Chapter 1

The Witches Heart

"Jin Young...Jin Young!" I yelled. It finally happened, We should have left sooner. I've lost Everything,My mom,My dad,My sister,My brother,Kunpimook and now my precious Jin young.


    "I'm sorry" I whispered as I let go of his hand. All the memories flew into my head,My poor Jin young...I'm Sorry. 



   "Umma,What's a witch?"I asked my mother. She turned to to look at me as if I had done something wrong "You curious child your appa will teach you when you're old enough." She answered before returning returning to wash the dishes. 


  Knowing me I wasn't going to let my question go so I decided to ask my friend Kunpimook Bhuwakul. 



   "A witch? Oh! You mean the ugly ladies my dad hunts!" Kunpimook answered my question in an excited yell. "An ugly lady?" I said to myself. He nodded as if he knew what I was thinking "Mean and evil. My appa says I'll become a witch hunter when I get older" He said. "Why do people in our village hunt witches?"I asked him. "To keep them from killing us,My appa says my noona was killed by a witch when I was younger." He answered.  


   Was that really the reason or where people just scared because witches where different?  What if they were nice people? Little did I know I'd get to see two different sides to a witch.





   "Kunpimook,Could I go to your house after school today?"I asked Bambam while I put my notebook into my book bag. "Sorry Mark but I have training today,You should come With mw one day"He responded not even looking up from what he was doing. I just shrugged and said "Ok" to him before I walked out the class room. 


     I remember that walk being boring. My brother and sister both had their friends to talk to while I had no one. That's when I saw this kid, he looked scared. "Hey It looks like you just saw a ghost." I said to the kid. All he did was look up at me and continued walking. "Weirdo" I herd my brother say. The kid stopped walking "I'd wait before turning that corner" He said,Even his voice was filled with fear. 


     My brother and sister shrugged and just continued walking hone. Once we reached the corner my sister whispered something to my brother. They both stopped and turned to look at me "You should walk ahead" they both suggested.  

    Is shrugged and turned the corner with them following behind me. A strange looking man ran past me, He looked like he was in a hurry to get away from someone. That's when we saw Mr.Bhuwakul run out of our house. It took me a while to get it but he was running after the man. My brother and I panicked and ran towards the house. 


    Why can't the memories stop coming in.... 


   I wasn't ready to see what I had seen. My parents were lying on the floor dead. They has a symbol carved onto them,That symbol I'll never forget. 




   My sister and I ended up living with the Bhuwakuls. My brother moved in with one of his friends.  


     I started going to training with Kunpimook a weeks after my parents death. At the time I thought that all witches were horrible, Evil people who liked seeing humans suffer. 


    I was probably in the 9th grade when I met Jin young. 


   The memories,they hurt....


   When I didn't have training me and Jin young would walk home together. I loved having someone to talk to while walking. My sister would always go to her friends' house after school and Kunpimook would usually have other stuff to do so it was usually me and Jin young. 

  Kunpimook would always tell me he had a bad feeling about about Jin young but I always ignored him. 


   Why am I remembering now....


    "Is Mark Your only friend?" Bambam asked Jin young.


My lovely Jin young's shyness,How I loved that. 

Why do I have to remember.... 


  "No,He's the only one I like hanging out with though." Jin young responded. Bambam allays seemed mad when Jin young was over. Both Jin young and Kunpimook were important to me. I hated that Kunpimook disliked Jin young. 


   Let me stop remembering please! 

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