New Attraction

New Attraction

New Attraction

Aron pov:

I walked into my room to find Jason on the computer.  As soon as Jason realized I had walked in he turned the monitor off to a black screen.  I raised an eyebrow wondering if he was looking at something inappropriate but I didn’t say anything and just flopped onto my bed.  He turned to me with a guilty look on his face as he said, “um Aron I’m gonna wash up first.”  He then grabbed a towel and a pair of sweatpants.  When I the click of the door closing and the shower turn on I silently walked over to the computer.  When I the monitor I saw Ren’s profile brought up.  I looked at it a little quizzically as I thought, I know Jason is new to the group but he could just ask us about ourselves instead of looking at our profiles on some fan page.  I clicked on the search engine and found Ren to be involved in all of the searches.  I read the first search which said, Ren attractive.  My eyes widened as I thought, ‘i-is Jason in love with Ren?’  as I tried to comprehend this I heard the bathroom door start to open.  I quickly turned the monitor off and looked up right as Jason looked towards me.  he smiled and said, “I left the shower running for you so the water would stay warm.”  I grabbed a towel and quickly made my way to the bathroom.  I softly closed the door and placed my towel on the sink.  As I was about to take my shirt off Jason walked in.  I looked at him a little surprised and said, “do you need something?”  Jason looked at me a little anger in his eyes as he said, “did you look at what was on my computer?”  I looked at him and said, “I-I uh don’t know what you’re talking about.”  He fiercely grabbed my shoulders and pushed me into the shower.  My back hit the wall hard and water poured on me for the shower head.  I looked up to see Jason step into the shower as he pinned me to the wall and yelled, “You know what I’m talking about, did you look or not?!”  I tried to look at him as I blinked water out of my eyes and said, “Jason let me go my clothes are getting wet.”  He loosened his grip as he began ing my shirt.  He said, “fine then just take your clothes off.”  I grabbed his hands before he finished ing my shirt.  I yelled, “Jason stop!”  Jason looked at me furious as he yelled, “then answer me!”  I yelled back, “Ok ok, yes I did look!”  I then pushed Jason back and he hit his head on the shower head.  He just stepped back towards me unfazed.  Jason grabbed my shirt in his fist as he yelled, “damn it Aron why did you have to look?”  I yelled back at him over the sound of water running, “because I was curious!”  Jason let go of my shirt and my shirt hung off of me at one side.  He then grabbed the hair on the back of my head to where I was looking up at him.  He looked at me intensely as he said, “NEVER BE CURIOUS AGAIN!”  I glared at him, “do you like Ren?”  He looked at me wide eyed as he screamed, “Hell no!”  I said, “then what’s with all the searches?”  at that moment there came a small voice from the door saying, “are you guys ok I heard yelling.”  Me and Jason both looked up to see Ren standing at the door.  When Ren spotted us his eyes widened at the sight of me pinned to the wall and my shirt hanging half off with Jason standing over me in only sweatpants which were now soaked to him from the water.  Jason yelled, “get out or you’re dead!”  Ren quickly ran out and down the hallway.  I quickly looked at Jason and said, “so what were all those searches for?”  Jason lowered his voice as he said, “because I wanted to know how Ren attracted people.”  I looked at him confused as I said, “but why would you care?”  he looked at me and said, “because I want you to be attracted to me idiot!”  he then punched the wall next to my head as he screamed, “damn idiot!”  then I saw Ren return with the other members.  Baekho ran over and grabbed Jason’s right arm while Minhyun grabbed the left arm.  JR and Ren came and pulled my arms over their shoulders as they walked me out to sit on my bed.  I watched as Baekho and Minhyun walked Jason towards their room.  When the door was closed and I was left with Ren and JR I got up and changed into dry clothes.  When I walked back and sat down beside my bed JR looked at me and said, “so do you wanna tell us what all that was about berween you and Jason?”  I shook my head and said, “he just got mad that I looked at his computer without permission.”  Ren looked at me and said, “but don’t you think he over exaggerated?”  I shrugged and said, “I would be mad too if someone went through my private stuff.”  JR said, “then why did you do it?”  I bit my lip and said, “I don’t know I was curious.”  At that moment there was a knock ath the door.  I looked up to see Minhyun peek in and say, “sorry to intrude but by any chance can someone find a pair of Jason’s pajamas for me?”  I quickly stood and walked over to the drawers where me and Jason kept our clothes.  I pulled out a red pair of baggy sweat pants and an oversized black t-shirt.  I softly handed them to Minhyun as I said, “why do you need his pajamas?”  Minhyun seemed to fidget as he said, “well um he’s gonna stay in our room for tonight so you guys can cool down.”  I lowered my head and said, “ok ok.”  Then Minhyun soflty closed the door and I was left staring at the ground.  Ren walked over and grabbed my hand as he led me over to sit with JR.  when I sat Ren perkily said, “Hey Aron how about we get some pizza?”  I just stared at the ground motionless.  I heard JR clear his throat and say, “ya that sound yummy.”  I knew he was just saying that to lighten the atmosphere though.  I continued to stay motionless until I heard hollering from the hallway.  I looked up right as Jason busted through the door with Minhyun and Baekho close behind.  Jason quickly ran towards me and slid on the ground as he grabbed me in a tight embrace.  I heard Baekho and JR start hollering at Jason to let go of me as they fiercely tried to pull him away.  Over their yelling I heard Jason whisper in my ear, “meet me in the kitchen when the others are asleep.”  He then loosened his grip on me and let the others pull him away to the other room as Ren stayed by my side and lightly wrapped his arms around my shoulders.  I kept my eyes on the door where they had dragged Jason away.  I half expected him to come running back but I was disappointed when only JR returned closing the door behind him.  Later after eating pizza everyone settled in to sleep.  I pretended to be asleep until I heard the soft snore of JR.  I silently sat up and looked over to Ren to see him sleeping as well.  I quickly got up and tiptoed towards the door.  Once I got into the hallway I walked towards the kitchen.  I felt a little jittery when I spotted Jason’s red hair.  When he saw me walk in he immediately stood up and began to say a number of apologies in Chinese, Korean, and English.  I stepped towards him clamping my hand over his mouth as I whispered, “stop apologizing you’ll make me feel bad.”  One of his hands went upward to place itself over my hand.  I noticed that his hand had heavy bandaging on it and instantly cradled his hand, “what did you do?”  He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand as he said, “when I punched the wall in the shower I kinda messed up my hand so it’s all bloody now.”  I grabbed his shoulder and said, “bend down I want to see where your head hit the shower head.”  He did as I said and moved aside some of his hair to see a small cut that had already began to scab over.  I held the back of his head in one hand and wrapped my other arm around his back as I held him in an awkward hug.  I could feel his breathe softly hit my neck and it sent shivers down my spine.  I whispered, “I’m so sorry Jason.”  When I let him go he stood straight again smiling down at me, “it’s ok.”  He then grabbed my hand pulled me towards the couch.  Pushing me onto the couch to where I laid straight he softly laid next to me and draped his arm across my chest.  I pulled him closer against me to where he wasn’t hanging off of the couch.  When I looked up I found him staring at me.  He slowly leaned his face forward and I closed my eyes as his lips pressed against mine ever so gentle at first.  I slid my fingers through his beautiful red hair before he softly pulled back and whispered, “can you pinch me?”  I did as he asked and lightly pinched his arm.  He smiled and said, “ok good it’s not just a dream.”  I smiled as I watched his eyes close and his head roll to one side as he started to nod off to sleep holding me close.

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