The pet shop owner

The pet shop owner
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While walking home passing by the car dealer, I finally got to see my dream car, a BMW M6 through the window. I stopped walking to admire it, sighing; I'd never get to buy it unless I got a well paid job...
I dragged my feet to the front door of my house and I saw my best friend Jiyoon sitting on the bench that's next to the door. She saw me and stood up, smiling.
”Hi there.” I muttered.
”Hey, you're finally here!” she put her arm over my shoulders and guided me to sit on the bench. ”I have good news for you, Gayoonie. Mom told me that the new shop near her office needs some help and guess what?” she smiled, looking at me.
”What...?” I asked, clueless.
”I applied for you and they hired you! I'm that great of a friend am I? You start tomorrow afternoon.”
I stared at her without saying a word. Could she be more amazing? I jumped on her arms, endlessly thanking her.
”Hey, stop! You touched me enough for today!” she escaped away with a smirk. I smiled, shaking my head.
”Well, I guess I have to go now. I've got school work to do... Bye, Gayoonie!” she kissed my cheek and walked away.
”Thanks!” I shouted, ”Bye, Jiyoorie!"




The next day, I was really excited and happy that I walked to my new job, whistling. Or trying to.
A scream escaped my lips when I realized that my new job was inside a pet shop.
I don't like furry animals. I get easily scared of them. I would have killed Jiyoon for this if she had been there, too.
I slowly pushed the glass door and entered in hell getting goose bumps.
”Hello?” No one seemed to be there.
I only could see an enormous amount of animal eyes looking at me. I was disgusted and scared until I saw a woman on her late thirties coming my way.
”Hello! You must be Gayoon?” I nodded, feeling nervous, ”I'm mrs Kim, the owner of this shop. Nice to meet you!” she offered me her hand and I shook it with a bow.
”Nice to meet you too, mrs Kim. I'm Heo Gayoon and I'm real–”
”Mom, where the hell is the new chick that supposed t – Oh, hi...” A girl with light brown hair appeared of nowhere interrupting me. She looked younger than me and had this air of superiority surrounding her, which I didn't like at all. She seemed arrogant and bossy, but I wouldn't let her control me.
She came towards me and stopped by her mom's side who pushed her to me with a smile.
”Hyunah, this is Gayoon. She's going to work with us starting from today.” Hyunah frowned at me, but I don't think her mom noticed since she kept talking, ”Gayoon, this is my fifteen-year-old daughter Hyunah. Be friends, okay?”
”But mom – ” the unfriendly girl started.
”Hyunah, show her around and teach her what she needs to know. I'll go feed the Egyptian kittens.” and with that she walked off.
She looked at me, no. She shot me a death glare which I gladly returned.
”I don't like you and seems that you don't either. So please, stay away from me. I'll talk to you if needed and nothing more.”
This kid would be a problem, I was sure of this.
”Okay? Okay.” I raised a brow and she did the same before turning around, ”Now let me show you how things work here.”




Two months passed and I hardly got to adapt. It was difficult to me putting my hands on those little devils when my mind was shouting me to run away. Those two-month-old huskies were all biting and barking every time I had to bathe them and the kittens kept escaping when I had to feed them.
Hyunah leaned her body against the frame of the door and watched me struggle to dry a just-bathed maltipoo, or whatever that dog’s breed name is, that was trying to get free of my arms because it was scared of the hair drier. She didn't even try to help when it jumped away and ran off outside the shop. She just laughed. She laughed at every single bad thing that happened to me.
I was done.
As soon as I caught it and put it back to its cage; I pushed Hyunah to the wall and she seemed to become small and innocent like a puppy.
”I am so done with you!” I choked her, she coughed, ”Don't you ever try to laugh at me again if you don't want t – ”
She pushed me away making me lose my balance and climbed on me pinni

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krizylracasa14 #1
Chapter 1: asdfghjklqwertyuiopzxcvbnm ><
SO CUTE >< ahga fighting ❤
Chapter 1: thank youuuu TTTT the last scene is really good and how darevyou said you can't write fluffy
baeeee you're so sweet to write this TTTTTTT