Chapter 1

Yemin: On A Christmas Night

(Sungmin's POV) 

Sungmin sat down on the dinner table, he sighed, Yesung, who was in the army, was supposed to be here to visit him an hour ago. He had invited Yesung and the other members to dinner, but they all had plans, only Yesung agreed to come, and he said he would bring his girlfriend too, which Sungmin had expected but wasn't too happy about. 

Now, an hour later, Yesung finally appeared, but he was alone. "Where's your girlfriend?" Sungmin asked. 

"She broke up with me." Yesung said with a loud sigh.

"Oh, sorry." Sungmin said awkwardly. 

"Yeah, she wanted to spend Christmas alone with just me, you know why." Yesung gave Sungmin a sly grin that made Sungmin stare at his lips, entranced. 

"Y-yeah. I know why." Sungmin tried to smile but he was obviously making a wreck of things, "S-sit down." he invited Yesung. 

"Are you nervous or something? You keep stammering." Yesung said casually as he sat down. 

"N-n-no." Sungmin denied. 

"Kay, cool. Hey, I brought Ddangkoma with me, hope you don't mind." Yesung added as he took the turtle out of his coat pocket and set him down on the table. 

"No wonder she broke up with you." Sungmin blurted out. 

"What was that?" 

"Sorry - just joking - haha." Sungmin laughed feebly as he realized what he just said. 

"Ohh roast chicken." Yesung helped himself to the food. 

"You..." Sungmin tried to find a way to approach the subject, "You don't seem that upset about your girlfriend." 

"Meh, there are plenty of other fish in the sea." Yesung shrugged casually, "And a bunny." 

"Huh?" Sungmin asked, confused, he hadn't understood the bunny part. 

"Forget that I said bunny," Yesung said quickly, he suddenly looked like he was trying to cover something up. "Only fish." 

Sungmin smiled as he thought of Donghae when he heard the word fish, he wondered how Donghae's night with Eunhyuk was going. 

"Why are you smiling?" Yesung asked him. 

"You wanna hit on Donghae?" Sungmin was starting to feel more at ease with Yesung. 

"What? No." 

"You said fish so..." 

"That's not what I meant Sungmin, aish, seriously." Yesung chided, "The chicken is lovely, by the way." 

"Thank you..." Sungmin blushed at the compliment. 

They finished up their dinner and then Yesung said, "Sungminnie-ah, we should go out for some coffee." 

"Okay." Sungmin agreed. 

They took a short walk down the street before sitting down at a nice coffee shop, "So, Sungmin." Yesung chuckled as he sipped his coffee, "Are you interested in anyone right now?" 

Sungmin nearly dropped his cup, "N-n-no." he stammered, he accidently tilted the cup and coffee spilt onto Yesung's new leather jacket, "Oh! I'm so sorry!" Sungmin cried out and reached for napkins to dry Yesing's jacket. Aish, why did he always have to make a fool of himself in front of Yesung?

"It's fine." Yesung assured him as he also took some napkins and dabbed at his wet jacket, "Now I have a coffee scented jacket." he joked.

"I'm so, so sorry." Sungmin kept apologizing, "I'll buy you a new one-" 

"Sungmin, I'll just wash it and it will be fine! No need to buy a new one!" Yesung laughed, "You know, you're always so comfortable around all the members except for me." he suddenly serious, "Is it because you don't like me?" 

"No - no! Nothing like that! I'm totally comfortable around you!" Sungmin desperately looked for a way out. 

"No you aren't, that upsets me." Yesung frowned, all the traces of happiness disappeared from his face, "Please tell me why you don't like me, so I can improve." 

"Yesung, it's not like that!" Sungmin protested. 

"Please Sungmin, tell me why." 

Sungmin tried to avoid answering, "Don't know why! Tell me why!" he sang, Yesung stared at him as if he were the weirdest person ever, and Sungmin's heart sank. He had just made things more awkward, and Yesung was never going to like him now. 

"Fine, if you don't want to tell me." Yesung said coldly, getting up, "I'll go pay at the counter, see you 'round Sungmin." 

"Yesung-ah don't go!" Sungmin cried, he didn't want Yesung to be mad at him. 

"I think you're being informal," Yesung informed him coolly, "The formal term is hyung." 

"Yesung hyung," Sungmin corrected himself, "Please stay." 

"No thank you." Yesung walked off to pay, leaving Sungmin to cry alone in the little coffee shop. 


(Ryeowook's POV) 

"I came as soon as you called and I didn't bring Kyuhyun just as you requested!" Ryeowook said as he hurried over to where Sungmin was sitting, "What's up? What happened?" he asked upon seeing Sungmin's tear stained face. Yes, he was willing to leave his boyfriend on Christmas night to come comfort his best friend, Kyuhyun hadn't been too happy, but Ryeowook didn't let Kyu control his life anyway.

"Yesung- he-" Sungmin choked on his tears. 

"Shh, come here Minnie hyung." Ryeowook comforted him and drew him close, Sungmin rested his head on Ryeowook's shoulder and cried again. Other people in the shop stared at them but luckily they weren't recognized. 

Ryeowook waited until Sungmin had cried himself out before repeating his question about what had happened. 

"Yesung-" Sungmin hiccuped, "Asked me why I'm so weird around him - and if I don't like him, and then he left-" 

"Aww my poor Minnie hyung!" Ryeowook cooed, "Yesung just misunderstood, that's all." he consoled his friend. 

"He's straight anyways." Sungmin sniffed. 

"I'm sure he likes men too." Ryeowook consoled his friend. 

"At least you have Kyu." Sungmin said. 

Ryeowook smiled, recalling old memories, he said, "You know, Kyu used to act weird around me too, just like you do with Yesung." 

"Really?" Sungmin perked up. 

"Yeah, and when I complained about it, he confessed that he likes me, and we talked it out." Ryeowook told him, "Just tell Yesung you like him." 

"I'm not ready." Sungmin shook his head. 

"You can do it." Ryeowook encouraged his friend. 

"Can I practice on you?" 

"No, practicing makes things awkward." Ryeowook said, "Just say it, just tell him, I know you'll be adorable as usual." 

"Thanks Ryeowook." Sungmin smiled, feeling much better now, "You better get back to Kyu." 

"Are you sure?" Ryeowook asked, still worried. 

"Yeah, I'll be fine, see you in a few days?" 

"Definitely." Ryeowook gave his hyung one last hug before tramping through the snow back to their dorm and to Kyuhyun, he hummed all the way home as the snowflakes fell on his nose, Christmas was his favorite time of the year. 


(Sungmin's POV) 

 Sungmin really appreciated having Ryeowook as a best friend, and how he was always willing to drop anything to come help him. 

Once Ryeowook had left, Sungmin went back to his house, where he and Yesung had met earlier. This house used to belong to Sungmin and his wife, Kim Saeun, before she found out that he only married her for publicity and to cover up that he liked one of s, then they got divorced. 

Sungmin decided that now was the best time to call Yesung and tell him his feelings, so he could just get it over with, but Yesung would not answer the phone. 

Yesung continued to avoid the younger until he was released from the army and they were forced to perform together. "Hyung!" Sungmin called out to Yesung, who was talking to Heechul, "Can I talk to you?" Sungmin still remembered to call Yesung hyung just like he was told on that Christmas night.

Yesung, trying not to make Heechul suspicious of anything, tried to act happy and normal, "Sure." they moved into the corner of the room, "What is it?" he asked, his voice was now cold now that no one could hear him. 

"Hyung, it's not that I don't like you, it's that," he couldn't do this anymore, he glanced around frantically and he caught Ryeowook's eye, Ryeowook gave him an encouraging look and Sungmin plunged on, "It's that I like you ... in that way." 

Yesung's eyes widened, "Is this some kind of joke?" he demanded. 

"No hyung!" Sungmin said, he knew that Yesung was going to act like this, but he still felt hurt. 

"Is this really, really not a joke?" Yesung narrowed his eyes. 


"Swear on your umma's life." 

"I swear on my umma's life. Hyung but why-?" 

"Because I want to make sure you're not joking, so that when I tell you I like you too, I won't get embarrassed." Yesung said with a smile. 

"Huh? You like me?" Sungmin asked in confusion, "But then ... why were you so cold to me?" 

"I thought you didn't like me." Yesung confessed, "So I didn't want you to know that I liked you."

"But when I called you-" 

"I didn't want you to know I care, I'm sorry." Yesung said with a regretful sigh. 

"But I thought you liked girls -" 

"That was all for public image, same as you and Saeun." 

"Oh." Sungmin blushed, "Hyung, do you really like me?" 

"Of course I do, Sungmin-ah, and don't call me hyung anymore okay? I'm sorry I scolded you on Christmas night." Yesung put his arms around Sungmin's waist and pulled him closer, so that they're noses were almost touching, "I'm gonna kiss you now, okay?" 

"Hyung-" Sungmin said in awe.

"Yesung." Yesung corrected the other. 

"Yesung-ah, yes you can." Sungmin said softly and closed his eyes. 

And then he felt Yesung's lips slowly press against his lovingly, the way he had wanted it for years. Out of breath, they pulled apart, but then Yesung kissed him in the same soft, gentle manner again and again until Sungmin thought he would go crazy. He was aware of the other members and the staff and their manager watching, but couldn't care less, he had Yesung now. 

"I'm sorry." Yesung murmured into their kiss, "For being like that-" 

"I love you Yesung-ah." Sungmin said, pressing his body so tightly against Yesung's that there was no space even for air between them. 

"I love you too Sungminnie." Yesung whispered. 

"Yah! What is this?" Heechul shouted, and Yesung and Sungmin broke apart with satisfied smiles on their faces.

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390 streak #1
Chapter 1: It's almost christmas, perfect time for reading this story d >///< b
Eggums #2
Chapter 1: This was really sweet! I liked it a lot :3 I hope you write more YeMin in the future!