❡Remember when?

Thinking Out Loud

Story Title: Remember when?
Characters: Song Minho (m),
Bae Joohyun (m)

Genre: romance, ew-y fluff.
Plot: Mino is busy with work and his work
hours seem to take longer and longer
when one night the engaged couple decided to
have a flashback to when they met and to how
they started dating.


Like every other night when the clock hit 12:30, Irene would open the door of the biggest balcony in her house and sit on the comfortable chair. Sometimes it rained and the sky was covered with clouds, most of the time it wasn't. And so, she most of the time would look up and watch the moonlight shine over the place. She would count the very few stars, displayed on the night sky right above the crowded, busy city. She would listen to the sound of singing birds, she would be watching the cars drive by, waiting for one specific car to arrive. And when the car arrived, she would wave to the driver, go back inside, lock the balcony door and open de front door. 

“Welcome back.” Irene smiled softly and let her soon to be husband in who pecked her cheek without a word before undressing himself. The same routine as always. The 22 years old man got out of his office clothes and put on a simple white T-Shirt and pyjama pants. He sighed and sat down on the dining table chair. Irene got a glass of water and brought it to him. “Anything wrong?” Again, he sighed.



“I think the time has come for you to work for the company.

His answer took Irene off guard. Work for the company? She still has another year before she finishes her studies, besides, she has already got work to do in her father's company every now and then. “But-

“I know what you're thinking, and I had a meeting about it with your father's side and my father's side. Both agreed on you working and quitting your studies. It's not necessary to finish them already, and it's just temporary.” Mino explained her.

The last two years went by so quickly. Irene being the second child of the CEO of one of the biggest investment companies around the world, and Mino being the only child of the CEO of South-Korea's biggest entertainment agency AND the nephew of one of the Samsung heirs, it was only expected for them to get an marriage arranged. Irene brought the topic up, feeling the need for a good laugh.

“It's funny how things had changed so drastically in such a small amount of time, Isn't it?” She giggled and sat down in his lap. 

Irene did not like the idea of getting married to a stranger, up until she had met him. It didn't even take four months before the two started their relationship, much to their parents' approvement. The first time they got formally introduced to each other was when Irene was still 19, and Mino just had turned 20. Irene was furious at her parents' words telling her she'll get married against her will, but in the end she had no other choice than agreeing on meeting her future husband. Mino, on the other hand, didn't seem to mind it all that much despite having a girlfriend. ‘Who knows, she might be hot. A good at home and a even hotter one from my girlfriend every other time? Seems like a -win situation for me. And if it's not the case, then that for her but my attention is focused on my love.’  He would tell his friends. However, once the two met and got to know each other, their ideas had changed. Mino chuckled at the memory, “It's a good thing we had both changed for the best. I am much happier right now.” He wrapped her legs around him and pecked her nose.


“He should arrive in a few minutes, Joohyun.” Irene's mother told her daughter with a proud smile. Irene, who seemed a lot less excited about this whole ordeal, faked a smile and then put on a sour face, staring straight in front of her. “Irene, you must behave. This is a very important meeting for both families and I do not want you to ruin this for us.” Her father told her sternly which caused Irene to relax her facial expression. Wendy, Irene's younger sister, watched her parents and older sister sadly, scared for the fate her sister and she both were waiting for. Soon enough, the other family had arrived at the restaurant. Irene and her family stood up to bow and greet them before all of them sat back down. In front of the Baes were seated the Songs. Irene paid no attention to fully face these people, but she could feel all of their gazes as if they were poking holes in her. She slowly looked up and locked her eyes with a man around her age. He was watching her with a cocky smile and offered his hands. Irene was about to say something snarky but a kick from her younger sister underneath the table which made her notice the glare her father was sending made her do otherwise. She learned that this guy was called Song Minho, Mino here in the USA. Next to Mino sat a girl probably around Wendy's age. The girl introduced herself as Dannah, Dianna. While their parents were talking about their two eldest children's future, and their younger siblings happily getting along, Mino and Irene sat their simply staring at each other without exchanging words. After everyone had finished their meal, Irene and Mino's parents excused themselves for a walk in the garden which was part of the restaurant, also telling their younger children to leave their older siblings alone for a while. Wendy hugged Irene and wished her good luck not caring if her soon-to-be brother in law had heard her. 

“So, Bae Joohyun, isn't it?” Mino asked her once their family members were out of sight. Irene nodded. “Look, I'm sorry to burst your bubble of expectations, but I am not intrested in you or this marriage. I have a girlfriend who is much prettier than you and I-” Irene cut his sentence finally speaking, “I'm not in the mood for a good laugh, but hey, nice try. I have zero intrest in someone as arrogant as you and I hope we can both live our lives peacefully on our own despite having the title of husband and wife.” Irene said before standing up.
Mino watched her walk away dumbfounded. “Wait!” He screamed and ran after her. “What do you want?” Irene replied codly. Irene had already walked out of the restaurant and they were both outside shivering because of the low temperature,“You. I want you.” He said taking himself back.


“What, you did what?” Jinwoo, Mino's friend, asked him surprised. “I know, I know. I have no idea why but you don't understand. She was nothing like I expected her to be. She showed no intrest at all. How is that possible?! Yes, she's a gorgeous lady and yes, she had a very nice body for someone that petite, and yes, she was intelligent as well judging from the fact that she's studying at Harvard, but it's me, Song Minho we're talking about.” Jinwoo shook his head, “See, this is the problem. You're so full of yourself, other girls might think it's charming but in reality they're all blinded by your wealth and looks. Irene's got them both, so there is no other thing you have to offer her. Your arrogance is a huge turn off to someone who already has everything you always used to put yourself up higher than others.”

Mino gave his friend's words a thought. It took him two weeks to fully accept Jinwoo's wise words, and another one to announce the news to his girlfriend. 

“Minah, listen, we need to talk.” “I can't, I'm busy.” Minah told him off by acting as if she's washing up the already clean dishes. In all honesty, Minah already saw this coming. Was Mino crazy to believe his girlfriend would agree on him marrying another woman and still date Minah? No, of course Minah didn't agree on it. But she refused to tell him, she was scared of losing him quicker than needed. And now that the time had come, she was scared to face it, though, she had already accepted it. With guilt and reality poking her on her back for a good ten minutes, Minah finally decided to get it straight. She can't runaway from something she knew that would happen. “Save it, Mino, it's fine to date her instead. After all, you had no other choice even if you wished you had one.” Minah said quietly looking at her feet.

“That's... Very brave of her.” Irene commented while spacing out, “I know I would never have been able to make a desicion like that.” Mino held her chin so that she would look at him again, “You won't have to, so don't worry about it.

Now that it was over with Minah, Mino could give his full attention to Joohyun. The problem was that he had no idea how to make her change her thoughts. “Dannah!” Mino yelled from downstairs waiting for his sister to come. “What is it?” She asked him. “When are you meeting Wendy again?” “Uh, tomorrow, why?” “Perfect, you two need to help me.”

“What's up?” Wendy asked her friend and brother in law. “My brother here, has some trouble with, well, your sister.”
“No , but what's the reason for him coming along?” It was Mino's turn to explain, “You see, I fu- no, messed up. I truly think your sister is an interesting lady, and I haven't had interest in a woman for a long time.” Dannah nodded to confirm that, “I was honestly surprised myself.” Wendy looked at Mino, “But she has no interest in you.” 

“What?! Since when did Wendy become so straightforward? Did she hurt your feelings?” Irene asked a tad bit worried. Mino laughed, “Yeah, ouch. But it has been two years, and look, you're in my arms right now sitting on my lap, sharing kisses and stories about how we ended up loving each other.

“Then tell me how to change that!” “Alright, alright, calm down, Romeo.” Wendy said. “I could talk her out of the dark clouds and you can lead her all the way up to cloud nine. All you have to do is being sincere about your feelings and being you.

So Wendy walked into Irene's room. “Baejoo,” She called her by Irene's nickname.

“So that's where 'Baechu' comes from?” Mino asked her, “Yes, it was Wendy's idea.

“What is it?” Irene asked her sister sweetly telling her to sit down next to her on the bed. “I wanted to talk about Mino...” Wendy spoke a sentence that replaced Irene's sweet smile into a bitter gaze. “I know you dislike him, but I talked to him and he's a really kind guy! He's funny and smart, you will surely like him a lot more if you get to know him a little better. He's not as arrogant as he seems and he is also quite of a dork. Besides, he is single and hasn't been interested in women for a long time-” Irene began talking mid-way, “Are you here to tell me he's gay?” “What? No! I'm here to tell you that he gave this marriage a thought and that he realised it might not be as bad as you both first thought. He is truly sincere about wanting to get to know you better and I hope you'll think the same. Really, Irene. You know who I am: your friend and sister. I would never make you do something that would only cause you to be unlucky.And with that, Wendy left Irene alone to think about it. 

The next day, Irene walked out of the campus as all her lectures were over. She walked towards the parkings when a black car stopped in front of her. The windows were rolling down and revealed the face of the driver of the car. “Good afternoon, Joohyun. Hop in.” Mino greeted her. “What are you doing here?” Irene asked coldly, ignoring his words from earlier. “To pick you up and take you on a date. Get in, the more time we got to enjoy ourselves.” Irene blinked, “No, thank you.” She walked past the car but stopped her tracks, thinking of the conversation with her sister the day before. With a lot of effort, Irene turned around and opened the door, sitting down next to the man in the car. “Let's go.” Mino said happily. They went for some ice cream and then a walk at the park. Irene had quite a good grip of her emotions, which is why she could talk to him well and act like everything was fine. As they were talking, Irene found herself giggling and laughing by Mino's words and actions, thinking about how Wendy was right about him being a funny and dorky guy. “But Joohyun, tell me more about you.” He said causing Irene off guard. She isn't the talkative type unless you get close to her, but since she was bound to spend the rest of her life with the guy next to her, she decided to give it a try.  

 “So your English name is Irene? It suits you.”
“Thank you.”

They walked some more and exchanged information up until the street lights , hinting that it's time to end their small first date. “It's getting late, I should go home. I have a lecture to participate tomorrow morning.” Irene told Mino. “That's fine! Let me walk you home, it's getting dark and I am sure that nasty people could not miss a beautiful lady like you walking alone.” Mino offered her his hand which Irene accepted. They walked hand in hand, silently. “Minho,” Irene called him by his Korean name, “Yes, Joohyun?”
“Thank you for today. I had a lot of fun, and I'm sorry for acting like a before.” Irene said and apologized, embarrassed. She could feel Mino's grip on her hand tighten. “No, thank you for giving me chance. And it's me who should be sorry, I was the one acting like an idiot first.” Mino said. They were standing in front of Irene's house, “Well, I guess we'll say goodbye now.” Irene started, “But can we first exchange phone numbers?” 
“Of course!”

After they exchanged phone numbers, they bid each other goodbye and wave to each other.

“Where were you?” Irene's mother asked her. “I was on a date.” Her dad didn't seem pleased about it, “Joohyun, you're engaged. There is no time for you to fool around.”

“And what makes you think it wasn't a date with him?” Is all she had to say before walking upstairs. Once Irene entered her room, she decided to go take a shower. She changed into her pajamas and laid down on her bed wondering if she should message Mino or not. She opened a What's App chat with him and clicked on his display picture. It was a mash up of two pictures of Mino and Dianna smiling and derping. Irene smiled at her phone. She clicked back to the chat and saw that he came online, a little did she panic. Should she, or should she not? Gathering up all her courage, she started typing. 

Did you get home safely?

I did, thanksemoji-E056.png

He replied immediately. Irene did not know what to reply back, so she put her phone away and decided to read out of her book, preparing herself for tomorrow's lecture up until it was time to eat. After she came back from dinner, she decided to visit her sister a little visit. She knocked on the door waiting for Wendy to let her in, “In.” is all she heard. Wendy hopped off her bed as soon as she was her sister standing in front of her with a shy smile. “Thank you.” Irene said, “No problem, I know what's the best for my sister!” They hugged each other. Irene and Wendy started talking about their life, school and friends. They say that time fly when you have fun, and it really felt so. Soon enough it was already time for Wendy, who was still in high school, to sleep. Irene wished her sweet dreams before walking back to her room. She picked a book out of her bookshelve, Paper Towns, and started reading it. When the clock hit 1AM, she finally gave up on reading the book any further and decided to go sleep. She plugged her phone into her charger and saw a missed message, sent two minutes ago.
Sleep tightemoji-E418.png

Thank youiphone-heart-sparkly.png

The following days, Mino would pick her up from University whenever he had the chance. And if he didn't, they would meet up in the evening. About a week later, Irene invited Mino for dinner and their parents seemed very happy about this. After they had finished dinner, they went upstairs to Irene's room. Mino entered a huge bedroom with walls painted light pink with a butterfly pattern on it. His eyes, however, focussed on the square part next to Irene's desk where a lot of pictures were. He walked over to it and looked at all pictures one for one. “Is this you?” He pointed at a photo of a young girl with sparkling eyes and a soft smile who was playing with dolls. Irene nodded, shyly. Next, he pointed towards a more recent picture of Irene and Wendy with three other girls. “Your friends?”
“Yes, Seulgi, Sooyoung and Yeri.” Mino looked at the picture again and chuckled, “All of you had a dip-dye?” Irene giggled and nodded again. “Pink suits you well, I like it.”

After looking at all of the pictures, Mino laid down on Irene's bed. “So comfortable.” He murmered and rolled around. Irene sat down next to him, watching him acting strange, or well, being himself. Then suddenly he stopped rolling around and pulled Irene towards him to lay down on the bed.

“Oh my god, I remember that!” Irene slapped Mino's arms, “We weren't even dating at that point!” Mino laughed. The two of them were now sitting on the bench in their living room, drinking some tea. “Please, we were engaged.”

Mino hugged Irene close to him and just like that, they fell asleep. 

A month later, Mino invited Irene to his house and said it was something very special. It had been nearly three months since they met for the first time, and it was already February. Irene dressed up casually in a black skirt and micky mouse shirt. She walked into his house and greeted the maids, and his parents. They had dinner with each other. After that, Mino excused himself for something important and told Dannah to entertain Irene. “I'll take you to our flower garden in the mean time!” She dragged the older girl with her. Irene looked around in awe, not even her place had a flower garden as beautiful as this one. It was already dark by now, and the sky was clear enough to see the stars and full moon. Dannah started telling Irene stories about her childhood with Mino. Irene laughed as Dannah kept telling an endless list of all foolish stuff Mino had done before as a kid. Then all of sudden Irene heard birds chirping, “At night?” She asked Dannah who nodded. “These birds sing for us at night and in the morning. The sing is a lullaby to fall asleep and are our wake up call in the morning.” Irene listened to the birds, not hearing Dannah talk anymore and not noticing that the girl sneakily left already. All of sudden she felt two hands wrap around her waist, giving her a back hug. “Do you like it?” Mino asked her softly, “Like what?” 
“The birds. I like them a lot. The give me peace and rest, I can clear up my mind easily when I listen to them.” He said. Irene turned around, “Yes, I like them.” She whispered. “You know,” Mino began, “Your eyes look even more beautiful at night. I can see the reflection of the moonlight in them.” Irene giggles and leaned her head against his shoulder, wrapping her arms around his neck. They swayed slowly together, admiring each other's presesence peacefully when Mino whispered into her ear, “Joohyun,”
“Yes, Minho?”

“Will you be my girlfriend?”

“I did NOT say that!” Mino denied. “Yes you did! You're so cheesy, I am cringing even now.” Irene chuckled. Mino shook his head, still. “You know, I felt really happy at that time. It was the happiest I ever felt” She said. Mino grabbed her hand and kisssed it, “I'm glad you were. I felt the happiest when you said yes.” He smiled sweetly, “Or wait no, I felt the happiest AFTER you said yes and we started a make-out session. Or maybe the first time we made lo-” Again, Irene slapped his arms furiously blushing causing Mino to chuckle at her cute behavior. “In all honesty, I am always the happiest when I'm with you.” He said. “It's so weird,” Irene started, “It's like we were doing it backwards:  first getting engaged, and then starting to date.”
“I guess, but we haven't got married yet. And, I never actually.. proposed to you, yet.” He said slowly staring into Irene's eyes. He got up from the cough and kneeled down, getting something out of his pocket, “Bae Joohyun, will you marry me?”

Irene watched him and she felt tears falling down of her face. Not wanting him to wait any longer for the answer to the already answered question, she hugged him tightly and said yes. 

“Always so cheesy.” She commented before kissing him.


alright so yea THIS IS NOT THE LONG STORY I WAS TALKING ABOUT IN THE LAST CHAP the long stories are 7K and i have NO time to update those chaps cries a little and whimpers sadly. if schools over, if schools over.

wha t the fu K did i just write uhm idk. it was supposed to be a 700 words drabble lmfao. oh yea guys there's gonn b a sequel on this one ya ahaya yayayy. pfff ive got finals to study for but nmahh here i am on aff. i cri evry tiem. also if something in the story doesnt make sense: i wrote this half up a month ago, studied for school every single day, forgot what my storyline for this was and bababababam ha ended up writing a different story. oh well. hope you liked it! please wish be all the best with school, i really needed. i also apologise for the lack of updates. see y'all lateR!!1!

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Chapter 5: Oh, I like this one shot of Hayi. Being the bad girl in here and ruining Hanbin.
azranaai #2
Chapter 9: MinoxIrene please. Love them so muuch! Thanks
Miracle1204 #3
Chapter 9: Mino Irene please...:D
Chapter 9: Mino x Irene!!!
Chapter 9: Idk if you're a fan who follows Jinhyeong or the ygnewgg but Jinhyeong/jinny park could be a ship coz she kept commenting on his ig
bxxterzr #6
Chapter 9: I'd like to read more about Mino x Irene
Chapter 9: I'd like to suggest for your beach party Subby (Suhyun of AKMU and Bobby), Kaiminzy, Chaeho (CL and Suho) and maybe Tabisan (TOP and Dara) ^^
choibrother #8
Chapter 9: Please make it minrene... Just love them so much... Thnk you for updating
#HanHi #Minrene! :)
Chapter 5: Totaluy cant wait for the long chapter of hibi
And bad is currently my fav song ashdjfkslallaamjdjaa
Once more happy eid mubarak for you