You Make Me Live


Yoongi's treading through a difficult life with hands in pockets and a head in the clouds. His journey is accompanied by the uncanny Jungkook, a friend who is adamant to live life in the moment. The start of his escape finds Yoongi in situations he has no experience in. Forced to open up, the people he encounters changes his perspective on life altogether.


EDIT 11/28/15: HI. I deleted both the chapters for this fic but decided against completely deleting the story like I did on AO3 and re-uploading it (as I did that without the intention to re-write it later one.) but instead, I have uploaded the first chapter, the new version that I have completely re-written. I lost the motivation to continue this story as I had a lot of school work to do as it's my first year of NCEA in NZ, but since summer holidays have started now I've decided to start it up again. So I hope you enjoy the re-write, I like to think i've improved it a lot. Thank you! ^^

From some months ago:

I decided to post this story on here too (not sure if thats the best decision i've made but oh well)

So, yeah, cross-posted/originially posted on AO3 here (updated link)
I'm not sure what the forewords are really meant to be used for but you have a summary so /shrugs/
Also I made a lame poster!!! hell yeah for lame posters!!!!

I'll probably move the rating to M later on

Genres: Angst, Romance, Psychological Drama, Drama


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