little talks;

The Prelude to Our Sunset
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[ 8:00 P.M. ]

Halla is woken up by her alarm. No, her clock is not malfunctioning— it woke her up at that time each and every day. She rises from her bed and pushes her thick, cotton blanket aside. She stretches her arms up and yawns, mentally computing how many hours she had spent sleeping. Thirteen hours straight—she was starting to need more and more rest as each day went by.

She finally gets out of her bed and drags her feet across the wooden flooring of her room and out, being greeted by a good evening smile coming from her mother. “Hello, honey,” she greets. Halla responds with a smile which was still rather heavy with sleep.

She brings a hand up, rubbing on her eye using the backside of her hand. A yawn seeps past her slightly parted lips as she made her way to the kitchen, There, her father was enjoying dinner by himself. He had his foot up and resting on the chairs, taking up two of them. He turned his head and gave Halla a nod of acknowledgement. “Eat up.” He says, mouth still full of rice, averting his attention back to the television set a room away from where they both were.

Halla nods and sits across the old man, looking at the food prepared (by her mother, she guessed) and picked up her chopsticks. In silence, with nothing else but the sound of the preppy variety show hosts through the TV being audible, Halla eats. In no time, she finishes her food.

“Are you going out again tonight?” Her father asks, sounding a tad uninterested. Halla gathers her utensils, bowls and plates as she wordlessly nods, bringing those onto the sink. “The sun rises early nowadays, so you better be back here by at least 4 o’clock.” He mutters, stoic as ever.

“Yes, dad.” She sing-songs in response, making her way back into her room. She walks over to her bed’s side, picking up her bag from the floor (its contents left untouched since the last time she went out, which was yesterday).

“Again?” Her mother peeks through the small opening of her room. Halla nods instantly, giving her mother a bright smile.

“I’m meeting with Minju. Again.” She says with a grin, walking past her mother and through the living room.

“Minju? Doesn’t that kid have classes…” Her father grumbles, eyes glued onto the TV. Halla is about to make a face at her father, but catches a glimpse of her mother giving her a look as if to ‘let-the-old-man-be’, and so she decides that maybe it’s best that she does.

“I’m going,” Halla turns on her heel, the smile on her face still evident, “I’ll see you guys later—don’t wake up early, alright? I promise I’ll be here before sunrise, so don’t bother waking up to check.” And on that note, Halla exits. Her father watches her disappear behind the door clicking to a close, his stoic front but a mere mask to the worrywart of a man he is in actuality.


Halla arrives at her usual spot, a street and a few minutes a walk away. By morning and afternoon, the place is swarming with sweaty high school students, but come nighttime it was just her (and her companion Minju, more often than not): the basketball court of the neighborhood.

She walks towards what she estimates is the center of the court and takes a seat on the floor, despite how she knew it was probably pretty dirty. She outstretched her legs in front of herself, taking off her bag as she scans her surroundings once over. Still no sign of Minju— she was late, as usual. Halla raises her arm and glances at the watch which clung around her wrist, which verified that her companion was indeed late, and it wasn’t that she was just early.

She heaved a sigh, expecting that kind of behavior from Minju in actuality. They’ve been fr

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kino111 #1
Hey, author! It seems like it's been so long, just want you to know I'm still looking forward to how this story unfold while wait for The Ark to come back :D
Chapter 1: ooooo wow minju...halla tho haha thanks for writing this :)
ryulover19 #3
Chapter 1: This story is full of mysteries so far. I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter!
iamout #5
Chapter 1: Just wondering how's it going so far? ;u; I'm curious to read what's next, but do still take your time! Just checking in, waiting. :)
kino111 #6
Oooh~YunaxHalla vs MinjuxHalla...I kind of ship both... But I do like minju and halla more xD.sigh* I miss them. August seem so far away! Anyway, I like where this story is going so far. Please update soon author!
Chapter 1: Well now this is interesting, I'm starting to wonder what genre this is, because I'm getting an 'urban-fantasy' vibe, from Halla get up and about at 8pm-- clearly she's not going to school and her parents don't see anything weird about it. So far, there isn't a lot of go on, but I do like the dynamic between Halla and Minju, can't wait to read more ^_^
Chapter 1: Wow, Minju is very mysterious and I think this is a fluffy one with a bit of drama. I like how Halla somehow get jealous of Minju making friends. This is very detailed and I think more readers wanted to know about Minju's family background(whether she's a rich kid who left her family abroad to pursue her dream or a carefree one who just do whatever she wants) though I wish it was the first because I think this justifies how Halla said that Minju doesn't always get new friends. (Maybe because her father was putting a surveillance on her) haha I'm imagining too much on this!

Though I like that bromance between the two at first, slow yet getting into the right transition. Halla's indifference towards Minju being late is so cute like she doesn't care(she even cared more about the brand of the eraser Minju got for her hehe). And Minju's joke on her 'psychic' abilities seems like a foreshadowing on something. I rather see this kind of story-line than just being 'love at first sight' type of thing. I also hope that the gang will be complete as you already introduced Yuna into the story. Jane and Yujin will be next right? Then The Ark will be complete.

I wonder if the two are in the same school/university because Halla's dad is wondering if Minju has classes. I'm really thinking that they are on the same school yet they are on different section. Halla's sketching is also something I look forward to because she seemed observant and I wanted to know what will she discover on her new friends in the future chapters!

Thanks author-nim for this wonderful story! I hop you won't get bored yet and continue this fic.
iamout #9
Chapter 1: Halla's situation totally reminds me of a movie, but the HalJu moment was refreshing and fascinating :D Comfortable best buds, huh?
Chapter 1: Wow.. Just wow. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.