BTS would you rather - come join in! (my answers are also here lmao)

WOOT! Okay, so, since I created this, it’s only fair I subject myself to it, too. Here are my answers to the Would You Rather Game from the club, ONE BTS, ONE ARMY. I tag you all to check it out and try it for yourself (warning: it’s difficult)


001 // WYR BTS continued with only DNA MV visuals or Fake Love?




002 // WYR a lollipop that has already been in Namjoon’s mouth or chew gum that has already been in Yoongi’s mouth? (Shoutout to suchentao for this one <3)


Namjoon’s lollipop


003 // WYR survive in the wilderness with Jungkook or live on a secluded mountain with Taehyung?


Aish… Hard. I think the mountain with Taehyung, simply for the *cough* scenery *ahem*


004 // WYR have only Hoseok’s mixtape or only Yoongi’s?




Final answer: Sope

Lmao jk I have to choose, so… Okay, I adore Yoongi’s, I really do, but I think overall I prefer hobi’s? I have listened to it more often and still go back to it, but seriously it is like a millimetre between both TT


005 // WYR keep Pink or Blonde Jimin?


EASY PIES. Blonde all the way <3


006 // WYR be stuck with Seokjin or Taehyung in a zombie apocalypse?


Hmm… Well, I think Seokjin. I don’t know, I love Tae, don’t get me wrong, but Seokjin just seems like he might be more… optimistic? Not that a zombie apocalypse is all fun and games, but more that I feel like Seokjin would be able to not just completely lost himself to despair and that would be important. I also just think he would be quite protective, but also capable, whereas you can totally imagine Taehyung screaming and throwing teddy bears at zombies to get them away >.< so yeah, Seokjin :3


007 // WYR Namhope or Namkook?


Namhope :3


008 // WYR spend all day playing overwatch with Jungkook or Gucci shopping with Taehyung?



Hmm, this is hard, because I like gaming and shopping, and I love Taekook :3 but I think shopping with Tae, because… I would be frightened of Kookie’s competitive gaming nature Dx plus I want Tae to give me some style advice bc well need I really explain ???


009 // WYR BTS continued with only Namjoon, Yoongi or Hoseok rapping?


Okay, so, I thought about this one and it’s definitely hard, because I don’t have a favourite rapper in BTS – their styles are all so unique that to cut one out would have a huge impact TT But, I decided on Yoongi – and my logic? Firstly, Hoseok can sing, so his beautiful vocals could grace us in place of rapping TT And Namjoon has a really… nice voice, in a talking sense? Like he could legit just speak normally in the songs and I would be down for it. Or when he puts his voice to a tune, its soothing, I like :3 so Yoongi :3


010 // WYR keep Seokjin or Taehyung’s visuals?


Honestly, until a few days ago, I would’ve said Taehyung, but Seokjin has recently hit me in the face with his worldwide handsomeness and I can’t actually deal with how gorgeous he is TT I think they both have different vibes. Truthfully though, I think… Taehyung, simply because he is straight from an anime and I don’t understand??? This one was also really close though, Seokjin is so damn gorgeous and handsome TT


011 // WYR have Anpanman or Go-Go?


Anpanman! :3


012 // WYR make-out with Namjoon or cuddle with Jungkook?


NO WHY MY HEART IS- okay, so, rn, I am in a cuddle mood, so cuddle with Jungkook? Although in five minutes my answer would probably change to Namjoon bc omg that would just be-


I’ll stop o.o


013 // WYR have I Need U or RUN?




014 // One member gets pranked when Taehyung decides to shave off all of their hair! WYR that member was Hoseok or Yoongi?


Eh… probably Yoongi. I think he would look better bald lmao >.<


015 // WYR dress like Jimin or Namjoon for the rest of your life?


I think Jimin, his recent style is more me I think, although Namjoon has some killer looks too TT


016 // WYR go skiing with Taehyung or surfing with Hoseok?


Surfing with Hoseok (hello beach outfit- I mean, bc surfing ahem o.o)


017 // You have been granted the opportunity to meet one member of the hyung line for five minutes! WYR that member was Hoseok, Yoongi, Seokjin or Namjoon?


This is so difficult… Personally, I do love all the BTS members equally. I genuinely do and I can’t split them in that regard, so to choose one to meet is near impossible. I think though… my gut instinct says Yoongi. I would just tell him that I found him inspirational in those five minutes, given what he has battled, and that, even though there are struggles, he has changed so many lives worldwide, mine included. I just worry about Yoongi right now – there are times he seems fine and happy, but I do still fear, probably because of what he has been through and how tiny he is and… 3


^^all in the hypothetical au where I can speak korean lmao


018 // WYR have War of Hormone or DOPE?




019 // WYR listen to Love Yourself: Her or Love Yourself: Tear for the rest of your life?


Tear :3 it’s just… brilliance, start to end >.<


020 // WYR have “Yes sir nice to meet you” or “your daughter calls me daddy too” Jimin?


Yes sir nice to meet you :3 He’s too cute TT


021 // WYR read only fluff or angst fanfics for the rest of your life?


Hmm, since I write loads of angsty themes, fluff…. :3


022 // TAEKOOK SHIPPERS! Top Tae or Kook?


Tae 😉


023 // You find out someone has stolen your phone from BTS! WYR trust Seokjin or Namjoon to help you find it?


Namjoon, bc Seokjin was probably the one who hid it e.e


024 // WYR sit beside Jungkook on the bus or bump into Hoseok at the grocery store?


Ah, a bus journey with Kookie would be so cute but… the proximity would leave me so nervous and awkward. I would rather bump into hobi at the store bc I can imagine he would be the type of grocery shopper to speak his list out loud and forget something every three minutes and end up buying hair-removal cream instead of tooth-paste and would stare really introspectively at the different foods trying to work out what to do with them- :3


025 // WYR Jikook or Yoonmin was real?


I am a Taekook shipper, so Yoonmin. Although Jihope is actually my fav Jimin ship lmao :3


026 // You find out there is going to be an album released by a BTS sub-unit! WYR that unit was Yoongi and Jimin or Jungkook and Namjoon?


Aish, another hard one… I think Yoonmin? Hmm, I don’t know. Namkook’s voices go well together and would be like honey, whereas Yoonmin’s are a violent clash, Jimin’s so soft and Yoongi’s really harsh, so it would be more vivid, I think. Maybe Namkook actually… Yeah, Namkook.


027 // It’s Christmas, and you decide to spend it with BTS! WYR have Seokjin or Namjoon dress up as santa clause and give out gifts?


Santa Seokjin 😉


028 // Taekook/Taemin shippers! You find out that Taehyung has cheated on Jungkook with Jimin! Do you decide to confide in Hoseok or Yoongi?


Yoongi lmao. I feel like Hobi would flail in the face of drama and pull that “I am disgusted” signature face and sort of just be helpless xD Yoongi would be measured, serious and wise about it-


029 // ARMY! You find out you hold the last remaining copy of the wings album due to a freak disappearance. BTS want the album as a memory… WYR give it to BTS or keep it for yourself?


Give to BTS (would it mean I could meet them to hand it over :0)


030 // WYR write lyrics with Yoongi or edit videos with Jungkook?


Lyrics with Yoongi :3








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I disagree with a few but I like your explanations xD