"Don't Worry, I'm Here" App

Basic Information-


AFF Name/Link: iheartsungmin

What should I call you?: Amy

Is this character the missing victim or one of the remaining girls?: One of the remaining girls, but it doesn't matter.

Name: Kim Bo Ram

Nickname: Bo, Bodacious [xD], Bore, Bo-Peep

Age: 18

Birthday: 01/31/94

Height: 184cm

Weight: 72kg

Bloodtype: B

Birthplace: Los Angeles, California

Hometown: Seoul

Ethnicity: Korean with a little bit of Chinese from her father's side

Personality: Bo is quiet, but she is not shy by any means. She just does not like to get involved in drama, being more of the passive type. She would rather listen to others and give them advice or comfort than actually receive it. She feels awkward asking other people for help. She is very protective of her band mates because they are like sisters to her, even more so than her own blood-related sibling. If someone dares to try and pick a fight with her friends, she will definitely step in and kick the offender's . Bo hates attention – seriously despises it. She'll glare at anyone who tries and bring attention to her. Strangers and the like often make fun of her nickname, but she could care less about other people's opinions. Her own opinion matters the most to her, though she is easily influenced by her fellow band mates. She secretly does not want to appear bad in their eyes because they're all she has as family. Bo has been surprisingly independent from a young age. She does not feel the need to have someone watch over her, do things for her or protect her. Bo feels that she can take care of herself. She hates when people tell her what to do and will often do the opposite of what has been told. People might consider her a rebel… and she kind of is.




    Spicy food

    Ice cream


    Squishy things

    Cold weather



    Night – especially staying up late







    Tomato-based foods (except pizza)








    Scary movies



    The dark (even though she likes night…)


Hobbies: Reading, writing, listening to kpop, doodling, daydreaming

Habits: Tapping her foot impatiently, touching her hair when she's nervous, rubbing her eyes, eating when she's anxious (but she never gains weight… lucky girl), kicking people when she doesn't like them.


    Bo reads when she's feeling y.

    She is not that close to her family, knowing that they could care less about her or her fame.

    She at using chopsticks.

    She's a little bit white-washed.

    She can be a bit tomboy-ish, but she doesn't dare cut her beautiful, long hair for something shorter.

    She did not want to be part of a girl group in the first place, but she needed the money because her family would not support her.




Ulzzang links: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Ulzzang Name: Lee Youn Ju (Mikki)

Backup Ulzzang links: (1)

Backup ulzzang name: Park Sae Am

Style: An oversized shirt or sweater and tight skinny jeans are fine with her. She doesn't really care – she is too lazy to wake up earlier in the morning to pick out something particularly nice. She almost always wears dark colors and white. She loves to wear hats and sunglasses to shield her starless eyes.


Stage Info-


Stage name: Boram

Persona: The quiet one who needs to be more active


1)    Maknae, Sub-Vocalist

2)    Sub-dancer, Sub-rapper

3)    Lead Dancer, Lead Rapper

Fanclub name: Sheep (For bo-peep… or ram xP. Sheep are also nice fluffy followers ^.^)

Fanclub colour: White

Trainee years: 2

Trainee background: She did not tend to take her training seriously and often pissed off her instructors. However, her talent made them unable to resist putting her into a girl group. Her trainers were tired of her disobedience and put her into a group as soon as possible.

Previous companies: SM ^^




Love interests:

1.)   Sungmin

2.)   Heechul

3.)   Donghae

Relationship: Well it depends… if the love interest is Sungmin, Bo is attracted to his sweet, quiet, cute, humble personality. She wants to get to know him better. If it's Heechul, then it'll be hate-love – she "hates" his obnoxious personality. If it's Donghae, then same as Sungmin.

Ex relationship: Lee Joon… she got sick of his arrogance. Fan girls constantly fawned over him and he flirted with them back.

Rivals: N/A


1)    Heechul. Definitely.

2)    Leeteuk

3)    Doesn't matter

Relationship: Hell no, they don't get along. They bicker by the hour. Their personalities clash.

Mianhae, hope that wasn't too long/boring... it's my first application ^^


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