

1. myungsoo/hoya (infinite): blood bank- bon iver

'you're early.'

myungsoo imagines he can feel a shiver run down his spine at the rough voice and he turns to look at howon, blinking and rubbing his eyes.

'you just fell asleep,' myungsoo replies simply, his voice silky smooth as it's been for centuries.

howon had the grace to laugh. 'so i'm late.'

myungsoo nods and hoya's teeth flash in the dim light. 

'we have a lot of o positive,' howon tells him, steps loud to myungsoo's ears as he crosses to where the blood bank stored their blood, keys jingling in his hands.

myungsoo gives a half shrug (he doesn't mind what blood type, really, anything is better than harming people).

it's a quiet transaction, a quiet night, the moon invisible in it's slenderness and howon's fingers are warm when they brush against myungsoo's.

'myungsoo,' howon says as myungsoo's about to disappear into the night and it stops myungsoo. 'want to hang out?'

'you should be sleeping,' myungsoo replies, forcing himself not to stutter.

'with you?' howon shoots back and myungsoo's stammering on empty words, grateful for his inability to blush, and then howon's laughing. 'i'm kidding,' he assures him.

(myungsoo can hardly believe it later when howon leans in, when howon whispers in his ear that he doesn't have to use the blood bag tonight, and he idly wonders what magick howon has used on him when he agrees, the warmth of his blood on his tongue sending fire skittering through his vein's and howon's lips are hot on his, and he's on top of myungsoo, and myungsoo feels like he's burning up up up with a fever he has no desire to starve, and he's melting, melting into howon's arms in the most wonderful way)

2. myungsoo (infinite)/woori (rainbow)/hongbin (vixx): i will follow you into the dark- death cab for cutie

the death of someone young is always a tragedy, even if it's only their youth that is mourned.

woori could only hold myungsoo as he yelled out his anguish, trying to thrash in frustration until woori can get her arms around him, until he was sobbing into her shirt, throat raw, as tears slipped down her own cheeks.

(rest in peace, lee hongbin. taken from us too soon


"-caught it too late-")

myungsoo was stone faced at the funeral; stone faced and wet cheeked, hand holding woori's in a death grip as she lay flowers on the coffin, suggestions and ideas blundering in her mind.

(sleeping pills took them away, locked in each other's arms surrounded by photographs of all the places they'd been, hongbin and myungsoo taking pictures of every little thing, and they were at peace.)

you guys didn't have to

of course we did

but you could have lived

wouldn't be living if you weren't there with us

3. hoya (infinite)/bora (sistar): bang the doldrums- fall out boy

hoya woke up with a groan as the light hit his eyes, his stomach turning and he lay there, gathering up the strength to move. he squinted at the bed next to him, not really surprised to find it empty. 

it was only when he was in the shower when he saw the hastily scrawled sorry on his arm, scarlet and sticky, matching the lipstick'd kisses scattering his neck.

he just breathed out.

she was laughing at lunch, and he kept his eyes on her even as she refused to meet his gaze, preferring to laugh at sunggyu, pretending as if nothing had happened and hoya just kept silent.

'yeah, sounds good. bora, what do you say?' hoya said to sunggyu's suggestion of drinks and bora held his gaze tipped with a challenge and she shrugged in nonchalant compliance.

(her skin glowed against his white white sheets and she tasted addictive under his lips and he'd lost count of how many times this had happened, how many time she'd disappeared before he surfaced, pretended as if nothing happened)

over and over and over again, the cycle repeats, and he's left craving his next hit everytime and still he stays silent.

(she'd never held down a relationship for more then a weekend, but that was okay. he'd wait.)

4. n (vixx)/sojin (girls day): remedy (i won't worry)- jason mraz

he knew her- well, kind of. he knew of her. there was no way he couldn't. her face was on the television every night, perfectly coiffed and reporting on the horrors that plagued the world every day. 

he slid into the chair opposite her, drinks in hand, with a light 'rough day?'

her head left the table in surprise, forehead pink from where it had been lying on the table. 'do i know you?'

he laughed. 'no. but i have liquid fortitude. call me a good samaritan.'

she eyed him warily- and honestly, he couldn't blame her.

'i'll go if you want me to,' he offered, 'i just thought you looked like you could use some company.'

he was almost up when she spoke again. 'no, it's fine. stay.' she laughs wryly as he sits down. 'this is probably so stupid of me, but you're right. i could use the company.'

'i'm hakyeon,' he introduced and she nodded, sipping at her drink.

'sojin,' she said.

'every one knows the city's top news anchor,' he said with a grin and she laughed.

'i suppose. it's tough, reporting on all the misery. the job itself isn't super stressful, but hearing every thing people do to each other, to the world- it can get a bit too much.'

hakyeon nodded. 'i can imagine. do you dance?'

'excuse me?'

'dance. i find it helps with stress.'

she raised an eyebrow, and glanced at the packed dance floor. 'teach me?' she said when she looked back at him and hakyeon grinned. 

maybe it was design when he pulled her to the middle of the crowd, where the people pushed them against each other, his hands resting on her waist until she leaned in and whispered in his ear not to be shy, her arms slipping around his neck.

he hadn't noticed that she was up against him far before the crowd could surge against them and his laughter was drowned out by the music as her eyes crinkled at him. 

she tasted like the drink he'd got her and toothpaste when his lips found hers, and he forgot about the crowds of people surrounding them in favour of the feel of her under his hands.

a little bubble of rose coloured serenity in a cruelly chaotic world.

5. sunggyu (infinite)/heechul (super junior): bad habit- the offspring

sunggyu stared as heechul swore up a storm as he took his coat and shoes off far more violently than what was necessary.

'people can't ing drive, every one on the road is a ing imbecile, is it really so hard to stay in your lane, stupid goddamn dumb motherers,' heechul ranted.

'did you get into an accident?' sunggyu hazarded and the glare heechul sent him would cow lesser men (it cowed sunggyu as well, truth be told, but he was used to it enough to just shrink a little and not beg for forgiveness).

'no, and that's no thanks to the es with stolen or bought licenses that populate the roads,' he said scathingly. 'i swear to god, i'm going to get a gun, i'm going to get a gun and keep it in my car just so i can shoot those inconsiderate, annoying heads in their faces- one of them had the absolute nerve to flip me off, can you believe that?'

'well, what were you doing?' sunggyu asked and heechul seemed to swell in front of him.

'nothing!' he yelled, 'obeying the rules of the road and not driving like a suicidal drag racer, visibility is practically zero out there!'

'okay, calm down,' sunggyu soothed, 'you can't buy a gun to shoot stupid drivers.'

(heechul threw those words back in his face the next time they went somewhere and sunggyu drove, as sunggyu sat there and fumed after he had to brake suddenly when someone unexpectedly cut in front of him.

'i've changed my mind,' sunggyu told him, 'i'll pay for the ing thing.')

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