
Operation Vengeance

loads of cursing





“Who the does he think he is? He better be lucky he even has workers! Who the hell would treat their employees like when we’re the ones doing all the work FOR him?! He’s the one who just sits on his lazy and do ing NOTHING! Ugh I can’t stand him.”


Baekhyun was on fire.


He couldn’t help it. He heard about Mr. Park calling out Kyungsoo for ‘Coming to work but not work. I paid you to work, not laze around.’  This is the THIRD time he has called out someone for being ‘lazy’ this week because instead of sitting at a cubicle typing away doing work, they were in the lounge getting a cup of water and standing there drinking it.


Clearly the policy says, and he swore he could recite this even in his sleep:


Employee Handbook Manual

Article VIII: Amenities

Section II: Employee Access Granted

Part IV: Lounge


Employees are provided a lounge on each floor. Each floor has their own water fountain and a cup dispenser that are available to everyone in the building.

Employees may take small breaks as deemed necessary to keep themselves hydrated, but please take note of the Article XI, Section II, Part II of the Food and Drinks: Do’s and Don’ts.


Article XI: Food and Drink

Section II: Do’s and Don’ts

Part II: Don’ts

Should employees feel the need to drink or eat at their assigned location, be it: on-site, off-site, personal cubicle, conference room, etc., employees should follow protocol and—


a. NOT spill drinks on any of the equipment provided by the company, suppliers, or partnerships.

b. NOT have food remains in any of the equipment provided by the company, suppliers, or partnerships.


Should these breaks happen, employees are to take no longer than two (2) minutes.



“Where in the does it says that employees shouldn’t drink in the lounge?! It clearly says we can take at least 2 minutes each time! He was barely in there for A MINUTE! And he was still drinking his water! UGH! What does he expect us to do? Sit at our cubicle like ing robots?! WELL NEWS FLASH! WE AREN’T! I’m getting dehydrated now.”


Baekhyun looked at all of his co-workers who were not even paying attention to him but continuing to do their work. He wasn’t sure why all of them just suddenly went back to working so diligently. Earlier, they were all nodding and agreeing with him, but now it seems like they don’t even want to listen, or even look at him.


He didn’t notice the figure standing behind him leaning his body on the wall behind Baekhyun with a smirk on his face. He left before the brunette could even see him.


Baekhyun shrugged his shoulders one last time and went back to work. He could have sworn he felt some tension around him and he shivered but didn’t think anything of it and just walked back to his cubicle.


“, I’m ing thirsty now.” He said to himself.


He got up and walked to the lounge to get a cup of water and while the water was filling up the cup, “I wish he would catch me in here. I would tell that er off.”


“And who might this er be?”




“Mr-Mr. Park. Good morning, sir.”


“Good morning to you too, Mr…” The CEO stepped closer to look at his name tag, “Byun Baekhyun.”


Baekhyun hurried up and gulped down the rest of the water before saying his goodbye to the CEO and rushing to his cubicle.


“Holy . What the ! What the ! What the ! Did he hear me? ! my goddam mouth.” Baekhyun started to slap his lips to punish them for sprouting out all kinds of about the person who signs his checks.


“! ! ! I’m dead. I am dead. I am so ing dead meat. Oh my god. Goddammit Baekhyun you need to learn how to shut the up.”


Just then, a mass e-mail was sent to everyone on the 3rd Floor to meet inside the auditorium for an urgent meeting.




Baekhyun didn’t noticed, but the CEO had been eyeing him since he’s walked into the building. He knew exactly where the brunette was sitting at.


“Good morning.” The CEO’s voice echoed loudly through the entire room from where he stood on the platform with his hands in his pockets. Baekhyun thought he looked really handsome, but holy , that stare was murderous.


“It has been brought to my attention that obviously, I have been neglecting my Employee Handbook Manual regulations and dismissing the rights of the employees.”


The tension in the room blows right off of the roof. Everyone started to tense up because they knew what this was about. Luhan, Kyungsoo and Yixing’s water incident and Baekhyun knew he was dead meat.


“ my life.” He whispered to no one but himself. He looked around and noticed no one was sitting around him either. He didn’t even realized when everyone got up and moved away.


“I fully understand that the employees may get a bit dehydrated. I get that, I honestly do, because I get dehydrated at times myself. But with that, of course I granted you permission to take these small hydrating breaks. But when surveillance shows that you were near the bathroom talking for 5 minutes, then head to the lounge to talk for another 5 minutes, then decided to get yourself a cup of water and then drink it there, that is not company policy.”


Baekhyun gulped because holy , the CEO was staring straight at him.


“It seems that this has been a bit of a problem lately. Especially on this floor.” Even though the CEO was staring at him, he couldn’t take his eyes off of him either.


“Does anyone have any questions or concerns regarding this matter?” He turned to look at everyone else and he breathe in relief, but landed his eyes on Baekhyun again. “Mr. Byun?” .


The entire audience was shocked but turned to looked at Baekhyun. He swallowed and felt all of the blush rushing to his brain, What the ?! Did he have to call me out like that?


“N-No sir.”


Chanyeol raised his eyebrows and lowered his chin a bit, giving Baekhyun a look, “Are you sure? It seems you were the most vocal about this issue.”


“I fully understand now sir.”


“Do you? So you don’t want to ‘tell that er off’ anymore?” The entire room gasped and Baekhyun’s eyes shot wide opened.


“No sir. I’m sorry sir. It was a misunderstanding.” Baekhyun shivered. His heart was pounding in his chest, his forehead was beginning to sweat, and his back was  already getting damped.


“A misunderstanding?” Chanyeol let out a chuckle. “A misunderstanding is when I say left but you thought you heard right. A misunderstanding is when I tell you to leave, and you decided to go back to your desk when I meant to leave. A misunderstanding, Mr. Byun, is not you assuming that I don’t know what the I am doing with my company. A misunderstanding isn’t when you’re running your mouth talking behind my back and can’t back it up with . A misunderstanding is when you misunderstood that I am the CEO and you are an employee. Now THAT, Mr. Byun, is a misunderstanding.”


At this point, Baekhyun wasn’t even nervous anymore. He was ing raged. He was embarrassed, humiliated, taunted, and stupefied. He didn’t understand how the did Mr. Park even know what he was saying or thinking. Clearly the incident happened only about 10 minutes prior to the meeting and no one seemed to even have the audacity to talk to Mr. Park about something so trivial. Especially if they all felt the same way.


“You’re wondering how I knew?” He let out another chuckle and began walking back and forth on the platform.


“You see, when you’re the CEO of a company, you want what’s best for your employees, because like you said, you guys work for this company. This company needs you all. But, more so than wanting what’s best for your employees, you want what’s best for your company. Without the company, there’s no jobs for you all, without you all, there’s no company. Right? Well, a little insight on the perspective of the CEO,” He turned back around and looked straight at Baekhyun, again, “Mr. Byun.”


Baekhyun could have sworn he saw a smirk.


“You take matters into your own hand. Even when there are people, things, machines doing the work for you, you still want to do it with your own hands, see it with your own eyes, and make decisions with your own mind, heart, and soul. You don’t want your company to fall short of any success that you could have or have had. You want to always improve, to always do better, to always be better.


But you can’t do better if your employees are slacking off. You can’t do better if your employees aren’t performing their best. And you definitely cannot do better if your employees are misunderstanding you.”


The tension in the room was so thick and Baekhyun felt suffocated. Hell, he wanted to ing choke and strangle the CEO. How could he just oust him like that? He wasn’t the only one speaking their mind! Everyone started talking and complaining about it before he even did! It’s just that once he started, he couldn’t stop.


“Do you all understand why I called out Xi Luhan, Zhang Yixing, and more recently today, Do Kyungsoo? They have always been my best employees. They have always been the ones to improve their skills. It was just bad timing because while I was checking the surveillance, it just so happened that they were each engaging in conversations longer than they should have.


And what kind of CEO would I be if I don’t treat everyone fairly. Sure, there are some that works harder than others, and there are some that are more talented than others. And there are definitely some that stands out more than others. These three have shown significant improvement and they don’t disappoint. But am I going to be biased and not let them know what they’re doing wrong just because they’re one of my best employees? No, absolutely not. I treat everyone equally.”


“Not your ing friends.” Baekhyun mumbled to himself while looking down and playing with his fingers. Chanyeol saw Baekhyun moving his lips and he heard some mumbling so he knew Baekhyun made some sort of smart comment.


“What was that Mr. Byun?”


Baekhyun looked up, shocked, “N-Nothing sir. I didn’t say anything.”


“Good. Were you paying attention?”


“Y-Yes s-sir.”


“Great.” Then he turned back to look at the audience.


“With that being said, I wish you all have a great day. You may leave now.”


While everyone was getting up to leave, Baekhyun looked up and saw the CEO smirking at him. He mentally cursed him out in his brain because he knew he couldn’t do it vocally, so he just rolled his eyes and walked out and back to his cubicle.


While he was sitting there silently working, he also came up with an idea. He’s going to get his revenge on this er. Knowing that his stalker er of a CEO might even check their history logs, he decided to use his phone to look up ‘the best revenge on your CEO.’







Kris barged into his office and laughed his of.


“What the do you want Yifan. I’m busy.”




“Yeah, so why the hell are you still here? It’s almost noon, shouldn’t you be out on lunch?”


“I was gonna go, until you sent me an email.”


“What are you talking about? I didn’t send you anything.” Chanyeol said while he looked up in confusion.


Kris shoved his phone into Chanyeol’s face. “Yes you did.”



To: My beautiful sunshine Kris

Subject: You are as beautiful as the sky <3


I just want you to know that you are the best person ever. Don’t ever forget that.

You rock!


Love with full hearts and flowers all around,





Kris couldn’t stop laughing. He dropped onto Chanyeol’s guest chair and just could not stop laughing. Chanyeol was getting even more annoyed. But Kris even opened up the sender’s email, “Yes you did. I even checked. It’s your email.”


Chanyeol took Kris’s phone and tapped a few times to look at the sender’s email and sure enough,

From: park.chanyeol@parkenterprise .net




As if on cue, his e-mail message ding’d so he went to check. It was a forward message from Sehun.


From: Oh Sehun


Fwd: Your eyes are as beautiful as the sun <3


Dude, wtf?



To: Oh Sehun

Subject: Your eyes are as beautiful as the sun <3


Your eyes literally shine like the sun.

It gives me light and hope in life.

Thanks for being one of my best friend.

I will cherish you forever!!!!!


Love with full hearts and flowers all around,




Chanyeol groaned. Who the would even do this ing ? He groaned and sent a reply back to Sehun to find out who the hell did this . His CIO should figure this out by the afternoon and he was going to murder whoever the did it.


“Kris, give me everyone’s login and the systems they’re accessing so I can see who’s accessing the systems they shouldn’t.”


“Alright, beautiful.” Kris said mockingly while he walked out of the office.


“Shut the up! I need it before you leave for lunch.”



Chanyeol put his face in his hands and let out another groan. He didn’t need to deal with any more . He has a partnership meeting after lunch and he has been trying to prepare for it but now he’s afraid to even leave his office because what if that person messes up other ?






Baekhyun knew Mr. Park wouldn’t leave his office after the scare with the emails so he went out and grabbed some lunch for Mr. Park while he was on his lunch break.


When he got back to the office, he took the elevator up to the 6th floor and saw Mr. Park's secretary.


“Hello, how may I help you?”


“I met Mr. Wu at the café down the street and he informed me that Mr. Park haven’t had lunch yet so I was asked to bring this back for him.”


“Thank you. I’ll make sure to bring it in for him. What’s your name?”


“Oh don’t worry about it, you can just say it was from his friend, Yifan.”


No one knew Kris’s real name except the higher-uppers and of course, Chanyeol’s secretary, so when he heard the name “Yifan”, she knew it was legit.


Little did she know, little hackerByun has basic information on everyone.



Chanyeol stared at the lunch and thanked the heavens for having best friends because he was so hungry. He was still looking through the access list when his secretary walked in with lunch. His stomach was already growling and he had an important meeting in an hour and a half so this was perfect.


Chanyeol texted Kris and said ‘thanks man, I needed that.’ And who was Kris to not accept a rare thank you from Chanyeol? So he just assumed Chanyeol was thanking him for agreeing to get the list of access earlier so he replied with a simple ‘anytime man.’



Chanyeol opened the lid to the soup and took a sip and HOLY WHAT THE IS THIS ?! It was like he was drinking salt soup. Who the hell would even sell this?! He thought that maybe it was just that he didn’t like salty food so he closed the lid and put the soup to the side.


He took the salad and opened it and inspected the lettuce to see if there were any other content on there that may have looked off but since it looked all fine and dandy, he knew it wasn’t a prank. He looked at the dressing and smiled because his best friend actually remembered that he liked ranch dressing. So without smelling it, he opened and poured the content onto his salad and then closed the lid of the salad and shook it so the sauce can be equally distributed on all of the content.


Once he opened the lid, it smelled a bit off but he thought it might just be because the ranch was strong…. Though it did smell like cheese. But then again, the salad had cheese so maybe it was the mixture of both the cheese and ranch together, he thought. He took a bite of the salad and immediately spat it right back out. WHAT THE ?! THIS IS NOT ING RANCH! Oh my god. He smelled the sauce container again and holy , blue ing cheese.


He was going to kill Kris.


To: Wufan



From: Wufan



To: Wufan

Why the hell did you buy me that nasty lunch!

You know I don’t like salty food and I like ranch! I hate blue cheese!


From: Wufan

Wth are you talking about? I didn’t buy you lunch.

You have more money than me, why would I treat you? You should treat me!



Chanyeol threw his phone on his desk. He should have known. Kris wouldn’t spend a dime on him because in college, Kris was the one supporting all of them. Now that he’s the CEO, Kris refused to pay for anything for him.


This time, Chanyeol has had it. Something was up and someone was doing all of this to piss him the off and they did an awesome ing job because he was so pissed the off.


He hurried up and checked the access logs and dammit he couldn’t find anything. No one made any other access except their respective departments so now he was even more confused.


Then he tried to think back to everyone he’s had a bad relationship with. All of his partnerships were in good standings, he didn’t piss any partners or rivals off. Rival companies wouldn’t dare to do this to him anyway because he’s one of the best. He tried to think about his friends but they wouldn’t do it either. Kris and Sehun got emails from him, Kai was out on vacation this week and Suho and Chen were in Japan for their partnership meeting.


Who the hell would hate him enough to spite him like this? No one dared to mess with him because he’s the goddam CEO. He could fire your in a heartbeat if you so happen to try to mess with him or any of his friends.


All of a sudden, he thought back to this morning.




He got up and walked out to his secretary, “Who gave you the lunch to give it to me?”


“He didn’t say his name, he just said he ran into Mr. Wu and Mr. Wu told him to give it to you.”


“And you ing believed him? Do you even know who he is? Have you ever seen him before?”


“Yes, I have. I see him around the building all the time. He works on the 3rd floor.”


Double bingo!


Chanyeol thought back on what Baekhyun was wearing earlier today: black slacks and white button up shirt.


“What was he wearing?”


“E-Excuse me?”


“What color was his pants?”


“Umm… navy.”


“N-navy?! Then what color was his shirt?”


“Maroon? Why sir? Is something wrong?”


“Is something wrong? The fact that you let a total stranger come up here and accepted food that he claimed was for me from Mr. Wu is wrong!”


“But he said Yifan… so I thought…”


“So just because he said Yifan you thought he knew him?”


“Y-Yes sir. I just thought that since no one else knows Mr. Wu’s real name, that anyone who does, I assumed was your friend as well.”


Chanyeol let out a long sighed and ran his hands down his face and into his hair.


“You’re lucky I need you. Don’t do it again. Understood?!”


“Y-yes sir.” His secretary bowed in apologies.



Chanyeol walked back into his office and slammed his door. He was now even more confused and frustrated than ever. He could have sworn it was Baekhyun because he works on the 3rd floor and Chanyeol ousted him this morning in front of the entire 3rd floor employees.


Then he thought about why he ousted Baekhyun in the first place. The whole problem started out because he saw his top 3 employees on survei… holy ! He ran to his desk and rewind the surveillance cameras again to see who it was that came up here. He only installed cameras in all of the hallways, lobbies, lounges, and entrances to each floors so he could see who came up here. When he rewind back enough, and sure enough he saw a small and short person, but that hair was not Baekhyun’s, and those clothes were not what he wore this morning.


He sighed and dropped into his seat in defeat. Who the was this person that keeps messing with him?







Chanyeol was thankful that no other mishap happened for the rest of the day. His email was fixed, which was weird because it literally fixed on its own. By the time he got back to his desk after the meeting, he was drained. He was looking through all 40 pages of logins and access throughout the day and he couldn’t find anything out of the norm. And on top of that, he didn’t even have a proper lunch. It’s now almost 6pm and he’s hungry, exhausted, and just needed to go home.


So when he got to his car, he unlocked it to get in but he saw a sticky note on his driver side door. What the ?


                Hi, how are you?


“Is this some kind of sick joke?! He screamed out. He parked on the first level where all of the executives park and he looked around and saw no one. He’s usually the last one to leave so of course there wouldn’t be anyone around.


Chanyeol groaned in frustration and got into his car. When he the engine and was about to drive off, he saw his windshield wipers pulled up with a sticky note on each.


                I hope you’re having a good day!

                I hope you stay hydrated!


Byun. ing. Baek. Hyun.










Baekhyun couldn’t stop laughing. After he saw the list of revenge on google, he took the best two and immediately got to work. Hacking the system was EASY. He didn’t change any credentials or access any of the servers or systems that he wasn’t supposed to. He just merely wrote up a script to change Chanyeol’s name and signature and sent a cute little e-mail to Mr. Wu and Mr. Oh.


He knew what he was doing was dangerous. But he was just an intern. What can Chanyeol really get out of him? He's in grad school so he has nothing. Literally. And since he already has one foot in the door, it’ll be easy to get a job. Plus, if it doesn’t work out, he can just move with his cousins to America.


After the email prank, he was tired because he couldn’t stop laughing. When it was lunch time, he went to his car to change clothes. Thank goodness he had extra clothes. He usually keep an extra pair in his car, just in case, because you never know.


He also had a wig in his car from the costume party they threw for his nephew. Luckily this one fell out of the box when he took the box of costumes out of his car and gave to his brother and sister-in-law. The wig was a blond male wig so it fit perfectly! If it was a female wig, it wouldn’t have been such a good idea.


He didn’t think it would be so easy to drop off the food and was prepared to have mission aborted if he failed to pass the lunch, but since Chanyeol’s secretary was so nice, kind and bought the Yifan trick, he was ecstatic! He shouldn’t have because he knows he’s playing with fire, but he couldn’t help it. He was just so ing pissed off from this morning.


He tried talking to everyone but still, no one wanted to talk to him. That was, until Luhan, Yixing and Kyungsoo went up to him and thanked him for taking up for them but also apologizing for what he went through. He wasn’t upset with them, not at all. He was upset that everyone else was talking about Mr. Park, then agreed with him, but as soon as he gets into trouble, they all shut their mouths and didn’t warn him that the CEO was standing behind him. Even worse, they don’t even want to talk to him now.


But the three head IT’s made sure to let Baekhyun know that they’re still his friends. He was sad that it came down to this, but he was also glad that they were still his friends.


He told the three of them about what he did to Chanyeol. They were shocked, but he informed them that it was nothing dangerous or nothing confidential was leaked or tampered with. He also said that he only put extra salt in the soup and got blue cheese instead of ranch. Nothing risky or dangerous, just a little U-turn on things. He also told them that he knew that he shouldn’t mess with Chanyeol, but then again, he thought about it, “Nahhhh, I’m glad I did” and all four of them giggled.


Baekhyun knew it was time to stop so when he left work at 5pm and drove down to the 1st floor, he stopped in front of the black Audi R8 and stuck the post-it notes onto the window. He was going to stick all three on one window, but then thought, one last time. Last one, I promise. And pulled the windshield wipers up and stuck the post-it notes behind it.


He was going to confess to Chanyeol tomorrow morning. He left the garage with a sad smile because it was probably going to be his last day. He’s prepared.








“Good morning!” Baekhyun greeted everyone while he walked into the office and into his cubicle. Seems like everyone was still tensed up from yesterday but he wasn’t going to let it bother him. He walked in with empty boxes and everyone gave him sympathy looks, which was weird because he didn’t tell anyone anything.


When he got to his desk, he saw a white envelope sitting on his keyboard so he put the empty boxes down and opened the letter, his heart was beating extremely fast, and extremely hard.


Come to my office.


                                -CEO PORK CHANYOKE


He gulped. Holy .


He went into his bag and grabbed his envelope and then walked up to the 6th floor. He didn’t want to take the elevator because he wanted to have time to prepare himself for the wrath of the CEO. He also wanted to prepare himself for what he’s about to do. He’ll regret his decision, but he knows there’s nothing else he could do about it now.


He thought about it all last night and he shouldn’t have done what he did yesterday. He was out of hand and unprofessional, but then again who could blame him? He never accepted from anyone, regardless of their status. So to hell with the CEO! With that mindset, he marched right up to the 6th floor, panting and out of breath when he got to the secretary.


She gave him a semi glare which got him to straighten up a bit.


“I-I’m sorry about yesterday.”


“You should be.” She said curtly.


Baekhyun lowered his head. “Here… can you give this to him after?” She looked at the envelope and saw what was written on the front and then she looked back at him with sad eyes.


“You’re going to see him now, why don’t you just give it to him?”


“I want to surprise him one last time even though I know he’s going to fire me anyway.”


She giggled, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to glare at you earlier.”


“No, I totally deserved it. I got you into trouble didn’t I? I knew it when I saw the way you looked at me.” Baekhyun gave her a sad, apologizing look before bowing.


“Yeah, but it wasn’t that bad. He was just upset that I didn’t confirm with him before accepting anything.”


“I’m really sorry.” Baekhyun bowed again.


“It’s okay! He’s waiting for you. Good luck!” She gave him a smile.


“Thank you!” And they both did the good luck hand single.


Baekhyun knocked on the door twice.


“Come in.”


Baekhyun put his hands on the door knobs and breathe a few times before opening the door. When he opened the door, he was prepared to see a glaring CEO who would probably murder him, but what he didn’t expect was to see the CEO standing right in front of the door with a smirk.


“Good morning, Mr. Byun.”


“Good m-morning, Mr. Park.”


“Call me Chanyeol, please have a seat.” He motioned for Baekhyun to sit on the sofa set while he poured the both of them water.


Baekhyun walked around the white sofa and sat down hesitantly, but cautiously. When Chanyeol sat on the chair across from him, they both just sat there in silence. Baekhyun wanted to crawl back outside of that door and run. He couldn’t even look at Chanyeol in his eyes, he was fiddling with his fingers while looking down the whole time.


“So…” Chanyeol began. Just at hearing the first word with that deep voice, Baekhyun shivered, which didn’t go unnoticed by the CEO.


“I’m doing great today. I didn’t have a great day yesterday and I definitely did not stay hydrated yesterday.” Baekhyun lowered his head even more. He knew Chanyeol was referring to the post-it notes.


“I’m sorry…” he said in a low voice.


“You put too much salt in the soup.” Chanyeol said with a smirk. This time spreading his hands and resting them both on the back of the sofa.


“I’m sorry…” Baekhyun said in an even lower voice.


“I’m not lactose intolerant, but I really hate blue cheese.” Chanyeol couldn’t take his eyes off of Baekhyun. Even though this brat dared to mess with him, to spite him, and to defy him… he found his determination fascinating. At first he was pissed off, but when he got home yesterday and thought about it, he couldn’t help but laugh in mockery at the situation.


“I’m sorry…” Baekhyun’s voice was lower than before.


“You should be.”


“I’m really sorry.” Chanyeol strained to hear his voice this time, but he heard it.


Chanyeol didn’t say anything else. He just kept drinking his water while looking at Baekhyun. Waiting for the brunette to look up and look at him.


“Baekhyun” He called out to the brunette, who looked up with wide eyes upon hearing his name being called.


Chanyeol was looking straight into his eyes. Damn this boy got some beautiful eyes. They just stared at each other for a few minutes.


“I’m sorry Mr. Park.”




“Huh? I-I mean, excuse me?” Baekhyun stuttered.








“Um, sir. I’m not following?”


Damn, why can’t I take my eyes off of his eyes, those lips, and , that little mole.


“No, I am not accepting your resignation letter.”











sorry... i'm in love with CEO!au and chanyeol is just so damn  y as a CEO <3

look how freaking y he is OMG

that tattoo makes him even freaking hotter omfg someone help me




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thank you so much everyone for the congratulation messages! and thank you so much for taking the time out to read this! this story was able to be featured because of you all <333


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174 streak #1
Damn I forgot to leave a comment.😅
This is cute🥰
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
161 streak #3
Chapter 3: I laughing so hard.. this is so good :)
Lmao i love it ?❤
Chapter 1: That was soooooooo hilarious
I am in love with this. Thank you a lot!
Chapter 1: this is just so hilariously funny!!! i love it
1109 streak #7
Chapter 1: I'm laughing so hard xD
Chapter 1: one of super story .... i'm laughing so hard oh my sweet sassy beak
vujuha #9
Chapter 1: You know I have a very defined humor when I am alone especially when I am in depression but damn that make me laugh so much and it is all your fault Pork Chanyoke