Johnny and Doyoung give their thoughts on joining NCT 127


NCT 127 officially began promoting the title track from their 2nd mini album 'Limitless' this January 5, through Mnet's 'M! Countdown'.

The NCT unit returned this time with 2 new members - Johnny and Doyoung. During an interview while waiting for the live broadcast of 'M! Countdown', the two new members gave their thoughts on joining their labelmates.

Johnny said about his rehearsal stage, "I'm disappointed about parts of it, but because it's my first time, I think I won't be able to help but feel a little disappointment, whatever stage it is." He continued about debuting with NCT 127, "I'm glad that I'm able to stand on stage with the members whom I've practiced with since I was young. I'll show more of me [in the future]."

Doyoung said, "I think I was able to join [NCT 127] comfortably since they've been doing well up until now and they have things built up. I also strongly believe that because we are now 9, we have to show our improvement by working harder."

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