Would it be a good story?

I have written a bit on a BTS fanfiction that has rapmon and an OC of mine. but Idk if others would like to see it. I can give a teaser of it here:


A young man leans against a brick wall down an alleyway. An empty beer bottle in his left hand and an elongated sigh being a normal night for him. His blond part of his hair goes with the cool breeze. He hums up at the not so starry sky in meloncoly. It has been six days since he broke up his gang. He never gives them a reason as to why he would do such a thing. Never a real answer anyway. He remembers their shock expressions after he told them. He tries to take another drink of his beer only to be disappointed then throws it towards the trash bins. “Time to go I guess.” He thinks to himself. His ebony boots drag him along the alley.

He walks in silence with his hands in his pockets. He heads to his apartment building that is in terrible condition: the walls have drafts, the curtains have rips and tears, and pipes are leaky. He lives in the ghetto, so it was the best he's got. Just then a different sight comes into view. His choco eyes widen seeing a woman seeming his age. Her hair is black as night, her body slender but very busty, and lastly her eyes a beautiful brown that glistens in the moonlight. He gulps feeling a shy, nervous butterfly in his stomach. He shakes his head to gain back reality. It's one girl. Nothing special. Not like there were thousands of others. He watches her taking in her beauty. He loves the way her hair is short and cups her cheeks, how long her legs are in those plaid leggings, how her black shirt just barely shows her curves, but his favorite are her eyes. He loses himself in them. “Much like a siren….Calling me with her eyes instead of a song….” He speaks with a new found smile. He continues with, “Ah it's just a girl. Can't get her involved with me.” He watches her walk away towards the end of the street.

It's odd to stare for so long at a woman. He hasn't done that in quite some time now. He closes his eyes taking in that heavenly muse. No matter the beauty he can't possibly taint it. It must stay pure. He returns home kicking off his boots and plopping onto the couch. He groans at the long day he had. His eyes are about to shut until his cell rang. He picks up, “Hello?”

“Hey Namjoon.”

Seok-jin hyung? What's up?”

“The guys keep asking me if you're dead serious on this decision.”

He groans, “Yes. The Red Bullet is disbanded.” A sigh is heard on the other end.

“Is this because of our last heist?”

He tenses up and places a hand over his face. “It's not just that…. I….. Let's leave it at that.”


He hangs up dropping the phone onto the stained carpet. He runs a hand over his hair hating that none of them could stop bothering him about it. He has his reasons. Multiple in fact. He just can't come clean to them just yet. He figures it's time to eat then head to bed. The night filling with cars, shootings, and police sirens.

He wakes up alive and well. He yawns with a long stretch. Time for a shower and breakfast. Breakfast meaning just a bowl of cereal as he can't cook worth anything. During his shower, an image of the woman appears in his mind. He hums amused by how she could appear at such an inconvenient time. “Childish.” He laughs at his actions. He wraps himself in a towel soon after then heard the door. He rolls his eyes and gets dressed. It was a little kid. Her eyes looking watery. She sniffles at him.

“Could you spare some money mister? My mother is sick and we won't last the month.”

“I can barely last myself kid. Can't help you. Good luck getting someone else to fall for your scam.” He shuts the door with not another word. He loves to help those in need, but this is a common thing that happens. Even the children steal from adults. There is no trusting anyone here. He can only trust his fellow ex-gang members. They are his closest friends.



As you can see the story is about how Namjoon disbanded the gang for personal reasons. He then meets this girl that he wants to protect and not let her know about his past. The past will come back to haunt him. I am kind of new at BTS though as I'm just a starting army >< but yeah should i continue and post this on here?


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Definitely seems interesting. I was told, “write what you love” so if you love writing it, I suppose others will enjoy it too no matter what :D
I think it would be a great story if its done right