How it Ends

2 Million Won Per Night

Back at the hotel, Dongjun was trying to eavesdrop what Junyoung and the cougar doing next door, because fortunately (or unfortunately?) somehow they’re staying next to each other, Dongjun in room 716 and Junyoung in 718.

Feeling something’s strange Kevin hugs Dongjun from the back and asks him what he’s doing,

“It’s a new scratching technique, I read it somewhere if you do it, it will increase your stamina.” Says Dongjun lying, feeling tempted Kevin does the same thing but then they heard,

“Oh Junyoung right there aah I know I chose the right person oh my God.” Screams Jinhee noona from the room.

“Okay that’s awkward,” Says Kevin he looks at Dongjun and smirks, “About time we do the same thing.” He then grab Dongjun to the bed.

Wow that fast? I guess he’s straight, Ugh why is it bothering me. Thought Dongjun, but only God knows what Junyoung were doing there.

3 days has passed while Dongjun keeps meeting Kevin and Junyoung keeps meeting with Jinhee. Dongjun and Junyoung meet again at the café down the lobby.

“Wow look at you, it seems like all are new, shirt, jeans, shoes, even watch? But this is still nothing to me” boasts Dongjun. “So, how far did you go with that noona?” Asks Dongjun curious.

“Well, um, we did nothing.”

“Oh please, I heard you from my room. Did you get money from her?”

“Yeah, I got 50thousand won for transport…”

“Hahahahaha only that much? Hyung you should have milked her money out! Listen, come to my room and I’ll teach you everything. Gotta go now, bye~” Says Dongjun as he gets up from the seat.

“Junyoung-ah, uumh, you really hit me there aah I never chose the wrong person oh my God,” moans Jinhee, “you’re really good at giving me a massage.”

“Ey noona, I’m just doing it without thinking, don’t praise me too much.” Says Junyoung embarrasses.

“Junyoung-ah, if you need anything just tell me, I’ll give you everything. Is there something you want?” Asks Jinhee.

“Well… actually… I want to start up a small business like a café maybe, but, well, I don’t know I don’t have the money to even start.” Says Junyoung not sure on how to put it.

“Just tell me, how much do you need? Money is an easy thing for me.” Says Jinhee with a warm smile.

“I don’t know.. maybe.. 2 million won?”

“Oh that’s easy, I’ll give it to you later honey.” After a little while Jinhee fell asleep.

Dongjun keeps checking himself on the mirror fixing his hair and all. He’s the one who told Junyoung to come but why is he being nervous all of a sudden. Then Junyoung knocks on his door.

“Hyung, you’re here already? What about that noona?” Asks Dongjun as he lets Junyoung to come inside the room.

“She fell asleep after I gave her a massage hahaha.” Answers Junyoung while scratching his head.

Aaaah so he gave her a massage? Why didn’t I think about that before, phew what a relieve. Wait, what? Thought Dongjun.

“So… What are you going to teach me about?” Asks Junyoung.

“OH you’re right! Well, first of all, you need to learn how to walk,” and with that they starts walking in the room trying too look good and masculine so girls, or even boys, will fall for them.

“And now, man who can dance, are y! Let me teach you,” at first Junyoung was dancing comically but then Dongjun takes over and starts teaching him how to dance properly.

“Now, when it comes to slow dance, you have to put your hand on my waist, and the other hand on my hand. The man should lead.” Explains Dongjun, now they’re being so close body to body, Dongjun can feel Junyoung’s warm body and his heartbeat, and since Junyoung is taller than him he could feel Junyoung’s breathing as well. “Now move slowly, along with the music” he continued.

They stayed close like that for awhile, slowly moving with song, Dongjun needs to think of something else because he’s starting to feel hot. Junyoung was calm, everything feels right for him, Dongjun’s warm body against him, and the scent of his head. But then, there’s someone ringing the door’s bell.

“ it’s Kevin hyung! You need to hide!” Whispers Dongjun panic.

“Why do I have to hide? I mean can’t we just say that I’m a friend of yours?” Asks Junyoung.

“No, it’s not that easy, I’m going to stall him to the bathroom and when he’s in the bathroom you quickly go out of the room, get it?” Orders Dongjun, and when Junyoung nods as the answer he took off his tee and get the door.

“Kevin hyung, your back early?” Asks Dongjun with aegyo.

“Of course, so I can have more time with you,” says Kevin pulling Dongjun into a hug as he tries to kiss him but Dongjun rejects him.

“Did you drink before coming? Ugh, you reek of alcohol… Come on you need to brush your teeth first.”

“Oh who cares, come on give hyung a little kiss,” Says Kevin still pulling Dongjun.

“We’re gonna have a lot of fun but hyuuung please brush your teeth~ eung?”

“Oh alright alright I can’t win with your aegyo, wait for me okay?” Says Kevin as he touch every nook of Dongjun’s abs when he’s going to the bathroom. Dongjun motions Junyoung to get out and so he did.

The next day, Junyoung has to work a long shift so he couldn’t meet with Jinhee nor Dongjun. Dongjun and Kevin had a big fight that ends up with them breaking up. Dongjun knows this will come, it’s not like he actually love Kevin. It turns out Kevin has a lover and he finds out about him so his lover exploded in the hotel and calls him bad names. At night, Dongjun relaxes himself down by the pool sides. It was a windy night but Dongjun didn’t care about that by only wearing a thin tee and shorts looking up at the stars.

“Aren’t you cold? Do you want me to get you a jacket?” Asks one of the hotel’s employee approaching him.

“Ah, noona.. I’m fine..”

“What happens? Something bothering you?” Asks Sohyun the hotel’s employee who’s close with Dongjun.

“Nothing.. had a big fight with Kevin hyung and his lover. You know, sometimes I’m tired with everything…” Says Dongjun.

“In times, you will find your love.. You have to be strong Dongjun-ah, I know there’s someone for you out there.” Says Sohyun giving Dongjun a warm hug.

Morning has comes and around 11 Junyoung goes to the hotel only to find out that Jinhee noona has checked out from the hotel already.

“Junyoung-sshi, wait a minute!” Shouts a bellboy, “I have something for you from Mrs. Jinhee.” He gave Junyoung a brown envelope.

“Ah, thank you..” Says Junyoung simply, he checks the envelope and it contains money and a letter.

Junyoung-ah, it’s me JInhee noona..

By the time you read this, I’m probably not here anymore. I have to go for my business.

Meeting you was fun for me, you’re a nice kid and now you got to move on..

Just think of me as a wind passing by in your life.. Here’s 2 Million won that we talked about..

Good luck on your business

-Jinhee noona

Junyoung was shocked, he didn’t expect this to actually happen, 2 million won is in his hand. Feeling flustered and excited he quickly goes to Dongjun’s room and he ring the bell and knocks on it but no answer but then a cleaning lady comes around.

“I’m sorry sir, but this room is empty.” She says

“Empty? Isn’t Dongjun supposed to be here?” Asks Junyoung confused.

“I’m sorry sir but the one who uses this room already checked out this morning.”

“Do you know Dongjun? The guy who uses this room before? I believe he stayed in this room so many times.. Do you know where I can reach him?” Asks Junyoung desperate.

“Once again I’m sorry sir but I’ve only worked here for a week now… I can’t help you.. Excuse me.” With that the cleaning ready walks away from him, leaving Junyoung all confused.

For two days Junyoung is back with his routine driving his cab around the town with no news about Dongjun. The same goes with Dongjun, going to mall to mall or café to café.

But fate can’t denies that each one of them miss each other. Remembering all the memories they had done together. Sometimes when Dongjun about to stop a cab he thought Junyoung might be the driver but no luck so far.

Dongjun thinks of himself as a dirty trash. He realizes that there’s no way a guy like Junyoung would like him. Even if he did brought him 2 million won it’s because he just want a taste of him.

Junyoung was like a zombie doing his routines, at night he would think about Dongjun and cant help to hide a smile from appearing on his face. Every moments they’ve shared together in a short time was meaningful for him. He had never think about love before, but now that he met Dongjun he thinks differently.  Sometimes, Junyoung would stop by at Empire Hotel just to see if Dongjun’s there. He finds out from a bellboy that Dongjun had a fight before with Kevin that’s why he checked out from the hotel.

“Junyong-sshi! I have news for you!” Says the bellboy, “Dongjun-sshi is back! He’s in room 716.”

“Really? Seriously? Thank you so much! I’m gonna go upstair!” Junyoung quickly rushes to the front door of room 716 even before he listens about what the bellboy trying to say. He knocks the door frantically.

-inside the room-

Dongjun was and under the blanket on the bed, while Kevin is taking his clothes off, “I miss you so much, and we’re going to have fun now.” But then there’s a frantic knock on the door, “Damn it who is it at this timing.”

Kevin goes to the door topless and when he opens the door, Junyoung just barges in to meet Dongjun but he was stopped by Kevin.

“What do you think you’re doing? Who are you to enter my room like that?”

“Just shut up and go away or I’ll tell your lover about you having an affair with the same person again, do you want that?” Threats Junyoung, “Dongjun-ah,” calls Junyoung.

“Alright you can come in, just please don’t tell anything.” Says Kevin giving in.


“What are you doing here?” Asks Dongjun coldly while sitting up on the bed showing his chiseled abs.

“I.. I.. I have 2 million won now, what are you still doing with him? You should leave him.”

“So? Now that you have 2 million won you want a taste of me huh? You want me to give you services?”

“No, it’s not like that!” Argues Junyoung.

“Oh please, I’m just a , a trash, the only reason why you come to me with money is only because you want to have with me, there’s no way you did it because you have feelings for me.”

“It’s not like that Dongjun-ah you don’t understand please don’t say something like that you’re not a trash.” Says Junyoung.

“Just get out of my room. Now.” Says Dongjun trying to look away.

“No, I won’t go anywhere until you listen to me.”

“Um, guys, when will you be done?” Cuts Kevin getting a glare from Junyoung who comes closer to him.

“You, get out now, or I’ll beat you up into pieces right here right now. Get, out!” Shouts Junyoung.

“Hey, hey, who do you think you are? I paid for this room, if anyone should be out of this room its you!” Says Kevin not giving up, but then a fist gets into Kevin’s face.

“I warned you didn’t I? Now take your clothes, and get out of this room you jerk. I know where you and your lover live, do you want me to go there and spill everything? Now get the out!” Junyoung throws Kevin’s clothes to him as Kevin catches it. He spits and then gets out of the room.

Dongjun’s still don’t want to look or listen to Junyoung.

“Listen to me, please… I don’t care about this 2 million won. I just want to prove it to you that I could it. It doesn’t mean I’m going to pay you to be with me. Look at me Dongjun-ah.” Junyoung climbs up to the bed to get closer to Dongjun , his face is red with teary eyes. Junyoung softly puts his hand on Dongjun’s face so that they could look at each other’s eye.

“Every moment we had together was real for me, I don’t care about this 2 million won but I just want you to know that I’m willing to be with you with all my heart. My feeling for you is real and I don’t want to loses you and I know it’s crazy but that’s how I feel.”

“B-but, I’m just a dirty trash, why would you like me?” Says Dongjun, tears start falling from his eyes, Junyoung wipes the tears away and say,

“Don’t say that, you’re a beautiful human being and I like you for everything you are. Now please, don’t ever think down of yourself, you’re beautiful and every human has their own baggage but I don’t care about it.” Dongjun’s start crying and Junyoung hugs him tight.

They hug each other for a little while until Dongjun has calmed down, now they’re holding hands in bed.

“Isn’t awkward though? Holding hand like this when I’m ?” Asks Dongjun finally realizes that he’s only covered by the blanket.

“Well, it’s not like I haven’t seen male body before, but um, holding hands make it kinda awkward. But I like it, your hand on mine.” Says Junyoung.

“Thank you,”

“Um? For what?” Asks Junyoung.

“For everything,” And then Dongjun kiss him softly on the lips.


a/n if you want and alternate version let me know on the comment box :)

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Prizmmylegends #1
Chapter 3: Can I have a SiwanxKwanghee version