I got mail from a kitten. ♥

Hallo liebe Leute! 

Today, I was supposed to stay at my boarding school since my parents are busy at home. But I got sick, spending my first night at my school with hugging the toilet, (TMI) so yeah.. I didn't. (No, I'm not pregnant you sick fudges. ) So now I'm at home being sick, which is much, much better. I like home the most. 

Anyway, as some of you may or may not know I have been really down lately. And I still am, at some point, but then again I'm not.  It's a strange feeling. A part of me is seriously sick of being so sad while the other is like "well, you have a reason to be!". Heh.


But a thing that made me smile A LOT today was a late Christmas letter I got from Rin, my lovely killing. (Killing = kitten in Danish, m'kay?)


There's not only one, but three presents in it! And she made them all herself ;___; I'm wearing the bracelet right now and I'm silently thanking her for making it small, since I have small wrists. Many tend to make things too big for me, which is saddening. Beside the bracelet there was also a keychain with a cute panda and an anklet.

So I'm gonna look real fab soon!  (Yeah right.)


Thank you, Rin.

Not only for making and sending me such wonderful presents, but also for listening to me when I poured my heart out and being there for me.

I will take a selca of me with them once I'm not sick anymore. You're one of my favorite people.




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.. I at comforting.. Bleh ;A; *is that awkward friend*
So.. I'll just repeat what I've been commenting on those last blog posts..

Feel better soon Master~ <3

I love you
I'd love to get a letter from you. ☻
hehehehehhe i want a letter too :( with presents in it :D

HEHEHEHE SO COOOOL!!!!!! i wish you get more letters like that!! ;) maybe i will send u one if u want! :D
I will blog about you to eternity, my Rin ;U; ♥
Also, Minho. *.*
asjkfhslkjdfhkjghdlskhjglfkjds omgomgomg ;uuuuuu;
Okay, first of all: Please get better soon. T.T *gives medicine of love* ♥ ;n; Your heart too, not just your sickness. *huggles*
Secondly: I'm glad the smallness of my wrists worked out so well. :'3 And I'm glad you like the gift! n_n That makes me so happy. ♥
Thirdly: Psh, you're already fab. :'D
Fourthly: I'm soooooooooooooo...omg I'm dying. I jumped around my room for like a whole minute when I finished reading this post, especially the last sentence. n_n I can't believe you blogged about me ;^; asfdghjkhj *dies of happiness*
Fifthly: You know I'm always here for you, whenever you need someone. ♥
And finally: You're one of my favorite people too. ;_; Jeg elsker dig, Jewely! ;u;