Chapter 4:Who's she!?!

Falling for You

It was still early when Hyoyeon made it to school, she was proud of herself for coming in early. Technically though, it was all thanks to Jessica. Maybe she should thank the seductive girl?

"Unnie! Good morning!"A voice calls out to the blonde dancer. Hyoyeon turns her head, seeing Seohyun walking up to her. A bunch of books in her hands, along with her school bag.

"Ah, Seo-baby."Hyoyeon greeted, calling the younger girl by her nickname. "Need help there?"Hyo saw the struggle the other was having with the books. "Y'know what? I'll just help."Hyo chuckled and took the books from the maknae's hands. Holding them for her. "What's up with al the books?"

"O-Oh... Uhmm."Seohyun blushes. "I'm returning all the books I borrowed from the library...."She states softly.

"Haha. A bookworm as always~"Hyoyeon giggles. "I'll help you bring them there."She nods and leads the way to the library. Seohyun following her obediently.

"You're here early, Unnie."Seohyun pointed out suddenly. Staring at Hyo curiously as they walked side by side. At the library, they returned the books and then start walking towards their hangout area. "Don't you usually come a bit later?"

"O-Oh.."Hyoyeon nodded nervously. "I woke up early today for some reason...."She says silently dazing off. Her thoughts began to fill more with Jessica. "AH!"Hyoyeon groaned after a few more thoughts of the other girl, she shook her head furiously to shake the thoughts out. Not going unnoticed of course.

"U-unnie??..."Seohyun looked worried.

"D-Don't worry about me, Seo."Hyoyeon chuckled nervously, Tiffany and the others being in sight at that point.

"Hyoyeon!"Tiffany stares in surprise and awe, she walked up to the dancer and took her hand. "You came early."She smiled brightly, like always. Proud of her girlfriend for actually coming to school early. "Yeah."Hyoyeon nodded, smiling back. The two creating a bright loving atmosphere around themselves.

"Ahem.....Hyo, wanna come pratice with me?"Yuri comes up to the two, wanting to break their lovey dovey atmosphere. She took hold of Hyo's free hand and tugs on it softly. Causing Hyofany's eye contact to break as the two look to Yul.

"Oh uhmm... If Tif's okay with it?"Hyoyeon looked to Tiffany, the other girl nodding. Wanting the blonde to do what she likes to do, not wanting to hold her back. Hyoyeon nodded happily and follows Yul to the dance studio that was close to their hangout. Everyone agreed to hangout by the dance studio since the person they love and care for like-, loves to dance.

Yoona follows them, liking to dance too.That and she also likes to watch Hyo dance too. It was mesmerzing when the blonde danced.

Just as those three leave, another appears. While the other 5 chat silently with themselves, Jessica makes an appearence. She grinned when she saw Tiffany Hwang, everything was going according to plan. In her opinion that is. Jessica walked up to the 5 girls, a happy expresison on her face. "Excuse me."Jessie interupts their chat. "May I ask a question?"

She grinned when all eyes were on her. Some widening because of the clothing she wore... Hyoyeon's clothing. They'd know it's Hyo's, especially the shirt... it has her name on it, her favorite color and her basketball jersey number. Tiffany got that made for her for their anniversary. "Yo-... Who are you...?"Tiffany asked, shocked as she stared at the shirt.

"Ah, Annyonghaseyo. Jessica imnida."Jessica bowed her head slightlly. "I was wondering if you girl's know Kim Hyoyeon? She forgot her lunch at home."She told the five, holding a paper bag up. It containing the home made food.

"What's you're relationship with her..."Sooyoung asked, Tiffany not being able to talk because of how much shock she was in.

"Hmm... What is our relationship...?"Jessica wondered herself. A smile still on her face. "She's my... 'special friend~'"

"Special friend?"Taeyeon stared wearily at the other.

"Yup~"Jessie nods, she giggled when the blonde came out of the dance studio with Yonna and Yuri. When Hyoyeon saw her there, her jaw drops in shock. Yoona and Yuri too when they saw the shirt, like the others, they knew exactly whose shirt that was. "Hyo-baby~ I made you lunch, you forgot it at home."Jessie pouted and hands Hyo the paper bag, planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Yo-"Hyoyeon started but was stopped by Tiffany's loud voice.

"YAH! KIM HYOYEON!"The girl yells, her anger snapping. "Who is she!?"

"Tiff, it's not what you think!"Hyoyeon looked nervous. "I-I just met her yesterday when I was going home!"She says seriously. "There's nothing between us!!"

Jessica gasped, "I'm hurt. After all we've been through? Did us sleeping together not mean a thing to you, Kim Hyoyeon?"She pouted, crossing her arms. Like the diva she is.

"Sleeping together!?!"Tiffany's voice was cracking as tears form at her eyes. "Yesterday?..... I-'ve been ready to give myself up to you and only you Kim Hyoyeon.... B-But you stop the process, leave, and then sleep with some other girl?......."Her body was trembling.

"Stephanie Hwang!"Hyoyeon used Tiffany's real name, being serious about this. Walking up to the girl and wiping away her tears. "Don't believe her words, please.. I met her just yesterday night, and we didn't do anything besides argue!"She explains. "Not only that but she knocked me out..."

'No no no.... Don't explain yourself you big dummy!!' Jessica thought to herself. Mentally panicking.

"Chincha...?"Tiff looked up and stares Hyoyeon in the eyes.

Hyoyeon gave a nod. "I'll do anything to make you believe me..."She states. "So.....Please..."

'Time to bring out Plan B....' Jessica thought, a gleam in her eyes. "What about the hickey?... Was that nothing to you? You really liked it when I marked you as mines."She pointed out, walking up to Hyoyeon and ing her shirts buttons, showing the others the red mark at the blonde's chest. That's right, she had given that to the nerd when she was sleeping. Actually wanting to mark her territory.

"W-What!? W-When!!??"Hyoyeon was confused herself, staring at the mark in disbelief.

"You didn't expect me to leave marks on you when you're laying - at my side?"Jessica scoffs. "Think again, cutie~"

"YAH! Stop making them misunderstand things!"Hyoyeon yelled at the girl.

Jessica looked to Tiffany, hoping she'd be in more tear by now. Ready to break up with the blonde dancer. Surprisingly though, instead of that,Tiffany had a determined look on her face. Wiping away the tears. "I believe in Hyo..."She states seriously. "I trust her with my life, if she says nothing happened, then nothing happened."

Hyoyeon sighs in relief as she hugged Tiffany tightly. Jessica growled at their strong relationship, honestly  she could just move on from Hyoyeon and find someone else but... something told her to kee trying. She was about to say something mean but was stopped when the bell rings. "Damnit..."

"Time to go to class."Sooyoung drags Hyoyeon now, wanting her away from Jessica at this point. Dragging Tiffany along too since the Hyofany couple was still holding hands. The others follow them, except for Yoona and Seohyun. Those two quickly walk to their own class, not wanting to talk to Jessie.

"That was rude of them to leave me..."Jessica groaned, stomping her foot in utter frustration. "Hmph, I'll just follow them. I know Hyoyeon's classes anyways...."She tells herself and began following the Seniors. Making things awkward for other students. Everyone knew Hyoyeon and Tiffany were a thing, but here comes another girl wearing Hyoyeon's anniversary shirt from Tiffany. The girl following Hyoyeon and the others.

This was causing quite a commotion, gossip was beginning to spread like wildfire at this point.

"Yah! You!"Sunny yells, the 6 stopping in their tracks to look at Jessica. "Stop following us!"Sunny yelled more but in a cute tone, wanting Hyo's heart to flutter a bit, it did just so you all know.

"I'm not letting you take my future husband away."Jessica walked closer to them, pointing at Tiffany accusingly.

"Excuse me!? 'Your' future husband!?"Tiffany glared, letting go of Hyo's hand and walking up to Jessica. "You're not even her girlfriend, don't just declare something like that!"She was getting mad. No one wants a mad Tiffany.

"C-Calm down, F-Fany."Hyoyeon took hold of Tiffany's hand again and tugs on it softly, wanting to pull the other back a bit. She didn't like that they were causing such a commotion, people were putting their attention on THEM. And Hyoyeon didn't like that.

"Hate to break the fight and all, but we have class to get too!"Taeyeon pointed out. "And you need to get off the school's property before they bring security into this, you are not a student at this academy."She looks at Jessica, being a leader she had to step up her game and protect her friends. Especially Hyoyeon.

"Yeah! Shorty is right!"Sooyoung says seriously.

"Yah! Choi Soo-young!"Taeyeon yelled at the tall girl now, because of the un-needed nickname that was called out.

"Sorry."Sooyoung chuckled nervously.

Jessica grumbled to herself, "Fine... I'll go."She crosses her arms like usual and turns around to walk another direction. 'Hmph... I am not going down without a fight...'She grinned, instead of going to Hyoyeon's house, this girl decided to give the principle a little visit.

__==Falling for You==__

"Excuse me~"Jessica knocks on the Principle's door. She walks in when allowed and then took a seat in front of the Principle. "Annyonghasaeyo, Jessica imnida."She bows her head respectively since the ajusshi in front of her is the Principle at the school. "I'd like to apply to this school and attend right now, all my classes being with Kim Hyoyeon."She states in a straightforward way.

The principle looked at her curiously, his brow raised. "It's nice to know teens want be in school these days but unfortuntly we can't allow you're enrollment to be today, and you can't just hand pick your classes like tha-"

"Sorry for cutting you off, but..."Jessica sighs. "I didn't want to use this card, but if I must to encourage you to make right decisions.... Gyojang, do you know who my father is?"She looked serious.

"Ah, excuse me. I do not know."The principle shook his head. "May I ask whom he is?"

"Instead of telling you his name, I'll tell you my last name."Jessica smiled brightly. "My whole name is Jessica Sooyoun Jung."

"Jessica Sooyoun Jung..."The ajusshi  repeats and thought about it, the name being very familiar. "JUNG? The best lawyer in korea!?"

"Exactly, if you don't want to lose everything you have and live a horrible life, I suggest you get me in this school quickly. Also, I want to be in Kim Hyoyeon's classes."Jessica threatened him.Honeslty, she didn't like using her dad's name to get what she wants. But for this, she must. "Tick tock, the clock's ticking and my thumb's itching to call daddy up~"

"O-One moment M-Ms.Jung!"Her status made the old man nervous as he made calls and typed at his computer, also writing a few things down. Signing paperwork and stuff like that. "A-Are you sure you want all of Kim Hyoyeon's classes?"

"I am sure."Jessica nodded. "Are you sure you wanna stop working on getting me in this school just to spew useless questions?"

The older man jumps in surpise and gets back to work. Causing Jessica to smile victoriously.

'It's a matter of time before she's mines~'



So we found out more things about Jessica in this chapter and the others met her in a not so happy way. LOLOL


Nothing to worry about here, Lol. Just stopping the chapter at this point so I can sleep already. It is once again night time and I am sleepy, not only that but my interenet really ....

Anywho, keep commenting on my crappy stuff lol. I love getting comments. It's so nice and heartwarming when I see a comment and read to see it's a nice one.

By the way, if I hadn't mentioned before. This is kind of based of this roleplaying thing I did with some friends. You can already tell who I was roleplaying as.. (*COUGH* Someone like Kim Hyoyeon *COUGH*)

I might make more stories based of my Roleplays. I found them really interesting and thought that they might be good for stories honestly.

Till next time~







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Chapter 8 finally up~


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Chapter 10: one of the best stories i've ever read :) please updateeeeeeee don't leave this too so great fic :)
Chapter 10: Oh wow. Never read harem before but so far this is working quite nicely. Hope you can update soon because I really got curious what's gonna happen at the beach and shopping with kara^^
Chapter 10: please update soon
please update your story ..
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Ilike2read #5
Chapter 10: Plz update your story.
ginamg #6
Chapter 10: please update soon
hyoyul15 #7
Chapter 10: hohohoho~ lucky hyo she can kiss all the girls~ and even kara has a thing on her, hearthrob hyo~ waaaahhh I want the beach chapter already, I'm really sure hyo unnie will activate the girls into monstet lol~

I really really love it!!! thanks 4 d update authornim!!! patiently waiting for the next!!! Authornim Jjang!!!!
hyoyul15 #8
Chapter 9: hahahah~ now hyo unnie has officially dated 10 girls~ hahahaha
"sharing is caring" lol~
I'm sure their vacation to the beach will be a chaos~ lol

thanks for this wonderful update!!! patiently waitibg for the next!!! authornim fighting!!
Chapter 8: w0w! i love this chapter. i can't wait for the next updates author. sorry for the rush but this is the best fic your're doing a good job ^_^
Chapter 8: Lol, this fanfic is crazy.