40 Questions for Fanfic Writers

1. Describe your comfort zone—a “typical you” fic.
It’s definitely fantasy/paranormal and adventure, all with a touch of romance and comedy. I need to get better at slice of life and fluffy stuff. And I won’t ever do horror or tragedy. NOPE.

2. Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
I want to try A/B/O and genderbend.

3. Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole?

4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now?  Care to share one of them?
CACKLES. Dude, you’d need at least 100+ years to read my list. It’s currently divided into 2 sections: originals and fanfics. The originals section I’ve been filling up since I was 14. The fanfic section was created two years ago, and I write in new ideas for it almost daily. IF ONLY I HAD A TIME TURNER TO WRITE THEM ALL?!?!?! 

For fanfics, I’m currently working on more chapters for Mpreg KaiSoo (the mango wafler series bc the masses demanded it), Desert Tales (because I really want to finish this fantasy epic), and a collab with a friend for next year :D

5. Share one of your strengths.
Uh…I’m an ace with adventure fics and worldbuilding OwO”

6. Share one of your weaknesses.
EMOSHUNS!!!! I can’t for the love of me reach as deep as other writers into the whole feelings and emotions. My beta has to constantly remind me to add in more feels T^T I swear I’m not heartless~

7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
This is from Edge of You and Me, and I love it because it captures a soft moment between these two soldiers who sort of hate each other at this point in the fic. 

As luck would have it, they come across a stream shortly after that. Kai stops to drink, both to make Kyungsoo rest and to quench his thirst. He splashes his face and neck with the cold water, too, and it revives him a little bit. The captain curses and Kai looks to the side to see him struggling. Kyungsoo’s hands shake too much as he cups the water to drink.

Kai goes over and kneels in front of him, getting his pants soaked but not caring. He cups his hands into the river, raises them, and offers the water to Kyungsoo.

Naturally big eyes open up even more and a faint rosy tint spreads across Kyungsoo’s cheeks. His gaze lowers and he hesitantly moves forward to drink out of Kai’s hands.

“Thank you,” Kyungsoo says. And the softness of his voice, brushes against Kai, making his chest ache in a good way.

8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
This is from my latest fic, Twenty Paces Away, and I love it because Chen is hilarious.

“I’m perfect. I’m…hold on.” Chen looks behind the cutie and finds the alley empty. “Uh. Did you happen to see a tall blonde god and a bunch of unconscious goons at his feet? I could’ve sworn I left them there.”

“They ran,” Cutie says. “Didn’t want to get involved in official business.”

Chen frowns and looks up at Cutie. Damn, he’s tall. And handsome. “Business?”

Cutie settles a hand on his shoulder and leans in, but instead of a whisper, there’s a sharp sting against Chen’s neck. “Bounty hunter business.”

Bounty…hunter. me.

9. Which fic has been the hardest to write?
It definitely has to be Baby, Please a ChanBaek adoption story. The characters kept coming out wrong, and when I got them right my betas kept telling me the characterization was wrong or bad. It got to the point where I stopped writing it because I honestly didn’t know how to fix it. It’s posted now, and I still don’t feel 100% okay with the characterization…T^T

10. Which fic has been the easiest to write?
Story of Our Lives! It’s a collection of 1k LuKai fics I did for adeerandadancer fest. It was so much fun!

11. Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?
It’s my passion and my career.

12. Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
I’m inspired by everything really. I can be reading, watching TV, playing a game, writing a fic, in the freaking shower (I swear it’s magical), and I’ll suddenly get a new idea.

13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Keep Calm and Write On.
Leave editing for last, and when you do edit, don’t be afraid to cut huge chunks and mix and re-write.

14. What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across? /b>
“Real writers write every day.”
A writer writes when they feel like it. There are dry spells of creativity and it’s OKAY not to write for some days, or a week, or a month. The writing will come back to you. Don’t panic.

15. If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Twenty Paces Away

16. If you could only write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
Pairings are not important; the story is. 
BUT if I had to pick, I’d choose KaiSoo since they’re the ones that inspire me most.

17. Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
Start to finish. Chronological order.
Though once that first draft is done, I might go around the scenes fixing here and there out of order. But the final read-through is always in order.

18. Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
I usually start with a messy outline or brainstorm in a notebook. I do it with colored pens because I’m visual and color makes me all kinds of happy. Then I type it all on a Word doc and expand on it. Sometimes I need to create a separate timeline or calendar to really visualize the time that passes between scenes. Once I have a solid outline and everything set, then I open a new Word doc and start to write the fic there.

19. Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement.  Do you have a muse?
I’m my own muse. That sounds so narcissistic lol

20. Describe your perfect writing conditions.
As long as I’m inspired and have my laptop with me, I’m good. I can drabble pretty much anywhere (tablet, phone, notebook), but to actually write and concentrate, it needs to be on laptop/pc. I often have music on, but other times I can do without.

21. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
A LOT. Editing is a multi-layered process. When I’m done with a story, I revise it, then it goes to beta who revises it, then it comes back to me for fixing and revising, then maybe to beta for final check, and back to me for a final-final check. And this is all done with days to spare, not the day before ;)

22. Choose a passage from one of your earlier fics and edit it into your current writing style.
This is from my first posted fic, Hyung, I’m Sick.

As he scrubs Jongin’s back with the sponge, he can’t help but feel a little bit angry. Jongin has always worked hard, but it’s only now that they’ve become stars that the boy has become reckless. “You don't have to act so strong all the time, you know. We’re a team now and that means we help each other. You shouldn’t push yourself so hard.”

“I don’t like to disappoint people,” Jongin says, leaning forward some more so Kyungsoo can get his lower back.

“But you don’t mind making them worry?” Kyungsoo says, and it comes out sharper than he intended.

Jongin stays silent.

Remake (I've left in blue the things that remained, so you see the changes better):

Kyungsoo’s hand shakes as he presses the drenched sponge to Jongin’s back, and scrubs up and down over the smooth, tanned flesh. He doesn’t want to be angry, but he can’t help it. Jongin has always worked hard, staying long hours inside the practice rooms until others had to come in and remind him to rest and eat. It’s worse now that they’re stars. Jongin seems intent on achieving perfection in every dance move. But one thing is to be hard working, and another is to be reckless

“You don't have to act so strong all the time, you know,” Kyungsoo says, voice tight and controlled. “We’re a team now and that means we help each other. You shouldn’t push yourself so hard.”

Jongin sighs, his back rising and falling underneath Kyungsoo’s hand as he continues scrubbing. “I don’t like to disappoint people,” Jongin says and slumps forward some more.

After a quick clearing of his dry throat, Kyungsoo dares to scrub lower. “But you don’t mind making them worry?” he says, and it comes out sharper than intended.

Jongin’s hand comes to rest above Kyungsoo’s other hand, the one that’s holding on to the edge of the tub. “I’m sorry, hyung.”

23. If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
I don’t think I’d edit and re-write any older fics; an exception being the unfinished Desert Tales (see next question for explanation). They show my progression as a newbie writer so, they’re fine as they are.

24. Have you ever deleted one of your published fics?
Yes! I deleted Desert Tales, not because my writing style changed, but because the story was unfinished. And I want to finish it, but the difference between the old material and the new was too big, so I had to work in some rewriting. This is the only fic I’ll ever do this to and only because I want to finish it.

25. What do you look for in a beta?
I have a strong personality, so I like someone strong who is not afraid to tell me when I and when I’m wrong, someone not afraid to argue with me (bc yes, we will argue). I am so ing lucky to have found you, L <3

26. Do you beta yourself?  If so, what kind of beta are you?
Well, I have years of experience doing this, but I realize not every fic writer is aiming for a professional career in this like I am. SO, I honestly go much easier on the people I beta than on myself! LOL I am honest, maybe a bit blunt, but I explain myself clearly. If I seem harsh it’s only because I want you to you’re your eyes and grow as a writer, make your fics stronger and polish them until they shine ^__^

27. How do you feel about collaborations?
I’ve always been intrigued, but never know how to go about it. But I’m actually doing my first collab with a friend for next year. So wish me luck!

28. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
curledupkitten: I wanna live in each and every one of her story worlds. That’s her power. She lures you in and captures you in these amazing places that feel so ing alive even though they’re on page. If I ever get to speak with her, I’ll probably chat her ear off about worldbuilding lol

januarys_lovers: Queen of SeChen, Master of Emotion and Descriptions, and the newly acquired title bestowed by me of Jongin Killer. (I’m kidding C, you know ILY) Anyways, you want to FEEL? Go read her stuff.

thesockmonster: If I ever get to have such varied creativity, I’ll consider it a miracle. Her masterlist is a thing of beauty and puts all others to shame. Also, my first kpop fanfic was Default State of Being ;)

It’s so unfair having to pick only three when are so many others talented ones <3

29. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
I’d write a sequel to This is where it splits in half honey, love or death by januarys_lovers! BECAUSE I NEED IT TO BE A HAPPY ENDING OKAY? I NEED IT.

30. Do you accept prompts?
Nope. I write what I want, when I want~ Huhuhu~

31. Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
I write more au fics than canon ones so I take many liberties. But in characterization, I always make an effort to include canon details about personality, likes/dislikes, etc.

32. How do you feel about ?
I mean…yeah, it’s nice >.>

33. How do you feel about crack?
LOL I love it!

34. What are your thoughts on non-con and dub-con.
If it’s relevant to the story and dealt with in a respectful manner, then I don’t mind. Writing is a healing hobby, and if a writer writes about or non-con situations as a way to deal with the problem, then who am I to deny them that. Even if the writer isn’t personally dealing with this, they can write about it as a way to help others. Again, as long as it's respectfully done. 

It’s when it’s written as gratuitous, as just another scene that I am totally against.

35. Would you ever kill off a canon character?
No. I can’t death.

36. Which is your favorite site to post fics?
AFF and AO3.

37. Talk about your current WIPs.
Baby, I’ve Got You: The people asked for a sequel and I’m bringing them a full fic. Yes, I am awesome…or insane.

Story of Our Lives: It’s almost finished! I’m working on the last 4-5 chapters to finish this cute LuKai story <3

Desert Tales: I’ll start posting the chapters I’ve revised right after I finish with the mpreg kaisoo, and then continue on posting the new material, which is like chapters in adition to the 10 I had. Kill me now.

38. Talk about a review that made your day.
IDK about review, but I’ve gotten some pretty nice and lovely comments on my last fic Twenty Paces Away <3
39. Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a rude comment or review? My readers are pretty nice lol

40. Write an alternative ending to a fic of yours (or just the summary of one).
Maybe not an alternative ending, but I’d totally write an Epilogue for Edge of You and Me!

Anyone else who wants to do it, DO IT, and then tell me so I can read your answers :D

PS: I got this from the lovely staystrong66 <3


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I think I'll do my own 40 questions maybe after I complete a few more stories. ^^
JKNewsandDavidSo #2
Wow you seem pretty awesome^^ Can I ask you some questions? I'm a reader but I write privately most of the time so I'm a semi newb I guess.

1) What's a ABO
2) What does Q7 mean? Like what is a prose?
3) Is canon just the main character?