Day And Night

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Day And Night


Sehun could feel his heart stop beating, caged within his ribs with no function for that brief moment. It's a different kind of awe when he had first seen the collision of stars, the scorching blaze of the sun, the wavering of the moon. It's another kind of awe when he finally registered the beauty that the boy carried on his face alone; skin white as snow and hair black as night. If he had not seen the boy appearing along with the daywalkers, anyone could easily mistake him for a nightwalker. He was awfully pale for someone who comes from the day world. But then again, isn't Sehun something special too?



Title: Day And Night

Pairing: Sehun x Baekhyun

Word Count: 65, 882 | 6 Parts + Short Epilogue

Warning: Character death | angst 

Note: The prompt was made up by the lovely CarpeSoo, who always comes up with amazing ideas. Thank you for the prompt; I wouldn't have come up with such an interesting write if you hadn't mentioned it to me. <3



For all of you.







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Beau1996 1377 streak #1
Chapter 6: Very difficult chapter to get through - I need a break before I read the next...
Beau1996 1377 streak #2
Chapter 2: When I saw day walker/ night walker I was thinking this was a vamp story but instead day and night has a literal meaning - glad I started reading!
Rb2012 #3
Chapter 8: Reread again after a long time. Beautiful.
Wordonmyworld94 #4
Okay this fic is soooooo beautiful and it hits me really hard :( I'm wondering where am I all this time that I just found this pic now :((
oce217 #5
I do not know what to say ... Your story is both extraordinary and frustrating. But so beautiful and exciting. Just: congratulations!
Chapter 10: I love how carefully you write every scene and each character's feelings :'( Thank you so much for your hard work! I shed a lot of tears reading this. The final scenes before the war were so emotional ㅠㅠ I feel so much for the characters, especially so since Baekhyun is my bias and reading this story just makes me die a bit too much inside. It literally affected my emotions irl. But I don't regret reading this. It was utterly beautiful and the epilogue made it up for my heart nicely. Thank you for writing something so amazing! :')
amrusha #7
Chapter 9: Oh my god. This was so beautifully written!! I've never read anything like it. It made me feel so many emotions and the ending was just perfect! Bittersweet,but beautiful :) I'm going to and read the rest of your stories for sure! I started to read this just cause I was bored...i had zero expectations but this just blew my mind! Kudos to you!
Taemin22 #8
Chapter 8: This is more tragic than Romeo and Juliet's love story. I've never cried so much T_T
Do you know I felt so emotional, I had to take a walk outside after every chapter because of too much emotions?
Words can't explain my feels, dayum the story is beautiful. If it ever gets published, please do tell, I'd definitely buy it.
Iminthezone #9
Chapter 10: This story is beautiful
buxkwild #10
Chapter 10: i ing love this so much