shouted.

Shinyeon turned to the voice she knew the most. The man in front of her lowered his hand and looked at the man who shouted Shinyeon’s name.

Shinyeon saw Minho run to him, crossing the street.

Minho saw nothing but Shinyeon.

He didn’t even saw a car that run in high speed to him.

All he saw was Shinyeon’s face, the face he was dying to see it again.

Shinyeon shouted with her might, stopping Minho.

Minho just running, imagining hugging Shinyeon again, until it suddenly turned into white.


5 years ago..


Minho was late. He had a test today and he was just 10 minutes late.

In the middle of running, knocking people around, he heard someone shouting “Hey” and “Excuse me”, he ignored it simply because he thought that that person didn’t call him.

Until a hand hold her arm.

Minho stopped, turned around, and yelled, “WHAT?!!”

The person in front of him bowed her head, in fear.


That person stretched out her hand. “Your phone fell from your pocket”

Minho saw her phone on her hand and suddenly he felt guilty for yelling at this person.

“Thank you”

“It’s okay” The said person answered slowly and then walked away.

Minho still have this guilt in his heart, remembered how the person bowed her head in fear before, so he called her, “HEY!”

The black-haired girl whom Minho called turned her head. “I said it’s fine” And then smile.

And that smile planted on Minho’s mind since then and never left.


The second meeting was unexpected, just like the first meeting.

It was a kind of family meeting or something like that. Minho’s mother only invited their family and her bestfriends.

Minho was bored, he had no friend and her cousins seems too preoccupied with the game they did, the game that Minho refused to join.

Minho headed to take a drink when out of nowhere someone bumped her, poured him with orange juice.

When Minho about to scold the one who caused this mess, his voice stuck, he felt like he lost his ability to speak.

Here, in front of his eyes, stood the same person he yelled at few weeks ago. The person who had an angelic smile painted at Minho’s mind and heart for weeks. That person who made Minho sleepless but had a beautiful dream after he fell asleep.

“I’m sorry I’m sorry, I didn’t see.. I’m sorry”

Minho held the hand who tried to clean her shirt.

‘Her hands were small, and cute’ that was Minho think about.

“It’s time for me to say ‘It’s okay’ right?”

And that pretty girl raised her head, forgetting her duty to clean the shirt.

“I’m Minho, what’s yours?” “Aa.. Umm.. It’s Shinyeon”

“Shinyeon-ssi, nice to meet you again”

And that was the time Minho saw Shunyeon’s smile clearly. And it was breathtaking.

They found out later that Shinyeon’s mom was Minho’s mom’s bestfriend. Minho got scolded because he didn’t even know her mom’s friend. But it ended happily because Minho got to have Shinyeon’s number.

Day and night Minho held her phone, call and texts with Shinyeon never tired him, her phone never left her hands. He was too happy. He was too in love with Shinyeon.


Shinyeon sat beside the unconscious Minho. Her hands hold Minho’s cold hand tightly. She prayed day and night for Minho to open his eyes.  It pained her to see Minho like this. It saddened her, she felt guilty. Those were what run on her mind.

What if she didn’t catch Minho cheating on him?

What if she forgave Minho and didn’t leave their house?

What if Minho didn’t see her and the run to her?

What if she was fast enough to save Minho?

She felt so damn guilty until she cried for days beside Minho’s bed.

It was already 3 days since the accident. Shinyeon never left Minho. She ate inside the room, she changed, practically she moved to this room. And strangely the hospital let her did it.

Shinyeon was touching Minho’s cheeks when suddenly he heard Minho’s phone rang.

She took the phone from the drawer and answered it right away.


“Is this Mr. Choi?”

“Mr. Choi couldn’t answer the phone at this moment, can I help you sir?”

“May I know whom I speak to?”

Who am I? Am I still Minho’s girlfriend?


“Ah yes, I’m Shinyeon”

“Oh! So you’re the one. It was nice to finally talk to you maam”

“I’m.. sorry?”

“I’m from the jewelry shop, few days ago Minho-ssi bought something from our shop, and his order was ready. Could you please tell him?”

“Is that possible that I take his order, he is ill so..”

“Sure, I’ll wait you. Thank you, Ma’am”

Shinyeon looked at Minho’s phone. It has a picture of Shinyeon kissed Minho’s cheek. A photo they took exactly right after they moved in together.


“Babe, let’s take a picture together!” Minho suggested to his-now-tired-girlfriend who lied on their new couch.

“Can we take it later Oppa? I’m tired”

“No” Minho whined. “You never took a picture with me, are you ashamed of me?”

Hearing those words, Shinyeon instantly woke up. “Who gave you the idea that I am ashamed of you?”

“No one, just you never want to have a picture with me, you never want to hold my hand when we go out, you didn’t even call me babe like I did”

‘Ugh, that pout’ Shinyeon adverted her eyes from Minho, he never get used to Minho’s pout.

“Babe please?” Minho turned Shinyeon to face him, batted her eyelashes.

“Fine! Stop acting cute”

Minho took his phone and ready to take a photo.

“Ready babe? One.. Two.. Three”

Shinyeon hurriedly kissed Minho’s cheek.

“Did you just.. Kissed me?” Minho was shocked. His Shinyeon never was the first for skinship.

Yes. And I’m not ashamed of you, it’s just.. I wasn’t able to show you that I care


It was the first time Shinyeon left Minho inside his room. After their moms came, she excused himself to go out for awhile. She headed to the shop.

It took 20 minutes from the hospital to the shop until she finally arrived at the shop.

If she looked back, this shop is quite close to the place when Minho got his accident.

When she opened the door, the bell chirmed and the owner greeted her.

“Welcome. What can I do for you maam?”

“Uh.. I’m Shinyeon”

“You want to take the order in Mr.Choi name right? Aaah you’re perfectly the same as Mr.Choi’s story 3 days ago”

Shinyeon gasped. 3 days ago was the same day as..

“Let me take it for you”

Few seconds later the owner came with a box in his hand.

“It was a bright day, the shop quite empty because maybe it was really hot. And then Mr.Choi came. He looked tired, and sad, or something like that. When I asked him what can I do for him, he just answered he just answered he need a ring, and then he found that ring. Our one and only, one of the best we had. He had this kind of smile looking at that. He said it was simple yet beautiful, just like her girlfriend.”

The owner of the shop opened the box and it revealed a ring. A silver ring with 5 diamonds on it.

“Mr. Choi said that he didn’t get his chance to give you his gift for your 5th anniversary so he bought this. He said that he will surely give you this when he hold you again. He said that…” And the rest of her words could be barely caught by Shinyeon, he took the ring and he saw the engraving inside the ring “Minho’s”. Shinyeon opened the letter that came with the box.


Happy 5th anniversary babe!

It’s 3 months late but it’s better late than never right?

I bought this ring in hope that when you had this ring on your finger, that means that you are already with me again, that you forgave me, that you still loved me like I loved you.

I miss you babe, so much.

I wrote Minho’s inside to show you and to the world that you’re mine, only mine.

I don’t know when I will meet you again, hug you and kiss you again.

I don’t know when I could say to you that I’m really sorry and how much I love you.

Until then, I just want to say that I love you, only you.

Please, just once. Look back at me and you’ll find me here always love and need you.

I love you Shinyeon.





Shinyeon walked back to the hospital.

Minho’s ring on her finger and she saved the letter inside her pocket.

She wasn’t crying. No.

She was tired of crying, she just need Minho to open his eyes and tell her everything, not from the letter, not from the other stories.


“Oppa, please wake up.. Do you hear me?” Shinyeon kissed Minho’s fingers. She placed Minho’s palm on her cheek. “I got your ring Oppa, please open your eyes”

But nothing happened.

“Oppa, it’s already a week. How long did you plan to sleep? Don’t you want to see me?”

Still nothing.

“You told me before that you won’t stop speaking to me more than an hour”

“Oppa, wake up please. What are you doing now? Are you playing with fairies? Are you swimming with the clouds? Oppa.. Please baby please wake up”

“Do you still love me?”

“Fine! If you didn’t wake up, I’ll find another man”

And Shinyeon swear she saw Minho’s finger moved.

She was closed to tears but she need to make Minho open her eyes.

“Oh you heard me Oppa? If you heard me, come back to me. Or you wanted me to go? I’m sure Yifan oppa is still waiting for me”

And Minho groaned.

“Oppa! You’re awake! Oh my God!” Shinyeon pressed the emergency button and in seconds the medics came.

Shinyeon was happy until she didn’t realize she was crying.

Her Minho was back.


Minho heard everthing. He heard everything Shinyeon said. He was mad at himself because he couldn’t answer his Shinyeon.

He knew Shinyeon slept beside him every day, he knew Shinyeon never left him. He even answered every single Shinyeon asked him.

“Oppa, please wake up.. Do you hear me?” Minho felt Shinyeon kissed his fingers and placed her palm on her cheek. “I got your ring Oppa, please open your eyes”

You got it babe? How is it? Beautiful right? Just like you.

“Oppa, it’s already a week. How long did you plan to sleep? Don’t you want to see me?”

I didn’t plan anything babe, I want to wake up too! I want to see you, so much! God! This is frustrating!

 “You told me before that you won’t stop speaking to me more than an hour”

And you stopped speaking to me for a day when I forget our 2nd anniversary, and you stop being with me when we had our 5th anniversary.

“Oppa, wake up please. What are you doing now? Are you playing with fairies? Are you swimming with the clouds? Oppa.. Please baby please wake up”

Fairies? Clouds? Baby you didn’t change, still my silly but cute Shinyeon.

“Do you still love me?”

I always do, oh my this is ridiculous!

“Fine! If you didn’t wake up, I’ll find another man”

No no no babe NO! What the—NO WAY! I need to wake up. I need to! God please help me. Please.

Minho tried to move his finger.

 “Oh you heard me Oppa? If you heard me, come back to me. Or you wanted me to go? I’m sure Yifan oppa still waiting for me”


Minho groaned and slowly muttered a ‘no’

He felt some doctors and nurses checked on him.

Few minutes later, he felt someone held his hand.

“You’re here Oppa, you’re awake. Oh thanks God!”

Minho opened his eyes slowly. His eyes tried to adjust with the light.

The first thing he saw was Shinyeon smiled, with some tears at the corner of her eyes.


“I’m… Sorry…” Minho tried to say that words. Those words he was dying to say.

“It’s okay Oppa, it’s okay”


The sky was bright and blue, the same as the sea behind Minho.

Minho waited for Shinyeon to come to him.

His and Shinyeon’s family, their bestfriends were waiting with her too.

The wedding march started and there he was, the love of her live walked to her in black tux. Minho smiled, as bright as Shinyeon’s smile in front of him.

They said their vows, they exchanged the rings.

“You can kissed your wife”

Minho leaned in, he saw how bright Shinyeon’s eyes. He saw her reflection in Shinyeon’s eyes, and he was sure Shinyeon could see his too in her eyes. A second later, their lips met.

And that was an eternity for them.


3 Years Later

“Umma, can we go to the park right there? Luhannie and Sehunnie made a promise with Umin hyung to play soccer with him” asked little Luhan one day. He woke up the sleeping Shinyeon, sitting on her stomach, poking his umma’s cheeks, until Shinyeon let out a groan.

“Can you ask your appa to accompany both of you? Umma is tired Hannie-baby” Shinyeon tried to persuade his baby-Luhan.

“Okay!” Luhan jump to his appa’s stomach and wake him up.

“Arrasseo I’ll take a bath first okay?” Minho said after he was fully awake because Luhan can’t stop slapping and touching his face

“No need appa, you are handsome. Let’s go! Sehunnie! Come here!” Luhan called his twin, he needed a help to drag his appa out.

Then came Sehun holding his frog doll, a present from his appa.

And here Minho was, sitting on the swing watching his babies play until a little voice startled him.

“Ahjussi, what’s wrong with your face?” A cute girl for about 6 year asked him. Her eyes twinkled in curiosity.

“Oh hello little doll, what’s wrong with ahjussi’s face?” As long as he remembered he didn’t have any acne this time.

“Do you really have a big mole on your cheek? And what’s with the red spot on your forehead? And the moustache, it is a reaaaallly long and funny. How did you get it, I want some for my appa. He always has this serious face humph!” The girl blabbering, but Minho’s brain was frozen from the time when she talks about moustache.





This is my first time writing Minho and OC

Forgive me if this is awful

Thank you for reading <3

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