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Jiyong finally graduated in his school and received a diploma. But the only problem is Ji's dad transferred him to Japan. Jiyong argued and reasoned out that he doesn't want to but his dad won the argument. He texted Chaerin but he got no response. He got informations about Chaerin being close to some guy and that made Jiyong think of negative things. He went to Japan with only his family and his best friends know about his transfer.


It's been a year and a half since Ji was transferred in Japan. He became cold since the day he lost contact with Chaerin. He occupied his mind with his work and nothing else. He still connects with his sister and his mom but he shuts his dad out. 
He felt his phone vibrated in his pocket. He took a look at the caller and answered it.


"What do you want?" He asked coldly. He heard a sigh before the caller spoke.


"Ji, I want you to be back here in Korea." The caller boldly said.


"So now you want me there after threatening me to go here in Japan." Ji clicked his tongue and sat on his office chair.


"I already booked you a flight tomorrow morning so go home and take a rest." His dad tried to talk to him with care but it only came out as a command.


"Aish! Alright." Ji closed his phone and run his hand on his hair. I'll go home for mom and sis. I haven't seen them for a year.


Ji went to his apartment and prepared his bag to leave for tomorrow. Ji fixed himself to bed and laid there for a while. He kept on thinking if he will be able to come across with a certain girl. He shook his head and drifted himself to sleep.


Morning came and Jiyong was ready to go. Once he arrived at the airport, he got inside the plane in business class. Hours past and Ji arrived in Korea. An old driver waved his hand to Ji and Ji smirked. The old driver hugged Jiyong and Ji hugged back. They arrived at the Kwon mansion and Ji went inside and headed straight to his father's office. Once he got inside, he was greeted by his parents and his beloved sister.


"Oh! Welcome back Ji!" Dara greeted with a big smile and a tight hug.


"Jiyong! You're early?" His mom followed and did the same.


"Hi mom! Dara! There was less traffic so I asked Uncle Wom to drive fast. I'm having a jet lag." Ji sat down on his father's office chair without greeting his father.


"Don't be so disrespectful Ji! He is still our father!" Dara tried to convince Jiyong. Jiyong rolled his eyes and sat comfortably on the chair.


"It's alright Dara, it's my fault that he became this." Mr. Kwon sighed and made his way in from of Ji. He gestured to the girls’ that he wanted to talk to his beloved son. The girls nodded. Mr. Kwon sat on the table in front of Jiyong. He looked at his son straight to eyes and it's not just any ordinary look but a look that asks for forgiveness.


"Ji, son, I am terribly sorry that I forced you to work in Japan. I just want you to learn that going inside of a business firm needs to be mentally and emotionally prepared. We all knew that you were mentally prepared but not emotionally. I wanted you to learn that just knowing what to do is not enough, you need feel what is right and plan what will happen next. I did that so you won't be tired and stressed with everything that you’re doing. I am really sorry my son. I you can't forgive this old hag of yours but I just want you to know that I loved you and will always do." This made Jiyong guilty for thinking that his father was a shameless fool for throwing his son out if the country. Ji felt the heat in his eyes but held it in. His father stood up and so does he. He sighed and hugged his dad tight. His dad hugged him back.


"I love you too dad." Was the only thing that Jiyong said. The family was united again. The Kwon mansion is filled with laughter again now that Jiyong is with them. Evening came and they all said their good nights. Ji took a quick shower before going to bed. It was odd since his sister didn't talk about a certain girl that made him like this. He shook his head and went to sleep.


Ji's morning in Korea made him miss the old times when he was still in college but whenever he's thinking about the past, a certain face drowns him and their memories together. What could have happened to her that she didn't reply to my message? Did she found someone else? Is he better than me? Those questions run on his mind like crazy. He didn't know happened but he assumed that Chaerin have someone better already.


Dara barged in his room while he was reading a novel of Shakespeare, Sonnet CXVI. It reminded him when he and Chaerin were still together.


"Ji!!!! Youngbae proposed to me!!!" Dara held out her hand to let him look at the ring that Youngbae gave.


"Congratulations Noona!" Jiyong puts down the book and hugged his sister. They chatted on Ji's balcony. Dara told Jiyong that the engagement party will be held next week and Jiyong needed to be there. Ji smiled and assured his sister that he won't miss in the world.


On Jiyong's balcony, it’s a clear view of their front garden and the gate. Their house has a short road for their cars to park. The gate suddenly opened, a car went inside and drive on the short road.


"Oh she's here! See you later Ji! I'll be in the Mall, shopping!" Dara waved and left Jiyong's room. Jiyong looked at the car without a hood and stared at the driver driving on it. The girl looked familiar, too familiar for him. The girl removed her sunglasses and stared back at Ji. She was chewing something and her eyes was still the same. Those cat eyes that made his heart beat like crazy. Those lips that he missed for so long. He thought that he will be angered but what happened was the opposite. He fell for her again. He was again in trance by those eyes.


She changed. Her black hair became a honey blonde and her natural lips became y red. She's not wearing any eyeglasses instead she now wears sunglasses. She still has a fierce aura surrounding her and her style became mature. Not those over sized shirts or hoodies instead it was a dress that hugged her waist making me want to touch her. This feeling is new to me and I'll thank Chaerin for it. I'll snatch her away if my assumptions are true that she have someone else already. She'll be mine no matter what. I'll do anything for her to be mine.


Dara arrived making Chaerin loss the eye contact that she and Jiyongs having. Dara fastened her seat belt told Chaerin to drive. Chaerin smiled and puts on her sunglasses. She looked at Jiyong one more time before driving out of their mansion. Jiyong never left his eyes to the black car until it was nowhere to be seen. He exhaled and sat on a chair. This sonnet really is true. Ji's heart is beating rapidly. He wanted her but he doesn’t know how. Love is not times fool. It does not alter. Everything in this book is true. I can't deny it. Suddenly, an idea popped in his mind.


"Dara's engagement party!" Jiyong smirkes while putting back the book on its shelf.



A week has past and the party was held on the Kwon's back yard. Dara and her friends, Bom and Chaerin, with their new friend Minzy, was in Dara's room doing a makeover on Dara.


"There you go Unnie!" Chaerin went aside to let Dara see herself on the mirror.


"Thank you Chae! I look beautiful!" Dara hugged Chaerin. The girls laugher filled the room. A knock on the door made them stop laughing and look at the door.


"Come in!" Dara said loud enough for the person behinds door to hear.


"Sis, Mr. and Mrs. Dong wants see you." Jiyong appeared in blue and black tux with a neat hair. He tried not to look at Chaerin but he just can't help himself to take some glances on her.


"Really? Is Baby Bae there?" Dara fixed her dress and went to the door where Jiyong is.


"If he is there then I wouldn't be here, calling you." Jiyong said with the hint of sarcasm. Dara rolled her eyes and went outside followed by Bom and Minzy. Jiyong greeted them with a smile. A certain blonde was left, seating on the vanity table having a touch up before going

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Chapter 1: Jiyong and his sweet act omg
c7213faithg #2
Chapter 1: You did it again!! Ohmygwadd!! It was soo beatiful and cute.... Thanks thanks!!
I look forward your next update :)) ^^
Syzwxniey #3
Chapter 1: Aww so sweet. Is this the ending of story or have another chapter ?
Songsong123 #4
Chapter 1: Yassssss they are getting married!!! Hahaha I want another sequel to the sequel author XD this is so cute!!