Everything Has Changed



Yoon Bomi is the president of the dance club, consistent top student in her batch and a responsible daughter. They are not rich but she’s able to study in a prestigious school because of a scholarship. Since she was young she was trained to work and work and work because her father died early and she still has two younger sisters.


Although she is nice a lot of girls in the school hate her. She has a boyish character and is more comfortable with boys. She is also outspoken and brave. One day the owner of the company that sponsors’ her scholarship told her that she has another task. And that is to tutor their son, Park Chanyeol.


Why wouldn’t she know him? He is famous at school. He is a member of the Royalties, a 7-member group. A lot of girls go screaming for him dying for his attention. But the most important thing is, he is a jerk and she don’t think she can last another day with him.


When you fall in love with the person you least expect to have feelings with, what will you do? He might tell you that he loves you, too but how far can your young love go? Is it meant to be forever or just a part of your youth?



The original characters are Kim Hyoyeon of Girls Generation and Kim Kibum of Super Junior. When I was thinking of changing the characters in the story and it came to Hyoyeon the first person that came to my mind is Yoon Bomi of Apink. I’m not really a Pink Panda but I’m a fan of Bomi and Chorong. There are also similarities between their characteristics and image. Both of them are the dancing machine in their respective groups and not to mention shameless.


And yeah she is the Yoon Bomi in my other fanfic Wendy’s Peter Pan. This is her story.



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HansPanda #1
Chapter 19: Aren't you going to update anymore?
Emi_changiraffe #2
Chapter 19: Please update!!!!!
rahnitaa #3
Chapter 19: Finally you update this story T^T

Update pleaseeeee
KaiChannie6188 #4
Chapter 17: author nim annyeong!! the story is jjang ㅋㅋㅋ i really like it to the point that I already reread it for the 14th time (not kidding) ㅋㅋㅋ please update ^^
Chapter 17: Pls make a chapter that focuses in Chan's POV plith i want to know what's happening to him xD
Chapter 17: Hello! Before everything else, you should focus on your thesis first >.<

The story is really nice, the writing style is neat too, I like it. Seems like Chanyeol starts to change? I wonder what exact point that makes him change, haha. Since it's from Bomi's POV I get curious about chanyeol's feeling.
But, ah, I don't know if it's just me? Sometimes I feel like there's not enough description .__. Most of the times there are only 2 people talking so it's not too confusing, but sometimes I get confused who's talking and it's not until certain talk I realize who's speaking. But maybe it's just me...
Anyway, I feel like you're already so diligent with your updates, how come others still ask you to update soon :/
Good luck on your thesis, then on the story! :)
rahnitaa #7
Chapter 17: Woaahhh i love your story ♥

Update pleaseeee ><
Chapter 17: Your writting skill make me fallen more to your story!! Update soon please~~
Byungchan_angel #9
Chapter 17: Woah! I really love your story! Please update soon!
79 streak #10
Chapter 16: Update pleaseee agaim??? XD