A Kiss for Shut Up

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A week, it was just a week - an afflictive, insulting week, that felt like heaven in the tip of Wendy's tongue. 





Title: A Kiss for Shut Up
Theme: Romance,  College!AU 
Rating: PG-15  ; mild language -  which results to this story being set as Members-only access , you would understand nothing if the foul language were to be chipped out by aff.
Notes: 7 chapters in total. Self-conflicts, sarcastic statements, istg don't take everything literal, you'll be confused af. 


Prologue: Stay Sane

It would be just a week they said. An innocently and burtally short yet long time period of seven days. , if I cared. I'll you not, I really don't - I never did from the start, planning to care wasn't even an option I would dreadly consider. Dear, it was only the expectation from others - those who cared.


Whether I'd like it or not, It was the first day and of course it just had to rain the moment I stepped out of the dingy apartment I wished would renovate by itself. What could even go worse at this point?


Bae Joohyun was standing in all of her glory just across the street, all perfect with her umbrella that I hoped would burn. Her perfection makes me feel like and I don't get it how she needs to rub it all in my face. She's hell mixed into one, daughter of Mr. perfect I could possibly worship yet painfully judge because of countless, offending reasons - one would be her face. I hated her guts, I hated her, she was just pretty, and that was it.


Her perfect smile mocks me when I blatantly stole a glance at the beauty dressed in white. She was awfully stunning, horribly beautiful,  god how I hated her. 


The next blink I had and she was already skipping towards me. I made a mistake when at certain times I defied Irene’s capabilities and competencies. Who would’ve imagined that a black sweater, together with some pair of jeans and worn out kicks would result to the epitome of everything aesthetic, no, Bae Joohyun alone is aesthetically pleasing to look at.


I let the black leather jacket swing over my frame, over my head as if it would make a difference because let's face it, I would look like a ing fool with or without it, I question myself eitherway.


Bae Joohyun chuckles - it was music, I'm not even exaggerating. With no hesitation, she ever so lightly pushes my left shoulder towards her and I unintentionally stepped up front, joining her with the little umbrella she bought, and without a doubt my right shoulder would still be soaked. I did not sign up for this, whatever this was.


"We've got less than seven days, just swing your arm over me. Let's get this over with," She says, taking my arm, bringing it over her shoulder.


I wasn't slightly stiff, I did this with others, prettier even, Irene shouldn't be any different, "My personality is dry as my soul."


"Your personality wouldn't be what others would be falling head over heels for at first glance."


She's was basically saying I'm pretty and I don't even understand, "Whatever," I bitterly say with the most bitter expression I could express bitterly.


The brunette shook my hand and for whatever the hell that meant, I took it as the motive to move my legs with her leaning casually on my shoulder.

Irene was her name and she was perfectly mocking my existence without even trying.


Our walk was silent, I didn't dare talk, neither did Irene and I don't know how many times I'd thank god she didn't. It was only the droplets of rain, murmuring cats and her steady breathing. I am so done.


"Tell me why it couldn't be Seulgi who could do this?"
She pauses for a moment and I have no clue if she heard it or not, as far as I'm concerned, I'm next to her and last time I checked, my voice could be heard from the next block - not really but I think you get the point.


"Why -"

"She has her exams."


Exams weren't until next month but okay. I never thought I could meet the worst liar in the list, personally, up-close and right beside me. Obviously, she was too busy being nice, the arts of lying were too unfamiliar, too vague.


The bus pulls up and I walked faster than usual, I wouldn't want to wait for the next bus stop. For one, I wouldn't want my time to be spent unintentionally, even worse I would be forced to spend it with Irene, the precious walking gem – I wasn’t fond of.

I’d be sticking to Bae Joohyun for the next seven days, the next ing seven days, I don’t even expect that I’ll still be sane.




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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 1: Hello??????
Soshivelvett #2
Chapter 1: Pls update soon :((
Chapter 1: Wew your story is amazing, cant wait for the update ;))
Chapter 1: Wew your story is amazing, cant wait for the update ;))
paransaek #5
Chapter 1: I'll subscribe just in case this gets updated hehe
sone41 #6
Chapter 1: WHEn will u update this? :(
Chapter 1: Author, i really like this fic,will u update this when u have time? I dont mind waiting
zulaiqa #8
Chapter 1: Author I just found this amazing fic of yours and I'll always be waiting for the day when u finally update
Baeby9 #9
Chapter 1: Author?? Update please? Probably for an early Christmas present.
Chapter 1: Omg... I just found your story and I love this!!!! Looooove <3
I'll be waiting for the update