A True Friend Stays by Your Side


"Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest.  It's about who came and never left your side."


I consider friendship more important than love and romance.  Friends are always there for you, even when love is not.  Friendly bonds last longer than romantic bonds.

My friend and I have been having some problems lately, although she may beg to differ.  She doesn't know what I'm going through, and I won't dare tell her.  She'll find out for herself someday.

On my Asianfanfics profile, I mention the fact that I don't become friends with people easily because I fear that they'll leave me for someone better.  This is exactly what's happening to me right now.  In fact, this is the third time.

I was told by my counselor that if you let a friend go, then they'll come back to you eventually.  Unfortunately, that isn't always the case.  Only the true friends return.

Joon portrays myself, while "my best friend" portrays my best friend in real life.  Mir portrays the new girl that my best friend is starting to hang out with.

Friend, if you ever see this, I hope you understand what I'm going through.  I don't want you to hang out with me if you don't want to.  I'm not trying to guilt you into being my friend for the rest of my life.  I want you to realize that I care for you, and what you're doing makes my heart hurt.  Treasure our friendship while it lasts.

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ilovekpop81897 #1
Hm, I hope you guys made up!
i don't have a bestfriend... i sometimes doubt if i even have a friend by my side. n i regret nothing. i might sound like a loser but then again, its me. but i keep the faith that there'll be someone in future that'll grab my hand and never let me go. i'll wait for that someone, surely that time will come.
Mi-young #3
I really like it and I know how you feel I have gone through that before but don't worry you will meet better people
that really happened to you? sorry to hear that..obviously your best friend wasn't worth your friendship.<br />
not that that helps, but for me, being a best friend means that you don't let anyone get between your friendship. Sure you make new friends in life, but that doesn't mean you just drop the other. I hope you're not hurting as much now and I hope you got a new best friend who's really real
amyangel #5
This is really good!