A Lady's Revelation

The Art of Seduction

Yein felt a nervous bubbly feeling in the pit of her stomach-a feeling that she had come to know very well. Yein had minor anxiety. She couldn't really help it. Her mind was prone to get nervous easily since she had always wanted to live up to other people's standards. Even though she had gotten herself into-and kinda started-this whole 'revenge on Jongin' scheme, she still felt like the incompetent one in a brood of very confident and capable women. At first, she figured she should have expected this, since fraternizing with Juhyun made it impossible not to be around people that the second year diva didn't think qualified to even be in her presence. That being said, Yein was still anxious and insecure, even in the wake of people being awed at her mere association with Juhyun, not to mention that the two were actually very close friends. But that didn't stop Yein from observing the fact that it was always the fact that she was socializing with Juhyun or hanging out with the diva that people admired, not her actual contribution to their friendship.

And in the end, how could Yein measure what she had contributed to this illustrious and now infamous friendship? Was it even possible for her to do so without completely tearing herself down?


Yein felt a soft nudge on her head. She looked up to see Taehyung, his slightly faded orange hair shining in the dull sunlight of the early morning.

She puffed her cheeks slightly. "What do you want this early in the morning?"

Taehyung sat beside her and handed her a plain strawberry waffle-her favorite. "I want to know why you have such a serious face on, Jungye."

"Jungye. Long ago, that was what he used to call me. Before he left me to go to a new high school where I knew no one. Before he met Park Jimin and became the crazy person he was known as today. I knew him before the storm hit him."

Taehyung blinked and tilted his head. "Yah, you're still being quiet."

"It's just been a long two days…and I was mildly shocked at your use of my age old nickname, Kimtae."

Taehyung grinned. "I never forgot about it."

Yein sharply turned towards him, anger etched into her features. "Yeah but you completely forgot about me while you went to some elite private school and left me without saying a word."

Taehyung's face fell. "I can explain, Yein."

"The time for explanations is over, Kim Taehyung. You lost the one chance you had to ever regain my friendship."

Taehyung stood up abruptly. "Well if that's how you feel, then remind me to never initiate a conversation with you again."

Yein felt a sting at his words, but she chose to ignore that feeling. "Whatever you want."

Taehyung looked back for a split second before turning his back on his former best friend and walking towards the library to meet Jimin.



Seokjin was sipping tea in the study lounge of the library when Jimin suddenly walked in. "Hey hyung."

Seokjin glanced up. "Hello, Jimin. Where is Taehyung?"

"He's coming to meet us."

"You know that Jongin and Sehun are coming here to meet me too, right?"

"Yeah we both knew. Taehyung and Jongin kinda orchestrated this meet up."

"For two boys who hate each other, they sure do meet up a lot."

Jimin waved his hand in the air and sat down. "I honestly think they don't hate each other. They just like to stay in the gossip pools so that they are still relevant. And you know the kids at this school will make up any crazy story to get their minds off the overwhelming amount of work that comes with going to a SKY university."

Seokjin tilted his head. "But I feel as though those two would be better off making up once and for all and becoming the best flower boy duo possible. And then all four of you boys could-"

"-Be like the F4, yes we know hyung."

Seokjin and Jimin turned their attention to the two boys that had just walked in. The one who spoke was tall, had tanned skin, and had blank eyes. The one behind him was also tall, but he was a bit fairer and his most prominent feature wasn't his eyes, but his sharp jawline.

"Ah, Jongin, Sehun. Come sit down." Seokjin said. Jimin was about to give a polite smile to both boys when the door creaked open again. 

"Tae!" Jimin smiled. 

Taehyung, however, looked a bit frazzled. He nodded at the other three boys and then went to take a seat next to his best friend.

Seokjin offered Taehyung his tea cup, saying, "My Taehyung you look a bit down today. What's the matter?"

Taehyung glanced up at Jongin, and then looked down at his hands. "Women problems."

Jongin chuckled. "Good thing I never have those."

Taehyung shot lasers at the other boy. "Oh really? Because I heard that your most recent ex is not happy with the turn of events."

Jongin chortled loudly. "Who, Yein? That weak little thing couldn't raise her hand to me if she tried." Jongin's eyes narrowed. "But it's interesting that you've taken an interest in her after so many long years…"

Sehun sighed. "Cut the crap, Jongin. That was your fault anyway."

Jongin pouted. "How is it my fault what our parents decided? He was the one who wanted to go to a crappy public middle school just for the hell of it. If it weren't for me then Taehyung wouldn't even know Jimin!"

Jimin leaned back in his chair. "How ugly can you get? Everyone in this room knows that you asked your parents to let you go to that private school instead of going to the public high school. And your parents were never ones to not do anything for their precious prodigy. You left Taehyung in the dust for middle school and then forced him to comply with you so that you could both go to the private high school, because your parents wanted you two to be together. Seokjin-hyung can vouch for that whole story."

Jongin pouted. Sehun sighed. "Didn't I tell you to cut the crap?"

"Why do you even care, Sehun?" Jongin asked sharply.

Sehun looked exasperated at this point. He pointed towards Taehyung. "Because that's your twin brother and all you ever do is act like he doesn't even exist! And then when you do acknowledge him, you stomp all over him as if you're better than him. To see a brother doing that to his twin brother makes me sad as an only child. And you have another brother sitting right there!" Sehun said and pointed at Seokjin. 


"And, you need to start appreciating people in your life, Jongin! Not everyone is just here to be your pathetic play toy. And some people don't want to be temporary in your life, but you force them to be."

Jongin looked at his brother. "Taehyung listen to me. We're fraternal twins. That means that nothing about us, not even our DNA is similar. I learned to rely on myself because you didn't want to be there for me. And you in turn, hid behind all your own little excuses. So now, I don't like to associate myself with you. I live and breath for myself. There are only four things I cherish in this world: Seokjin-hyung, Sehun-ah, girls, and myself."

Taehyung scoffed. "Well if you cherish girls so much then maybe you can stop messing around with them and actually be serious. The reason I was last one here was because I saw Yein on my way here. Never mind the fact that I told you a million times that I would crush you to pieces if you ever hurt her. But I saw her for the first time in ages with a serious look on her face and you know what she said? She said that at that time, when I was to switch from the high school that I actually wanted to attend, she felt that I had forgotten about her. That was my best friend that you hurt, so I won't stand for your games any longer. You will reap what you sow, Kim Jongin."

Jongin laughed. "Yein was such a prude. She wouldn't even-"

Taehyung swung a punch at him so fast that no one else but Seokjin saw it coming. Luckily, he stopped it before it became a fight.

Jongin chuckled. "Aw, did I hurt Taehyungie's feelings? Is he mad that the girl he was in love with for so long hates his guts now?"

Taehyung glared at his older twin brother. "I will hurt you for this, Jongin. And one day, you'll find out that you've messed with the wrong woman." he said as he slung his backpack over his shoulder and exited the room with Jimin by his side.

Sehun turned his head towards his best friend. "I told you. You're going to rue the day you declared yourself a player."

Jongin huffed. "Oh hush, Sehun. Taehyung knows nothing about women."

Seokjin hit his younger brother's head with a book. "Jongin. For once in your life, please heed people's warnings. I think it's for the best this time."

Jongin huffed again and walked out. Sehun rolled his eyes, shrugged his shoulders, and vowed that he would leave it to Fate's hands now.



Juhyun was beyond excited. 

The clock had just struck 2 o' clock, which meant that her class was over and her time to eat lunch was starting. 

Yein was outside her classroom, waiting for her to be done. When Juhyun laid eyes on Yein, she was impressed and nodded her head in approval. Not only had her dongsaeng's hair become extremely wavy from the tight braid it was in all night, but the girl also looked dropped dead gorgeous in a simple crop top and the shorts Eunha had given her, along with the white boots. What made Yein's shirt stand out was the graphic of blossoming roses going across the shirt. Yein's makeup was natural looking, with a dark brown eyeliner that Eunha ensured would make her eyes look bigger and more dramatic without looking too bold. 

"J-Juhyun unnie, how do I look?"

"Marvelous, Yeinnie! I know how nervous you can get, but just relax! It's been a while since you've seen him but that's going to work to our advantage! And all you really have to do is me, greet him, and then you can be on your way. So don't sweat it!"

Yein released the breath she was holding and nodded optimistically. This unnie always knew how to release her anxiety. 

Once Juhyun saw that Yein was a bit more relaxed, the two girls started walking towards the outdoor food court, where Juhyun was to meet up with Jongin. The two girls had gone over this situation many times together-Yein was to make sure that she didn't seem interested in Jongin anymore and she was merely dropping Juhyun off for her lunch date. 

As the two women approached the courtyard, Yein remembered something Sorn had said to her earlier the previous day.

Yein was freaking out. "Sorn I know this was all my idea, but maybe I was wrong…maybe I'm not as strong as I seem."

Sorn sighed and gathered Yein's hands in hers. "Listen, Yein. Your life would be so much easier and less stressful if you just believed in yourself. Have some confidence! This is a brilliant plan and you need to give yourself credit for it! So just relax and when the time comes, I know you'll be the girl that you truly are."


Yein was frazzled, no doubt by this whole plan. At first she wondered, what had she been thinking, trying to get revenge on Kim Jongin? But then, as Sorn's words sunk into her, she realized that Sorn was right. Yein's plan was, at the very least, the only way Jongin would see the error in his ways. And then, with that in mind, Yein knew that she and the others were helping countless other girls who might fall prey to Jongin's smooth words and dangerous charm. 

Yein was suddenly filled with anger as she remembered Jongin's final words to her: "Kissing isn't enough for a man". 

Yein straightened her posture, fluffed her hair up a bit, and rested one hand on her hip. "Well I'll show you, Kim Jongin. I'll show you that I'm not a bore and you'll regret saying that every waking moment of your life."

Juhyun laughed. "I see you've gotten over your anxiousness. Well that's good because he's right over there." she said, as she pointed toward the table with the biggest group of girls next to it. 

Yein puffed her cheeks and rubbed her lip gloss in a bit more as the two sauntered over to Jongin.

Juhyun pushed her sunglasses up to rest on her head as they came up to the table. "Kim Jongin, I presume?"

Jongin looked up at Juhyun and smiled before panning his eyes to Yein. Yein stared him down for three seconds before he blinked at her. "And who is this?"

Yein and Juhyun deadpanned before Yein started laughing. "Aww what's this? My own ex-boyfriend doesn't recognize me."

Jongin's jaw dropped. "Y-Yein??"

Yein smirked. "Yes, Jongin?"

"You…You look-"

"Amazing? I know." she brushed some stray hair from her face. "Well, I'll leave you two lovebirds to it. Unnie, be careful with this one. He's a charmer."

Juhyun laughed and sat across from Jongin. "You don't have to worry about little ole me, Yeinnie."

Yein nodded and strutted off. 

As soon as she turned the corner, she closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. It took all her strength not to run back over there and curse Jongin out for all he'd done to her. She eventually found a nearby bench and sat down to gather her thoughts. 


Yein looked up and saw Jongin's best friend and roommate, Sehun. 

"Oh…hey Sehun."

Sehun pulled her up and smoothed her hair down a bit. "You look gorgeous. I swear, Jongin always breaks up with the prettiest girls."

Yein blushed a bit. "Well thanks Sehun. That means a lot to a plain girl like me."

"Plain? Yein, don't let Jongin's words get to you like that. He was lucky to have a girl like you…and I actually know someone who does want you."

Yein stared at him. "Excuse me?"

Sehun laughed. "Sorry, that sounded kind of forward. But I swear I'm not talking about myself. I really do know someone who is interested in you."

Yein giggled and looped her arm through Sehun's. "Well bring me to this person! I could use a distraction."

Sehun smiled down at her. "Oh no need. He's coming here. We're meeting at the coffee shop. Let's go?"

Yein nodded. "I'd like that."



Juhyun smiled coyly at Jongin. "So Jongin. Seokjin oppa was the one who contacted me about this meet up. Do you want my phone number?"

Jongin rested his chin in the palm of his hand. "My, how nice it is to have the girl making the first move. That's new."

Juhyun adjusted her sunglasses on her head. "Yeah well, I'm not exactly down to play by the rules of someone else's game is all. If my interest is piqued, I let people know right away."

Jongin brushed some of his hair away from his eyes. "I like that about you."

Juhyun's eyes twinkled. "Don't you like everything about me? Seokjin oppa did tell me you had a thing for me. Which is interesting because I've never met you formally until now."

Jongin shrugged. "Yeah, well I'm similar to you in that I like to stay interested. If I am, I'll tell you. I get bored easily, but I figured that finding the right girl would only be a matter of time."

Juhyun laughed. "So Eunha, Sorn, and Yein weren't the right girls then?"

Jongin looked up at her, his expression mildly surprised. "You know about them?"

Juhyun nodded. "I'm a girl who has access to a lot of gossip pools at this school and I like to do my research before jumping into anything."

Jongin sat back in his chair. "I respect that." he paused and then looked straight at her. "Does it make you…think less of me?"

Juhyun blinked. The infamous kingka Kim Jongin was being…vulnerable with her? Of all the things that Yein, Eunha, and Sorn had prepared her for, they never said anything like that. She studied his face hard, and realized something phenomenal. 

"Kim Jongin, be honest. How much do you like me?"

Jongin grinned, but it wasn't his signature charming and mysterious smile. It was cheeky and full of life. "Honestly? A lot." he was still boring into her with those eyes of his. "But what man wouldn't? You're beautiful and intelligent and honest. No man could want anything more."

Juhyun frowned. "But all your other girlfriends were beautiful and intelligent and honest. What makes me so different from them?"

Jongin bit his lip. "Because with you, there's just something that pulls me in. You're all those things, but you're also coy about it. You don't give anything away. And of course, that makes me more interested in you."

"So what you're saying is that, as soon as you think you've figured a girl out, you get bored?"

Jongin leaned forward, close enough to touch his nose to Juhyun's. "Think of it like this: If you were to go on an adventure through the Amazon rainforest, you'd want to explore every nook and cranny. But at the same time, that's dangerous. So you explore all the parts that aren't dangerous but are still beautiful and breathtaking in their own way. That's how it was with my last three girlfriends. They were beautiful and breathtaking, but they were…finite. But with you…it feels like I'm exploring space. Space is still finite, but there's so much more to see and take in that it's impossible to do it all."

Juhyun smiled. "You're still saying that if it were possible, you would get bored of any girl who doesn't have any mystery to offer to you. Do you know how messed up that sounds?"

Jongin sighed. "Yes, it is messed up and I am apologetic about my other break ups. But every man has to have some method for finding 'the one'. And-"

"Hold up. You think I'm the one??"

Jongin looked at her with a sheepish grin on his face. "Kinda, yeah."

Juhyun studied his face again. He certainly wasn't lying. "Jongin, instead of searching for the one, you should just let her come to you."

Jongin's face fell. "I already tried that…and…" he looked away. "Well, let's just say it didn't work like I had planned."

Juhyun tilted her head. "Look at me."

Jongin turned his head and looked her dead in the eyes. 

"You have a serious problem with women, you know." she paused and gauged his reaction. He was wearing his poker face, so she continued. "I won't lie and say that you aren't charming and fun and way too overhyped for your own good…but I just need you to know that things don't always turn out the way you planned. You need to prepare yourself for things like that, instead of running to the next girl when you get bored."

Jongin pushed his hair back. "I know that."

Juhyun reached out and brushed her fingers through his silky hair. "I won't deny that you are very attractive. But if I agree to date you, you have to promise me some things."

"Which would be?"

"First of all, you can't look at or flirt with other girls. Ever."

"Alright, that's do-able."

"Next, you need to always be honest with me and communicate with me. Communication is what makes any relationship work."


"And lastly, we are an equal partnership. So we will both set the pace of how far we go. In other words, if I only feel like kissing you for 2 months then that's all you'll get. Understand?"

"Yes ma'am."

Juhyun smiled. "And one other thing."


"Call me noona."



Yein drummed her fingers against the table that she and Sehun sat at. They were at one of the bigger tables, that seated more than just 2 people. It actually seated 5 people.

"Sehun~, when is he going to get here?"

"Be patient, Yeinnie. It's only been 10 minutes past when we were supposed to meet."

Yein sighed and rested her head on the table. 

The door to the cafe opened and in walked the people they were meeting. 

"Ah, Sehun!" a voice called out. 

Yein recognized that voice. "Jimin??" she asked and turned her head to see Jimin, Taehyung, and Eunha.

"Oh, Yeinnie! You look adorable!" Eunha gushed and rushed to sit next to the other girl. Jimin took the seat at the head of the table and Taehyung took the one next to Sehun. 

Yein deadpanned at Sehun. "Wait a second….Sehun, does Jimin like me?"

Jimin choked on his own saliva. "Huh?? Where'd you get that idea from?"

Sehun laughed. "No, it's not Jimin, Yein."

Yein's eyes met Taehyung's and they went wide with horror. "It's Taehyung??"

Sehun nodded.

Eunha laughed. "Girl, how did you not know he liked you? Haven't you two known each other for a while?"

Yein scowled. "Oh we sure do. We were best friends in middle school before this idiot chose a more elite high school over me."

Taehyung rubbed his temples. "I can't do this right now."

Yein glared at him. "Of course you can't. Because you can't stand to look at me anymore, right? Puh-lease, like of all people, you would like me?"

"I do!" Taehyung half-shouted. It startled Yein. 

"If you like me so much, then why is this the first time I've heard of it? You had plenty of other times to tell me, Kimtae."

Taehyung brushed his hair from his face. "Yein, you've never understood and I don't feel like explaining it right now, so just-"

"Jongin is Taehyung's fraternal twin brother." Eunha said.

Yein turned to her. "…What did you just say?"

Eunha laughed. "Try not to sound so shocked. Taehyung and Jongin are brothers. Twin brothers. They have the same last name, don't they? Now Taehyung, just tell the girl so you two can move on."

Yein turned her head slowly. "You…and Jongin-"

"Yes, Yein, we're twins. Fraternal twins. Jongin went to a different middle school than me because he's my parents' little academic prodigy. Jongin was off going to some elite middle school and since I didn't qualify to go there, I went to our middle school. Then, when it was time for high school, my parents knew I had the grades to get into the high school Jongin wanted to go. I told them over and over that I didn't want to go there, but they would do anything for their little prodigy so they forced me to go there. It wasn't all that bad. I met Jimin there, and Jongin and I stayed out of each other's hairs for the most part. But Jongin was starting to build his reputation as a bad boy there and one time, he made me take the fall for something he did. After that, I noticed he had changed. I swore that I would never associate with him again until we both came here and not even in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that…that…"

"What, Taehyung? That your former best friend-"

"-and the love of my life would be attending here."

Yein sputtered. "Wait, what are you-"

Taehyung cut her off and continued. "I was planning a way to run into you and explain everything so we could start over again….and then he got to you."


"Yeah…and he remembered me talking about you when we were in high school. He taunted me with the fact that he was dating you, and I swore that if he ever hurt you I would make him pay." his face brightened, "But luckily for me, you're a smart girl and you took matters into your own hands."

Yein stared blankly at him. "Kimtae…I-"

"It's alright. You don't have to take it all in right now. I know it's a lot to dump on you. But-"

"Kimtae tell the truth. How long have you liked me?"

"Just to clarify, I'm in love with you. I don't 'like' you. That sounds so middle school. But to answer the question, it's been since…the 7th grade."

Yein rubbed her temples. "I…I don't know what to say."

Jimin laughed. "Don't say anything. Do something."

Yein gulped. She had never been blind to Taehyung's good looks, and he had treated her so well when they were friends. He had a way about him that pulled her in, even when she had declared that she would never talk to him again. "Taehyung."


"You never forgot about me, did you?"

Taehyung beamed his familiar monkey grin at her. "Not even for a second, Jungye."

Yein stood up and smiled. "Come here."

Sehun and Jimin whistled and clapped as Eunha smiled. Once he was in front of her, he looked down at the ground shyly. 

Yein tilted his chin towards her and leaned really close to him, so close that she could hear him swallow shallowly and see the sweat beading up on his forehead. She smiled and pushed two fingers into his forehead, making him stumble slightly backward. He looked at her as if she were crazy.

"That was for not telling me all of this earlier!" she stomped over to him and tugged his collar so his face was at her level and kissed his forehead softly. "And that's for saying I'm the love of your life."

Taehyung's entire face burned as Yein's lips lingered on his skin. 

Their whole table whooped and cheered and Yein brushed some hair from her face. "That was a revelation of sorts that I was not ready for." she said and shot a playful glare at Sehun. "Thanks for throwing me into the lion pit, Sehun."

Sehun tipped his imaginary hat. "Of course, m'lady."

A/N: Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter because this where all the fun starts! And yes, the unexpected ship, Jungye + Kimtae is introduced! Hope you guys stick around to see who ends up together in the end ;DD COMMENT PLEASE <333

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Love the poster u did it on ur own?

ALSO both this and that drama obviously reminds of John Tucker Must Die!!! SO V EXCITE BISH BUT MAINLY JUST BC I GAVE YOU THIS IDEA IN A COMPLICATED SORT OF WAY !!!!!!!!!
