A Spilling Secret

Secret Boyfriend - Seungri

Taking deep breaths at the end of each flight of stairs, you found yourself in front of the door and opening it with ease.

“_____, I thought you were going to be home sooner“ TOP called from the doorway while you quickly slipped off your shoes and let your backpack fall from your shoulders.

“Sorry Oppa, I tried to be home sooner but I got to talking to people in the library then in the lobby” You explained as you changed shoes and he came over to you.

“Alright, well we could either go now and try to make the movie or we could just stay in and do it some other time because you were a little late getting home.” TOP stood at the edge of the entryway as you looked up at him.

“I’m sorry, I just lost track of time” You told him

“I guess we will go see the movie another day then” TOP turned around and slid his hands into his pockets.

Your eyes followed him as he headed back to his bedroom. Slipping off your pair of shoes, you picked up your backpack as you slowly padded to your room. Pushing your white door open, you saw Daesung inside your room pacing while G Dragon was laying on his stomach while his fingertips gently traced the design on your comforter.

“W-What are you guys d-d-doing in here?” You stammered, closing the door behind you.

“We wanted to talk to you about something…” Daesung replied, his fingers playing with one another as G Dragon’s feet swayed over him.

“Really? What about?” You cooed back to them while you placed the shoulder straps of your backpack on the back of your desk chair.

“About where you went today” G Dragon sang, slowly looking over at you to watch your reaction.

“I just went to the library then got a little sidetracked with talking to people on my way home is all” You told them while shaking the jacket off of your shoulders.

“What books did you get then?” Daesung probed curiously as he trotted over to your backpack and ped it to try and see what new books you brought home were.

“Don’t look in my bag” You quickly snatched the backpack up and held it protectively between your arms. Your eyes scanned Daesung’s wide eyes as G Dragon sat upright on your bed.

“He just asked you a question” G Dragon pointed out as Daesung stepped away, allowing your eyes to drop to the books that still remained in your bag since this morning, you bit your lip.

“I know, but everyone is asking questions, everyone wants to know what I am doing, when and how I am doing it. Can’t I just be left alone?!” Your voice increased with volume as you felt yourself spilling over the edge.

“Yes you can” G Dragon said calmly with a nod of his head, resting his hand on Daesung’s back, the two of them left the room, quietly closing the door behind them. 

Silence filled your room as you slumped down on the edge of your bed and laid back against your bed. Fluttering your eyes closed, you felt your chest tighten as you tried to figure things out.

“Do you think she really went out with Seungri and spent the day with him?” Daesung questioned G Dragon as the two of them went to the living room to play a video game or two.

“All signs point that she did…” G Dragon picked up a controller and lifted the other controller up to hand to Daesung.

“Then… why don’t we go tell her brother, then he could get the right answer for sure” Daesung turned his body towards the corridor.

“Dont!” G Dragon hissed

“Why not? He can get to the bottom of this” Daesung pointed to his door

“He would also give ______ a hard time, besides it was just a few pictures Tae captured of them, we can’t blow this for her since she really seems to like him” G Dragon stated in hushed tones. Dropping his head, he moped over to G Dragon and took the controller from his hands.

A few minutes later, Taeyang and Seungri came through the front door, taking off their shoes, they read off the mail and placed them in piles for each of the members.

“Hey, did TOP and ______ go out for their movie?” Taeyang questioned while he took his seat on the couch.

“_____ came home too late so they couldn’t go” Daesung replied while his eyes stayed glued to the screen.

“Oh really? I thought… I brought her… I mean I thought she came home right on time” Seungri mumbled while taking a sip of chilled water from his water bottle. “Where is she?”

“She is in her bedroom” G Dragon mumbled while his thumbs quickly danced across the controller. Seungri carefully moseyed over to your door, gently knocking on your door, he looked up and down the hallway to make sure TOP wasn’t coming.

A tap on his shoulder stopped his heart as he slowly turned around.

“What are you doing here?” TOP questioned, his voice deep and his eyes searched his fellow member for his motive.

“I wanted to talk to ________” Seungri replied gently, the door swung open to you standing in the doorway with your brother and your secret boyfriend on the other side of the door.

“Can I help you both?” You inquired, hearing your voice both of their eyes tore away from one another before looking at you. 

“What did you want to talk to her about?” TOP’s eyes burned into the side of Seungri’s head.

“I just wanted to ask what she wanted for d-dinner since I am cooking tonight” Seungri covered up his other intentions.

“Anything is fine, although I love when you make your Panda special” You smiled at him as he nodded and headed off to the kitchen to make dinner for everyone.

“What can I help you with?” You shifted your gaze from your boyfriend to your brother.

“I just wanted to ask if you had fun at the library today” TOP shifted on his feet slightly as you just nodded

“It is always fun, you should try reading some books, they are cheaper than movies” You told him as you looked back into your room as you started to close your door since you answered his question. His hand pressed against the door and pushed it open as your eyes looked up to see your brother’s face looking at you with pleadingly large eyes.

“If something is bothering you, you would tell me right?” His head slightly tilted to one side, allowing his big brown eyes to get larger.

“Yeah… I guess…” You shrugged your shoulders slightly while your eyes watched your toes wiggle against your rug.

“You guess?” He probed

“Only if I thought you could help with the situation, if you couldn’t I would just try and do it by myself” You explained before lifting your eyes to see his eyes now saddened. Watching his hand fall from the door, he nodded and stepped away from your room slowly.

Feeling a tinge of guilt begin to build within you, you closed your eyes and leaned against the door frame as you just let your mind think through things. Knowing how you never liked to keep things from others especially your older brother, your best friend, you couldn’t help but feel this secret slowly eating away at you. 

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Chapter 6: Been screaming internally oh god
Chapter 6: This wasnt actually too long....some of the chapters were seriously super short.

Only slight thing; the opening scene was weird for me; breakfast cause Seungri was missing and no one found it weird. I was also just simply waiting for all of them to be together and once place and the ending dinner did just that =)

Only closure needed is TOP/BB confrontation with Seungri/couple as well.... for them to come clean and alll...

but very cute story overall and i generally like the plot...though u didnt specify top's reason for not wanting his sister to date any member....

i love seungri i think he's cute...hehe...well done!
Chapter 6: ohhhhh this is really sweet I feel like rolling around,although seungri isn't my bias in bigbang but I totally liked it ♥ :3
Chapter 6: aigooooo.... this is soooo sweettt....
Chapter 6: So Seunghyun knew it beforehand. Kkkk~ It's a really sweet story. I liked it.