Hey guys! This is like my first ever blog (kinda excited, but kinda nervous idk why) BUT THERES LIKE A BIG PROBLEM

Idk if any of you guys read SooThighs's fanfics, because personally I LOVE THEM (JLASHDLAJHD), but she's in between a rock and a hard place right now. She works for an animal hospital that is really struggling rn, so I'm not gonna explain any more, here's SooThighs blog:

As some of you may know, I am currently working a free internship with my local animal hospital. 

Let's just say: the hospital is struggling. 

My boss is constantly worried about being able to buy the products they need. Sometimes she gets denied service because she's in debt to the business she's buying from, or her debit card is in the red. 

Then there are other things, like three people have quit since I've been there. We're constantly busting our asses, and I was hired as an intern to clean up and do whatever labor because I wasn't looking to be a vet so they weren't going to teach me vet things and only teach those things to the other interns looking to be vets, but now I'm drawing blood, running tests, squeezing glands, giving shots, and even acting as an assistant to the Dr. while in surgery. Some days there are only me and one other person, making it difficult to keep our heads above water. Like I'm basically acting as a nurse without pay.

And I don't even want to be a vet. There are three other interns there who want to be vets and one works two days a week both half a day, and the other two work two full days a week, while for two weeks I worked 6 days a week until they split us up for me working 3 full days a week. 

Those others want to become vets and have to work 500 hours before they complete vet school, and yet they aren't doing the work and aren't putting in the time, which kinda makes me salty, but whatever. 

But I care for the animals and the people there so much. 

We live in a very poor town, so a lot of times people can't get vaccines, drugs, or surgeries that need to be done. Sometimes they're such urgent things that the clients have to say no to that the girls working in the back go ahead and do and ask it to be deducted from their pay. 

And this happens so much. There are so many sweet animals that come in from the shelter who can't get saved because they just can't afford to do it. 

This is why I set up a GoFundMe account and created one to raise money for my local animal hospital. 

I put in 50 dollars of my own money to get it started, and just put the goal as a thousand dollars to have one set, but it can be over or under. Every little bit counts, no matter how much I get raised. I'm hoping within the next couple months that I'm working this summer before I go back I'll be able to get a decent amount to give to them before I leave. 

I've come here to ask you guys if you could help, even if it's only a little bit. Those small donations quickly add up, and if you could see what I see every day your heart would break, but before I give you a few stories and show you some horrifying images, I'll leave the link here.

GoFundMe - Local Animal Hospital


Now I'm going to share some sob stories to gain your empathy. 

If you can't handle slightly graphic images and words, please leave now. 

You've been warned omg. 

So what actually prompted me to make this fund was a little dog brought in by the shelter that everyone argued over saving. 

The poor thing was 'found' with its arm rotting off. It was filled with maggots, the bone was sticking out with pieces falling out, the scent of rotting flesh filled the room, and the poor things was just too sweet. 

It was a nine month old puppy that someone 'found' although there was a part in the fur where someone had tied off the rotting flesh in an attempt to stop the spread of infection up the arm. So we knew right away someone was well aware that this dog was injured. 

There was a huge argument over saving this dog or not, which resulted in the running of a blood test to see if it was healthy enough to go under surgery to remove the arm, and also wasn't infected throughout the body. 

The tests went surprisingly well, although the dog wouldn't be able to go under without a blood transfusion. We put it in the computer to see how much it would cost, and it came up to $1,400. To which we could only say put it down. 


When I went to lunch, I returned to see her body in a bag in the freezer. 

I had been telling Amie about to dog as things were happening, and had been telling Amie about other instances where animals came in that couldn't be saved or the girls working there offering to pay out of their pockets to help. 

She said maybe my AFF friends could help in raising a small sum of money to give to them, to which I thought no, because most are young and I'm not sure if they could help and I don't like the idea of asking them, but the more I thought about it the more I came to like the idea. 

We set up small funds for certain animals, like a hound dog named Rosa Lee in the back who had a hip replacement and has two broken legs, so I thought why not set up my own fund and give it all to them anonymously at the end. 

There are times where we have to turn people down because they don't have the money and their animals is in a life or death situation. Once a person called about her cat being unable to have her babies, but didn't have the money to bring them in for an emergency c-section, so the Dr. told the woman 'too bad' and the kittens ended up dying and almost killing their mother. 

I just can't stand to see people be turned down, or turn down things because they can't afford them. I don't like seeing my boss in a tizzy because she can't order the drugs we need and have to tell people no or to wait until we can order them when we have the money. 

That's why I want to help.

With a little extra pocket change, they can save a few extra lives, or have the wiggle room to not charge for a flu shot or nail trim. 

I'm also probably going to do a physical fund raiser here in my town to raise even more. 

Animals are very dear to me like y'all don't even know, I see so much and half the time I want to cry or punch something like I really want to help. 

If you guys could help her out pls, that would mean a lot to me and definetly her


I know a lot of you are in positions like me (too young to pay for anything but still reads lol) but try to help as much as possible, or even share it with some close AFF friends. 




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lalophobia #1
thank u for sharing <33