Once More, With Feeling

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[University!AU] Junmyeon's gullible, the Chinese foreign students rule the school, Sehun's too smart for his own good, Kyungsoo and Jongin are rumoured to be dating, money makes Jongdae's world go round, everyone loves senpai Minseok and Baekhyun's the one leaving anon hate on Chanyeol's askfm.



Byun Baekhyun- public enemy number one. He secretly hates Chanyeol, usually leaving anon hate on Chanyeol's askfm. He's that laboratory groupmate who does nothing but comment on what's happening. Usually mentioned at the school's 'secret files'.

Park Chanyeol- tries to be 'hip' but actually fails at it. Loud and always trying to get the class to work together though no one listens to him. Best friends with Kris.

Wu Kris- the international student who sometimes pretend to not understand Korean so he can get away with things. Never fails to buy the hot peanuts being sold at the front of the school with his best buddy Chanyeol.

Do Kyungsoo- the type you always see at the library who is cute but you don't know his name. Actually approachable and will let you copy off his homework.

Kim Jongin- looks scary and mean, the one with rumours always flying around that he's a player but is actually a gigantic geek. The type who is going to copy your answers when you're actually about to copy his.

Kim Jongdae- the smart kid in class who doesn't give a about what's happening. Will let you copy his work in return for something else, usually monetary exchanges. The kind of friend you have that is also friends with that friend of yours without your knowledge.

Huang Zitao- looks scary but is actually a big baby. He's that type of friend who is in the varsity. Has all types of SNS and is actually very famous in the net.

Kim Junmyeon- the teacher's pet. Always gets asked to fetch things around or buy missing materials for the lab. Chanyeol and Kris usually convinces him to give them money to buy hot peanuts. The rich friend who is everybody's driver since he's the only one with a car.

Lu Han- the foreign student who all the boys and girls like. The type of student people wait for at corridors because he's that popular. Also the type of student who still can't make up his mind and keeps on changing majors.

Oh Sehun- the loudmouth who calls everybody noona or hyung even though he's the same age as them or sometimes even, older. That student who complains that he's got a low score in the exam when he only had two mistakes.

Kim Minseok- the popular senior who is always all smiles. He's the type who you know is going to be successful no matter what he ends up doing. Usually gets a lot of asks in his askfm confessing to him.

Zhang Yixing- he's that foreign student who you think is Korean because he has a nice accent and is friends with everybody. He stands out  by being leader of the school's dance crew, the people's prince and you just want to be friends with him but he seems so untouchable.


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Chapter 1: I'm excited for the update, please keep it up
Polarstar17 #2
Chapter 1: Hiii!! I love the fact that it's going to be related to medicine!!! Keep working, it's a fantastic idea ~
2437 streak #3
Chapter 1: that was awesome! btw i love hunhan just sayin :D