

The look of defeat settled on Taehyuns features as he scrolls through his contacts trying to find someone to ask when he is startled by his roommate San ploppin down beside him. "Jesus Christ," He looks up from his phone and frowns as his roommate and his partner smile brightly at him, "What in gods name do you want? I'm busy."  He looks back to his phone and tries to ignore the couple, San leans back as his lover, Junhyuk speaks up, "You look down today? I thought you had a big party to go to tonight?" He leans his chin on his hand and gives Taehyun a toothy grin. "I did." Taehyun sighs and sets his phone back down on the table and angrily kicks the ground, "She all of the sudden got 'sick'", he makes small quotation marks in the air with his hands and rolls his eyes. 


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