Not (really) A Fight

A (not really) Fight
Blankly staring at the computer screen, Sehun yawned and closed his eyes. One… two… three… at the count of third, he opened his eyes. The blue fan kept his room chill. He took his black hand phone, without turning his eyes he started to type on his phone. No need to wait for hours, he received a replay from his brother. He enthusiastically waited for his brother coming tomorrow. The smell of mother’s cooking reached his room. He was ready to go to school. He headed to backyard and found his father feeding fishes in the pond. “Suho, will be at home this afternoon, had he tell you, dad?” “That’s great. I just hear about it from you. Did he call you?” “No, I chatted with him last night and he said that he got furlough this week.” “Have you told mom about this? I’ll get some ice cream tonight.” “I’m going to tell mom, thanks dad. Please bring us vanilla and chocolate. If you don’t mind, tyramizu will be ok.” Happily smiling, Sehun turned to kitchen. He told his mother and grabbed a plate of fried rice. The atmosphere of the house was very bright this morning. Mom started smiling and singing while he tidied the kitchen up. The house was quite, like nobody was at home. Suho take the key which was put under the orchid pot. He came in and found a note in the refrigerator door. It was a message from mom. He was going to market and wrote message for Suho to take a rest and to eat after he came home. He smiled and took a cup of ice cream from the refrigerator. He just sat on the couch and enjoyed his ice cream when he heard the voices outside the house. “Hey! How’s life? Do you just arrive?” Sehun headed to the couch and put his bag beside the table. “Yes, about 15 minutes ago. How’s school?” “It’s little boring as usual. This week is overwhelmed with tasks. We have task in almost every subject,” He mumbled and took the ice cream from Suho’s hand. “It’s great if you can help me doing the mathematic task. I often get headache because of it. It will be submitted tomorrow.” “Brat, you’re just too lazy to think. Do it by yourself!” saying that, he stood and turn to his room. “Hey! you coward!” he was little piqued by the saying. After changed his uniform, he came to Suho’s room. Knocking for a while, Suho showed up from inside. “What? I’m busy with my own work. If you want me to do your homework, I won’t.” said Suho before Sehun spook his mind. “If you’re busy, why were you going home? You better still at your ing office. Not here. I don’t want you doing my task. I just want to tell that the anniversary is tomorrow. Just in case you forget since you are ultrabusy!” without waited for Suho’s answer, Sehun already headed to his room. Slamming the door, he threw himself to the bed. He was disappointed with his brother. He thought that they would have a quality time and planned to give a surprise for their parent. All that happened this afternoon just out of his desire instead of going well. He woke up from the bed and opened the mathematic book. Actually, what he wanted to do now was not doing homework. He had planned that this afternoon; they will go to a department store to buy something for their parent anniversary. The atmosphere in the house was awkward to the sibling, while it felt warm for parent and their sons. “How’s your day, Suho? You seem loosen your weight, aren’t you?” Mom said when Suho came to help his in the kitchen, preparing for dinner. “Everything’s going well mom, I’m little bit busy, but everyone does. I eat well, don’t worry.” He just helped a little longer and turned to his father when he arrived at home. “Hey dad, how are you?” He greeted and hugged his father. “How long have you not cut your hair?” said father while caressing Suho’s hair. “I’m little bit busy to go to barbershop dad, the projects lately was hectic,” said Suho while took the bag which father brought. His eyes sparkling when he found out that there is ice cream inside it. “Wow, it looks so delicious, I’m craving for this ice cream. Ilsan doesn’t have this kind of ice cream.” “Eat all of them then, please yourself when you’re still here,” Father laughing and headed to kitchen. He picked a cup of coffee up and went to Sehun’s room. He found his younger son lying on the bed while playing with his PSP. “Hey prince, what are you doing? Don’t you have homework?” still standing at the door, father asked him. “Hey dad, you’ve arrived. Well, I actually have one; I just take a rest for a while.” Sehun woke up from his bed and approached his father. “I bring you some ice cream. Eat it with your brother.” After saying that, Father went to his room. Sehun sighed and headed back to his bed. He actually wanted to eat the ice cream with Suho. However, he was still upset and even he didn’t want to say a word to him. In a pinch, he went to kitchen after mother called Sehun for a help. He passed the living room quickly because Suho enjoyed the ice cream while watching television. “I’ve set the table, Mom. What else?” “Thank you dear, please take all of this to the table, after that, tell your father and Suho that dinner is ready,” said mother while she pour a jar of milk into glasses. The dinner was run smoothly but weird. The sibling did not talk much. It was just mother and father who opened the conversation. In fact, they were aware of the quietness between Sehun and Suho. Though, they did not say about it. It was bizarre that the sibling did not have a conversation while they had dinner. Usually, they would have little talk at dinner since Suho had just got home. Unpredictably, in the following morning, after school was over, Sehun found his brother at the gate of the school. He approached him without a word. Coldly, he took the helmet which Suho offered to his. Suddenly, Suho broke the silent before Sehun went on the motor. “Let’s go to a department store. We will get a gift for mom and dad,” said Suho calmly. He was little bit surprised but directly nodded. “Ok, let’s go.” He could not hide his smile. It was a relieved for his to not say a word first to Suho. He was happy that his brother hanged out the white flag first and got initiative to give their parent a gift. “I’m sorry. I should not say like that yesterday,” said Sehun softly. They were at ice cream shop after bought a gift for their parent. “Never mind. Forgive me also.” Suho smiled and offered his hand. They hugged and laughing together. --END--
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lmaoooooo seems cool
lolwhat842 #2
this seems cool
nice fic i like it ^^
Wah that was such a good read <3