⭐ BTS 2018/2019 Outlook - Oracle and Tarot Reading

This is a special request reading from an anonymous submission.

[Style] Predictive outlook for the second half of 2018 and all of 2019
[Subject] BTS - all seven members collectively
[Medium] No medium necessary
[Deck Used] Wisdom of the Oracle and the Rider-Waite Tarot
[Spread] This was a loose reading and had no spread or format
[Time] 2 hours

Original Post Date: July 21, 2018 - Here

Requests, suggestions, and questions are welcome and appreciated.





Gif Credit: hope-film

[This is a predictive reading that will cover the currently foreseen potentials of the latter half of 2018 and all of 2019 for all of the members of BTS. This reading has no specific spread or format. This reading will contain some energy analysis, channeled information, and card reading. As I will explain later in the post, predictive readings are to never be taken as though they are written in stone. In terms of physics and , every moment we experience is a singularity all on it own and with every thought and action, we jump from one to another, meaning can change at the drop of a hat. The current projected path can only be seen based on personal energetic influence, external energetic influence, as well as soul path. I will try to be as clear and as thorough as possible, but please understand the further down the line I go the more loose and abstract things can look.

For this reading, I used two decks — my Wisdom of The Oracle deck and my Rider-Waite Tarot Deck. This reading/spread is an original design by me. This reading lasted 2 hours.]



Some Quick Notes

So, this is a reading that was requested by an anonymous user and I wasn’t really planning on doing it until a lot later in the year, you know, just cover 2019 rather than both 2018 and 2019, but some has happened. BTS all together are experiencing some sort of energy “wobble” and I’ve been noticing it for a while, like a few weeks or a month, and I’ve really wanted to talk about it but couldn’t really find an opportunity to do so. Then as I was sitting down to work on some readings for this week I saw this one on this list and thought, “hm, I should work this out.” So, here I am.

I’ll explain more about the energetic shift below, but since this is a “loose reading”, meaning that there is no spread being used here or any predetermined format, I wanted to explain how this reading is going to be laid out. First off, there will be 5 parts in total that will cover the 1st and 2nd half of 2018, the 1st and 2nd half of 2019, and a summation of this time period for BTS. I will do my best to give somewhat of an explanation about predictive reading and why and how things change between timelines and like that, but it’s a whole big thing, and I don’t think most of you really care that much, lol. Either way, if there is anything in here that confuses you, interests you, or concerns you, my ask box is open and I reply to all private messages.

Okay, let’s get to the good stuff!


The “Wobble” — So, I’ve been noticing some recently, and it goes back a couple of months or so, but more recently it’s been a lot clearer and very in my face. I really don’t know how much of it I can explain because I’m very aware that those of you that read these probably have limits to what you are willing to consider in terms of “abstract concepts” concerning energy, energetic shifts, other dimensions, and Universal Minds, but all that is what the “Wobble” pertains to, so… maybe keep an open mind for this one.


Basically, as I’m sure you can guess, BTS are literally tied together by the soul. Like, “BTS” was a pre-planned deal, they were born in this lifetime, in this timeframe, as members of the millennial age for a reason. This is some Oversoul . And it’s none of that soulmate kind of where it’s like, “Oh, even if they weren’t in BTS they would have still found each other” — NO. “BTS” was pre-planned. They are only here to be part of BTS and be one of the many influences that are meant to shift awareness for the modern age. There are a lot of other people, famous people, around BTS’s age range that is also signed on to be these “shift bringers” or whatever, and unfortunately, some of them have passed on due to outside influences.

All of these different people — not just famous people, btw — are basically “assigned” soul groups, or soul tribes. You can google that if you want to get the actual definitions, but in my mind, I always consider “soul tribes” to be like your “business partners” or “teammates” and your “soul group” to be a large span of a similar vibration, consciousness, and awareness. The seven members of BTS form a soul tribe and they are leading a ~specific division~ that is their “soul group”, and no, just because you’re a fan of BTS does not mean you are specifically part of their soul group. A soul group is way deeper than just thinking they’re hot.

So, anyway, there’s an energetic shift currently happening in the Universe and it’s literally been ing with me for the past few months, like scaring me and because the images I see when I dwell on it are like some World War III kind of with earthquakes and tsunamis, timelines literally collapsing, and it’s ing horrifying, but then my guides are all like, “It’s just a metaphor.” Like, … I have anxiety, you can’t show me like that and then pull a John Green. Now, this energetic shift is not natural (?), it’s being set up and pushed out by outside forces — you can think of The Sims if it helps ease the heebeejeebees — and unlike what we might like to think, there is more than one “external force” hanging out there, you know what I mean? And obviously, they’re not all on the same wavelength, they’re not all of the same systems of ethics, they’re not all looking at the human race the same way. BASICALLY, there’s like… some energy war happening out there because there are VERY high vibrational beings trying to get us to clean our up, and then there are some VERY low vibrational beings that EXIST ON EARTH that are trying to keep us the same or keep us controlled or some , I don’t really know what they’re trying to do, but they’re here and they’re annoying.

A few months ago I was channeling A LOT because I was vibing hard with these shifts, like I was going the through it, having all sorts of conversations with my guides trying to get some understanding of what was happening because, , I thought 2012 was coming back around for our asses. Spoiler Alert: it’s not. Some of the things I kept seeing were timelines literally folding over themselves, I saw the groundbreaking but breaking as a result of something happening outside of the earth’s atmosphere, like some “as above, so below” kind of thing. Then I saw all of these “shift bringers” (they’re not called that, I just don’t ing know what to label them) and I saw what they were meant to be doing and how they are meant to be influencing the younger generations, literally modern day prophets a lot of these people are. Of course, if I gave you a list of these people you would probably laugh because they’re image, their message, what they preach and how they preach it doesn’t fit what you have been taught to believe it should be (blame the low vibe beings for that >.>). BTS collectively is one of those “shift bringers”.

Now, around this time a certain rapper was killed and it was quite a storm in the ~”extrasensory community”~ because we all seemed to ing feel this because they were a “shift bringer” and… basically, it was not just an act of “earthly violence” if you catch my drift. I won’t go too into that because, like I said, I know you all have your limits, but basically I was a little spooked because a lot of these young “shift bringers” were being targeted and I was wondering if BTS was being targeted in any similar fashion. What I was shown was a net around their collective energy — I didn’t get a yes or a no, but I was shown that they are being protected for this reason in particular.

BUT THEN, more recently I have been getting a lot more channeled information about BTS because I have been connecting to their energy so much in order to do these readings. Also, Kook’s energy is very clingy and every time I start to ponder BTS in any way at all I get somewhat of a “tug” from his line of energy. Like, his energy is trying to get my energy’s attention for some reason. I haven’t sought out an answer to why because, honestly his energy is kind of low right now, like vibrationally, and it bums me out… I mean, that probably why he is trying to get someone’s attention, but… you know. Anyway, I’ve been getting this “Wobble” a lot. In terms of physical sensation it feels like bumping into a wall, energetically it feels like I’m being squeezed by the neck or around my arms, and visually it looks like a water balloon wobbling.

The visual is actually important. What it is exactly is a pair of hands holding a water balloon, but it’s like a BIG water balloon. Think of a regular party balloon, the kind you blow up yourself, at the biggest it can be but full of water. These two hands can hardly hold it, but it’s balanced and still. Then it just wobbles. Just once it will wobble as though the person holding it was bumped by someone and the water balloon just shakes a little bit. It’s just a slight disturbance, but it’s significant.

The water balloon is BTS and everything that is “pre-planned” for them. The hands are that “net” I saw before, the hands are their guides, they keep things in order and make sure they are able to do what they need to do. Something has disturbed the order of things. Not a lot, but like, security has been breached, you know? It’s got me kind of spooked and feeling some kind of queasy because I feel like we’ve SEEN the wobble manifesting in real life with their work.

But yeah, that’s the wobble. Bit of a lengthy explanation, but I needed to get that out there because it puts everything else that came up in the reading into perspective.



Now, we can get into the part where I was actually starting to pull cards. The Tower was the first card that popped out in this reading. I was shuffling both my Oracle deck and my Tarot deck, just sort of planning out how I wanted to do it, how I was going to read. Specifically, I was thinking about the “Wobble” and how I would be able to explain it to you guys when this popped out. It’s pretty fitting, honestly. It’s a shift. The Tower card is upheaval, it’s chaos and destruction. It’s what you see when all that you know and understand is destroyed for the sake of you needed to build something new from scratch.

Honestly, I didn’t read too much into this card because the reading hadn’t officially begun yet and I just assumed that it was insinuating that the “Wobble” of the water balloon could potentially turn into a “POP” of the water balloon, which made sense.

Losing touch — For the Pre-Reading portion I only got one bit of channeled information and that was that they are currently going against their path. They are on their path, but they’re walking backward or standing still, they’re just not doing what they are supposed to be doing. It’s causing a lot of tension and discomfort. I was really feeling a lot of uneasiness, but also a lot of confusion from some members about that uneasiness.



This image here actually verified what I was picking up from that channeled information. It’s actually a little funny, I had finished shuffling my cards and had laid them off to the side and as I was trying to get a clearer understanding of that tension and the “going against their path” thing, I looked over at my decks on the side of my desk and this is what I saw.

It’s the To The Sea oracle card with the Knight of Wands Tarot card. What this means is that their path, their pre-planned path, is divinely guided. They should be able to just float on down the river and things should just kind of come naturally in a sense. It’s supposed to be a slow moving thing, one step at a time, Water-based, intuitive, creative, emotional. That’s what it was before and that’s what got them so much success. However, on a more mundane level, on a physical level, the consciousness, the energy level they are riding the Knight of Wands. They are thrashing about, moving to fast, very superficial, not a lot of emotion in it, not a lot of creative input. In that sense they are moving against their path because they are moving too fast towards the reward and not taking care of their purpose anymore — it’s important to understand that they are not doing this themselves, they are being guided with the Knight of Wands, mostly by their company as well as other people.

(One of the things I’ve been seeing for them is “tampering”. I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s like there are foreign people (literally foreign, either American or Australian specifically) that are working with BigHit now to handle BTS image and the company is taking their advice more than they are considering what they had originally set out to do which is put artistry back into music, spread a message, connect to people. They are doing this because the success they are experiencing now is a bit out of their realm of understanding and they are nervous about it slipping away. Also, money does play into this. It’s weird, but it’s very specific and I think it falls into play here.)

Their guides are freaking out — I actually had a laugh about this. I asked my guides to get involved in this (I usually don’t for celebrity readings) because I wanted to know what BTS’s guides were doing with this, and they showed me a ing scene from Spongebob:


It’s kind of serious, but at the same time, like… lol.

So, yeah, I didn’t communicate with their guides or anything and as far as I know, my guides hadn’t spoken to them, they just kind of peeked in and… that’s what they saw, I guess?



This bit was pretty interesting too. I was getting ready to start the actual reading and I asked, what from the first half of 2018 is going to influence the rest of the timeframe? These two cards popped up before I had even finished the question and I about myself when I flipped them over (they had landed face down).

First off, it’s ing Yang and Yin. That alone seems significant, but also, these are the first two cards in the deck, Yang being 1 and Yin being 2. None of that is actually relevant, but it seemed very deliberate like it was trying to get a lot of information out in one swift kick.

This actually calls back to the To The Sea + Knight of Wands. Yin is the Divine Feminine, it’s the intuition, spiritual connection, creative freedom, everything I mentioned with To The Sea. Yang is the Divine Masculine, it’s action, passion, physical based, mental, hands-on kind of stuff, just like the Knight of Wands. This gave me that “As above, so below” feel again, like these cards here are summing everything up into these two polarities that are manifesting on all levels — energy, spirit, soul, unconscious, subconscious, conscious, physical.

These first sets of cards were all a pretty interesting introduction to the reading itself, I thought.


1st Half of 2018 - January to Mid-July

This portion of the reading was more analytical. Obviously, I can’t predict things that have already happened, but I can read the signatures that have been projected, the footprints that have been left in order to have a good base to form the sequence of the current timeline they are working with.

From here on out, I let the cards come out in stacks and I tried to arrange them to look nice so they weren’t just in a pile of random mess, but know that they are left in the order that they came out in.



So, again, we have some polarity happening here.

The Tribe card came out last, it was actually on top of the deck when the pile of six other cards came out. It was a form of confirmation for me that these cards related to all seven members equally.

Set 1: Observer + A Leg Up + Flexible

For this set here I had gotten the image of me being in a wagon or a boat and being pulled down a long hallway. The walls were very closed in and there didn’t really seem to be any destination, I was just sort of sitting and going. It had that “To The Sea” vibe of just going with the flow, but it wasn’t very free. It was closed in, and I felt like the only reason I was sitting down and just going along with it was that I knew I didn’t have any other options and even if I stood up and got out I wouldn’t have anywhere else to go except backward.

For BTS, this has to do with their career, which most of this reading will have to do with their career. The Observer energy here is just that, it is no action, no thought, it’s just sitting back and letting things play out as they need to. I got the word “compliant” for this and that really goes with the Flexible card. Being flexible, being compliant with what they were being told to do or what they were being given, what they were observing was giving them A Leg Up in their career. They were and are currently being guided by something more earthbound and of a lower vibration this way.

In basic terms, the success they are experiencing now is coming from the fact that they are “allowing” themselves to be shoved into different directions that really are not part of their purpose or personal plans. They are “allowing” this to happen because they all share a fear of falling from grace, losing what they’ve gained, and they and BigHit both are overwhelmed with the success and will trust those in the industry to tell them what they need to do, even if that means signing over a lot of BTS’s creative liberties to other people.

Set 2: Regeneration + New Life + Serendipity

This set was kind of the surrounding energy of the previous set. They experienced a New Life when in reality they were meant to experience a Regeneration. With the Universal Shift, they were supposed to transform in a sense, heighten their vibrations, and do a lot more of what they had been doing previously in order to fulfill their collective purpose. This was more of a regeneration because rather than “entering a new stage” they were supposed to allow their Higher Selves to take over, in a sense. The Higher Self would “regenerate” within the conscious realm and carry out their duty in this lifetime. As “shift bringers” this was necessary, and it’s still very necessary, and it didn’t happen, so their Guides are freaking out and they themselves are in a “Wobble”.

The Serendipity here is more in the mindset. They literally see their success and where they are now as something that was brought about by simple luck. Like most people, they are not aware of the bigger picture, they are not considering things like soul purpose or energetic shifts. They are not taking the signs that their Guides are sending out to them because it’s just not something that all of them look for.

So, in terms of a higher plan, this is where the first half of 2018 was for them, this is what’s going to be carried over into and influencing the second half of 2018 and all of 2019.



With the Tarot cards, I handle the more “mundane” aspects like mental processing and physical, earth-based . For this pull I asked, how is the energy falling on them? meaning how is the energy displayed in the previous set of cards really affecting them on a conscious/physical level.

And again we have something of a duality or polarity here. These cards individually correspond with the previous individual sets.

Set 1 - Observer, A Leg Up, and Flexible were represented by the 6 of Cups.

This energy was really focused in on the child aspect of the card. It was very naive energy, very trustful, very hopeful. That would be them in their compliance, trusting that they are being led to where they want to be, trusting these new people to have their best interest at heart.

Set 2 - Regeneration, New Life, and Serendipity were represented by the 7 of Cups.

It’s not what they think it is. There was a more malicious energy with this card. This “New Life” that they are stepping into is not what it is being made out to be. There is awareness here of that, that they are being used or manipulated in some way, that they are being shown things that aren’t accurate (?). They are being tricked.

These two mindsets I feel like are both being displayed within the group. Some of them are more trusting, the others are very skeptical of where they are going. I feel like since they are not really looking as deeply as they should they don’t really communicate with each other about the manipulation flat out, but it’s a topic of conversation offhanded. It’s like they’re afraid to say that they don’t like what’s happening because on the surface what is happening is the success, and to say they don’t like it, don’t want it, or want something else could be taken negatively. Also, they want success, and they want the others to be successful, so for one to say they don’t want it could ruin it for everyone else… does that make sense?

This all comes to a head and clashes under The Tribe card with the 5 of Wands. This is aggression, fighting, and general conflict. There are tension and aggravation within a certain set of them that are getting more and more stressed out. A lot of pressure building up. I see this as being a physical manifestation of the “Wobble”.

I would also like to point out that the polarity/duality here is that of Water and Fire, just as with To The Sea + Knight of Wands and Yin + Yang. Cups in Tarot are Elemental Water, they deal with emotion, intuition, and creativity. Wands are Elemental Fire, they deal with passion, action, manifestation, and movement. Water and Fire don’t mix, yet BTS’s collective energy is being influenced by both.


2nd Half of 2018 - Mid-July to December

Now we can get into the predictive reading. I would like to reiterate that anything that comes up in predictive readings, no matter what context, are never set in stone. Most people as individuals naturally align with their paths and a lot of the time it is very easy to predict events in their lives as they are settled into a pre-planned path. When it comes to groups of people, massive clusters of people even, their energies can shift entire timelines and stumble onto new paths every second. What I am reading for now is what is currently on BTS’s path as decided by their Guides that are working with their sole purpose in mind as well as the input of each of their Higher Selves.

The further down the line I go, the further into 2019, things will get more abstract or more simple as events in time are only drawn out within moments, not within long timeframes. Certain events can be written in stone, in a sense, but the surrounding moments may or may not lead the individual or the group into experiencing it. It’s a little complicated, but what I want you to understand is that you can’t take what’s written here on out and mark it in a calendar and expect to see it happen right before your eyes…

For the sake of having as clear of an understanding as possible, I did connect with my Guides and I did have my Guides connect with BTS’s Guides to get some understanding of what I was seeing.



The first two cards out while shuffling were Round And Round and Treasure Island. Immediately I got the tour and the album. Here Round And Round held the vibe of routine, doing the same thing over and over again, and that seemed like the upcoming tour. Very monotonous energy, but a lot of energy there, physical energy. Treasure Island was just money. Success in general. The album is going to do well, we already know that pre-orders are killing it, but it will extend out. The tour will be well off as well for the rest of 2018.

In addition to the first two cards, I got three more, New Life, A Change in Wind, and Between Worlds.

The tour, I’m assuming, is going to present a lot of challenges for them personally. These challenges will be from their Guides trying to get them to contemplate more on what they are really doing, trying to get them to sort of pull back and see the bigger picture. Between Worlds is them on the edge, still stagnant on their path, in between Fire and Water — their Guides are going to be trying to push them to one side, push them back on the right path. Literally what they said was, “...decide if they walk the path or let the balloon drop…” There was something before that but I never get clearly when I hear it. The word “maintenance” was there too. Like, they can decide between letting that balloon “drop” or demanding “maintenance” of their soul purpose, like letting them be in control again and having the company work to fit their needs rather than the other way around.

I saw something here as well that was showing something like the net that I had mentioned before, the protection that the guys have from external energies, has been breached and there definitely are other energies that are trying to take them down because they, like a lot of “shift bringers”, are capable of changing the world and bringing about the “Millennial Age”.

The word “puppet” was said too. Their compliance with these things now is what is going to make them susceptible to manipulation in the latter half of 2018, I’m assuming while they are on tour. They are going to have to make moves on their own like they will have to decide if they are going to be puppets or if they are going to do what they are meant to do. Their Guides are working on trying to get them to understand what they are meant to do on a conscious level but they are having a lot of trouble connecting. There’s a high possibility that they will be in the realm of a “New Life” rather than the “Regeneration” of the Higher Self at this time.



There will be collaborations with Korean artists, collaborations in general. I don’t know if they are going to be released at this time or if they are going to start working on them at this time, but there are collaborations coming. This is something that is going to be from their Guides. Collaborative work or more opportunities to collaborate is something that will help them filter out and see how other artists work and maintain their creative control. It will help them question their own position here.

Also, awards. They’re going to win a lot of awards and get a lot of well-deserved recognition in South Korea. The award shows are going to be a big deal this year.



Some more specifics in terms of earthly happenings. These go in order of how they would occur in the latter half of 2018  if they remain in this timeline.

3 of Wands - Thinking they still have some level of control, working as though they are building up to something still. Very hopeful. Just working.

The Lovers - Some sort of connection with the Guides. Feeling Divinely Guided to do something, some sort of shift. First opportunity to shift or regain actual control. I saw Namjoon and Yoongi for this one so either Mr. Know-It-All-Virgo Man or Mr. Feel-It-All-Pisces Man is going to get the ing hint and try to do something. This might be the collaborative work.

4 of Pentacles - The low vibration, earthly influence is going to step in. Literally just like the image, trapping them, controlling them for money’s sake. Really putting a stopper on whatever it is that Namjoon or Yoongi is going to do. Kind of tightening the grip, hands around the neck a lot tighter. It’s like if this happens their Guides are going to be fighting with whatever is guiding the people who are restricting them.

The Fool - Falling back to the 6 of Cups. I assume that because they are bound by contracts all anyone has to do is say no to them and it’s finished. That’s why their Guides are freaking out because the low-vibe people have legal rights over them and are right in front of them, flesh and bone, whereas their Guides are sort of… forgotten or ignored. It’s back to square one here, back to the obligatory trust and holding onto hope because they have nothing else they can do. Also, keep in mind this isn’t BigHit. This is a foreign influence that is taking advantage of BigHit just as much as they are taking advantage of BTS directly. Although, you can blame BigHit for not being business savvy enough to catch what’s being thrown down here.

Page of Pentacles - This is where the opportunities come in. The “Leg Up” sort of thing. The low-vibe shuts them down but butters them back up with some sort of big money . They have some sort of business venture, it seems a bit bigger here. Probably a brand deal overseas or some .

Seven of Wands - They’re back to struggling to maintain control. They’re basically in a cycle here. At this point, they would be fed up again and devising yet another plan to sort of break the system or something. It’s calling back to the 5 of Wands, that aggravation, tension, and fighting, except this energy would be pushed out, as in they would be fighting with someone outside of the group rather than fighting with each other. — this would be a challenge presented by their Guides so that they would know where to shift the blame.

At this point, I was about to move on and I had started shuffling the deck again and “Unfinished Symphony” had popped out and I got a very clear, audible message of “We’re not done yet.”, so this is what came out next.



We have the Observer again, the compliance in the situation that was paired with Never Ending Story. This was tired energy, just overworked honestly, and that went right along with the Time For A Nap and the Milk and Honey cards, both of which pertain to relaxation and taking care of yourself.

The three cards in the middle are Imagine, Peace, and Time To Go. They really interested me because they came out like that on top of each other. I didn’t really understand it at first until I had laid out the other two sets and slapped them in the middle. Really, if you just read them out as they are the message is clear, “Imagine peace, time to go.” — They will be overworked and fed up with what is going on, so much so that they, as a group or as individuals, will contemplate leaving the tour, quitting the group, or something would happen to them physically that would literally just put one of them in the hospital again. Again this will be a challenge or a push from their Guides to get them to break away from the bindings that they would potentially be in at this time.


1st Half of 2019 - January to June



These were the first two cards out of the deck when I went into the first half of 2019. Initially, I got the sensation of compromise as it is with By The Book (rules, tradition, following) and Co-Create which is collaborative work and connection.



The two cards on the bottom had slipped out while I was shuffling, trying to figure out the first two cards, and I thought they actually clarified things pretty well. The Here and Now suggests that the first half of 2019 would be no different than now in terms of how they are working with the company. This Co-Create has to do with working with people outside of the company, the low-vibe people I’m guessing, and therefore following them, being guided by them rather than by their Guides which is represented by To The Sea in comparison to By The Book.



This mix was a bit much to get at first. Again, I laid them out in order starting with the four middle cards, top to bottom, left to right. Then I placed the two sets on either side of the four. It honestly wigs me out sometimes that in this reading placing the cards in a certain formation gave a lot of information all on its own.

Left to Right.

Set 1 - Loyal Heart + Round and Round with Never Ending Story + Between Worlds

This clicked pretty quickly after they were placed in the right formation. It’s quite simple really. Their Loyal Hearts and trust to the company specifically are what will keep them in this weird cycle that is mentioned in the previous tarot and oracle spreads. It just keeps going and going. The Never Ending Story comes back into play as the representative of being overworked, having all their energy out of them, and of course, Between Worlds is their Guides trying to pull them back from falling into the “New Life” and trying to keep them in a state of contemplation towards the state of their career and input in it. It feels like at this point their Guides would have to struggle a lot to win what looks to be some sort of cosmic tug-of-war concerning BTS’s job here.

Set 2 - All The Glitters + Tick Tock with Peace + Not For You

All That Glitters tells us that what they will be offered or presented (Page of Pentacles) will not be as good as it seems, it will not be for their benefit. It’s money, like a lot of money, but it’s not contributing at all to what they need to do and what they want to do. It will seem very lucrative, and then once they’re a part of it they will have a very hollow experience with it and potentially experience negative results with their career. Since it is being brought up twice here, I’m assuming this is going to be some sort of big project that will be influenced by the American or Australian people that are currently working with them. Tick Tock is simply a message explaining that they do not have a lot of time to figure it out now, and they definitely won’t have time to figure out that they are being taken advantage of, manipulated, or used. This is why their Guides are freaking out even now — they had it figured out before, they were doing exactly what they needed to do, they were fulfilling their purpose, but they’ve started to lose track of why they started what they started. The vibration is literally lowering and their Guides are trying to get them back on track because they are supposed to be leading a shift for literally millions of people and they, right now, are not doing that anymore, and in the potential future this could be one of the last stretches their Guides could give them to get back on track.

The reason that they themselves might agree to whatever the Page of Pentacles is, is that they will see it as a break. They would be overworked, tired, feeling hollow and unfulfilled due to being out of alignment, and then this opportunity would come along that basically would allow them to sit back and let other people have full control over something quite big. They would see the money and they would see the ability to sit back and relax, both of these things are intentional. It is an intentional “plan of attack” for the low-vibe beings to work BTS down and then offer them this so that they can have control. Their Guides are saying here, “the Peace is Not For You”, as in, they are not supposed to have an easy trip through this. They are supposed to WORK, they are supposed to have creative freedom, they are supposed to act as “shift bringers” for their soul group through their music (most famous “shift bringers” are musicians), and they are falling away from it. Very blatantly they are saying that they know it looks good, but that is not what it is meant to be for them, it is not supposed to be easy and it is not supposed to be controlled by anyone but them.

One of their Guides said something again, it wasn’t very clear so I’m paraphrasing here, but it was something like, “All of their energy is going towards posing and being filmed. Their gifts are in their heads and they can’t even use them.”

Because it wasn’t very clear at first (What I actually heard at first was “energy is going”, “filmed” “in their heads” “use them.” Everything else was muffled and distorted.) I asked for clarification on what they meant exactly, what they were trying to say and this is what came out immediately:



Sorry, the picture’s a bit blurry, I was getting a little shaky, lol.

This came out and once I laid them out I instantly saw Namjoon, so this has to do with him. I think he will be the first to really start thinking of ways out or he will be acting as the leader and bringing up his concerns with the company. The Deep Knowing and Mending are there in that energy, him understanding somewhat of what is happening and trying to fix it. This knowledge and understanding of the situation will make it difficult for him to be manipulated, giving him A Leg Up and allowing him to Go The Distance. This bit here read more as potential. Like, right now with the path they are on Namjoon will, for sure, get to this point, but the bottom two cards only stand as an option that he will have.

With this, I was also seeing solo projects or collaboration projects, focus on a solo album or a release of a solo album. I don’t know if that was specifically for Namjoon, but I ing hope it is because RM was the best album of all time and literally no one can convince me that RM 2.0 won’t be equivalent to the second coming of Christ. Either way, one of them is going to have some awareness or some sense of being stifled and will branch out and put a lot of energy into solo work around this time in order to speak. (I don’t have confirmation and I didn’t see or get anything about it, but I feel like this is definitely Namjoon because so far he is the only one in BTS that had full alignment with their Higher Selves in their Elemental Alignment reading. He is a highly developed soul, he’s had multiple lifetimes with all of the other guys, and he’s one of the more “Special” cases that their Guides are really focusing on — so I think he’s the one that will be doing this, but that’s just a thought from me.)



This bit here would be leading from the potential of one or more people in BTS having awareness of the situation and also having the balls to speak up about it to the company. Again, these are in order of how things could potentially play out.

8 of Wands - A lot of energy would swoop in, it actually feels very manic. Like, it would have all built up and the second just one of them opens the floodgates it’s game over. I was seeing connections happening here, like their Guides and their Higher Selves would have more connection to their subconscious and would then be able to give them a bigger shove in the right direction. They would really feel this happen and we as an audience might even see this, might catch it in things they say or do around this time if this is where they end up.

2 of Swords - This would bring about a lot of questions between them. This feels very isolated and I was literally seeing images of like prisoners planning their escape. A bit dramatic, but somewhat accurate, I guess? There will be a lot of conversations amongst them about what they are doing, why they are doing it, are they doing what they want to do, are they staying true to what they said they were in the beginning, you know, like that. They would come to a more conscious form of the “Between Worlds” thing, like they would have to choose what they will do next and they have to really team up, they won’t be able to take that Yin + Yang, To The Sea + Knight of Wands, Fire + Water sort of approach. They’ll all have to get on the same page and then decide what they want to do.

Hierophant - There was potential here. It’s another break off into potential timelines. As I said in the beginning, the further away from the present moment I go the more frayed it can look because of the “unmade decisions” that exist in those moments. Basically, this is their decision — Are they the Hierophant or are they the Hierophant’s followers? That decision will define a lot of things for them.

4 of Wands - No matter what the decisions are, they will feel like they made the right one specifically because they made it together and they trust each other. Things will feel stable for them but that’s because if they chose to be the Hierophant they will be back on their path and their souls and their Guides will be settled, and if they chose to be the followers their Guides will basically have to give up and BTS will be coasting in boat, being dragged down a hallway, they will experience that “Peace” of having to do nothing but pose and be filmed.

Queen of Swords - I was seeing big plans stemming from whatever decision they make here. Either they plan to spread another message through some HYYH cryptic storytelling to get people to think and (that’s how they cause shifts) or they are planning big things under the supervision of the low-vibe people who will most likely have plans for things that get big money rather than things that allow BTS to cause shifts because what guides them, as I mentioned, does not want the social and political shift that this generation is on the verge of bringing.

3 of Cups - Celebration of some sort. Again, this will fit either decision made. Happy with the process, happy with the money or the artistry. Very high energy here. Something good would come from this for them personally whether it be stemming from a high vibe or a low vibe place.

Knight of Swords - Putting those plans into action, carrying out the new “shift” project or carrying out the whatever is going to make them a TON of money. I was seeing actual movement, like them potentially moving somewhere or staying somewhere for a period of time. I don’t know which timeline that would fit under, but it is dependent on one decision over another.

7 of Cups - Again we get to the trickery of it all, the duality of it. The actual meaning of this card really plays out here and that is that this could all lead to many more decisions that are either good or bad in terms of how they affect BTS’s career, soul path, and purpose. Basically, it gets to a point where there are too many possibilities to give a clear answer to it being one thing or another.

I didn’t take a picture of them, but two more cards came out from the Oracle deck while I was getting ready to move onto the second half of 2019. Milk and Honey along with Chop Wood came up. I’m still not sure if it’s for the first half of 2019 or the second half, but it’s saying that work and rest need to be equal priorities. Somewhere midway through 2019, they will need to really keep their health, both physical and mental, in mind as that, again, is what the low-vibe beings are trying to use against them.


2nd Half of 2019



Only one card came out for this bit here, and it makes sense since we’re getting less and less energetic signatures from this timeframe. We have Yin here making an appearance again. The Divine Feminine is there and this might have something to do with the creative endeavors. It’s very fluid energy and it literally feels like a breath of fresh air. That could be coming from the comfort of being back on their rightful path or the “peace” found in not having to do as much with other people in control, but it’s leaning more towards more control for them in some aspects -- may be the solo stuff.



A lot of cards here. They came out all funny, literally just flew out of the deck and scattered all over my desk and on the floor. The energy is very unstable here, really just grasping for anything at all, but we have a clear two-way situation happening here that is designated by the two middle cards: Go The Distance and Observer. The Observer representing the timeline in which they choose to just continue to go along with what they are being told, and the Go The Distance representing the timeline where the decisions made with the influence from whoever (Namjoon?) lead to them choosing to take back control of their work.

Set 1 - Go The Distance with The Fates + Higher Power and Fork In The Road + Happy, Happy

This is Divine Intervention. Whoever is being focused on with the solo project or solo collaborations in the first half of 2019 would be divinely guided to their conclusions, they would have “direct contact” with their Guides, The Fates, and alignment with their Higher Self, Higher Power. That would lead them to be the one to sort of act as a guide themselves for the other members as they reach the Fork In The Road where they will have to decide if they will lead or follow together. Obviously, in this timeline they make the decision to Go The Distance and put themselves back in the driver’s seat, leading to a state of calm and smooth sailing that can be found in Happy, Happy.

Set 2 - Observer with Never Ending Story + To The Sea and Mending + Breathe

We’ve already seen the first three cards and I think we all get the message by now. It’s a state of compliance. They would be overworked, unfulfilled, and slowly but surely losing their passion for what they do. Without a doubt, we would see that. A drop in artistic integrity in their music, more poppy Kpop kind of stuff, just things that sell and can do well on the radio. Not a lot of thought would be put into it. Even if they wanted more say in what they did at this point they would get shut down constantly, their songs would be rejected, their ideas would be rejected until they were just puppets at the mercy of their contracts and what other people want.

Again, I really want to make this clear, BTS are supposed to be in control of their music because it is the platform that they use to cause a social and political shift within their soul group. There are low-vibrational beings in the Universe, a lot of whom exist on Earth and are in control of a lot of . They do not want these shifts to happen because then their hand in everything here has less power. I don’t know why exactly they want to have so much control over the human race, but that seems to be their only concern. They are trying to hinder, knock down, and even kill off the designated “shift bringers” within this generation as they are acting as conduits for the high vibrational beings who want nothing more than for the human race to ascend and evolve. The low-vibe beings are guiding these “higher up” people in the industry to BTS because they are making the biggest impact right now (well, they were). It’s some trippy , I know, but the Universe can seem like one big acid trip if you look at it from the perspective you were told you had to have.

Now, the Mending and Breathe cards carried a feeling of meditation for me, and that is the image on the Breathe card, but it was more significant to me. I use meditation involving breathing exercises to calm down from panic attacks, to help deal with my depression, and to also cope with energetic attacks or overloads that I might experience during readings. That’s what it felt like specifically — meditating to cope. They would just settle and learn to cope with the situations, learn to deal with how tired they are, how out of balance they feel within what they are doing. They would just be coping with their careers and that’s not how it is supposed to be for them — it’s supposed to be hard work, yes, but it’s not supposed to be something that literally kills their spirit.

They said “last chance” and I assume it’s in terms of the “New Life” versus “Regeneration” transformation. This split timeline here is the last opportunity they will have to actually get back on the right path. The “Go The Distance” timeline is the only one that leads to “legendary success”, as in the kind of success that will be remembered forever, and it is the only one that allows them to fulfill their purpose and heighten the vibration of their soul group.



Again, the energy is weak this far down the line, so the tarot portion here was very choppy. The cards came out kind of weird and we have the only reversed card in the entire reading here as well. Each card kind of came out with a little “puff” of energy, very weak signatures, but these are all possibilities. These aren’t meant to be any kind of blueprint, they are not in any particular order, they are just singularities, just moments of possibility that are currently in line for the second half of 2019.

Justice - Some sort of balance will be achieved, but it doesn’t read as positive. This might be compliance, the consideration that because they make so much money it is only fair that they go along with what those who pay them tell them to do.

6 of Pentacles - There is a potential drop in vibration. Literally going from those who give, to those who need to take out of necessity. It’s a hefty drop, something might not do as well because of the lack of care and artistry in the music or what they are doing, losing fans, losing members of their soul group. This is a really nasty feeling here, very desperate.

Knight of Pentacles + 4 of Cups + Knight of Wands - The ones who are aware of what is happening could choose to ignore their gut instincts and submit to the Knight of Wands. This goes with the “Observer” set in the previous section.

8 of Cups (Reversed) - “hopelessness, aimless drifting” are common keywords for this card in a reversed position. This would be them completely off their path, just coping. Very stagnant energy here, it would be a slow but steady downfall from here if this is where they end up.

The Star - Divine Intervention. Call back to the “Go The Distance” set in the previous section with The Fates and Higher Power. Basically, something beyond their Guides, something of extremely high vibration would actually intervene and set them back to where they need to be. This would be an extreme shift. It’s very unlikely that this will happen, but in a sense, their Guides have already put out a “notice” that they are drifting and being manipulated away from their path, and if necessary they will need to be thrown the back on it, which is kind of out of their realm of capability as Guides.

The Magician - Radical Rebellion. This could either be a solo thing, or this is the result of The Star. This is where they would decide they’ve had enough and basically go on strike or some like that. Demand more or just go against the company and low-vibe people every chance they get. Speaking out against them, making music to be released privately, leaking , just random things like that. They would take everything they had and use it to change their situation. Again, this is very unlikely, and I do think it really is with The Star and not something they would just do out of nowhere.


Summation of Energy Within The Upcoming Timeframe



These are the last cards I pulled from both decks. With them, I asked what was the general feel of the energy within the second half of 2018 all the way through to the end of 2019. The Oracle covers the External Influence, while Tarot covers the Internal Influence and more physical/conscious realms.

Set 1 - Truth Be Told + New Life

This is clarity and transformation, clarity within understanding the difference between the “New Life” and “Regeneration”. No doubt their Guides are really working hard on making it clear to them of what the “New Life” really is and what it could bring. As I mentioned before, there will be a lot of personal challenges for them set up by their Guides for them to be able to dwell on and contemplate their position so that they may understand the “truth” of the matter and of the more malicious side of the “New Life”.

*Kylie Jenner voice* It’s a year of just realizing stuff.

Set 2 - The Empress + The Magician

Growth and manifestation. Simple as that on a more mundane level. They will experience a lot of success, a lot of what they’ve been asking for they will get within this time frame. On the outside, they will absolutely be killing it, for sure. Money, awards, recognition, records — all that kind of , they’ll do really well, they’ll continue to expand in a more superficial sense.



This scares me, I don’t know.

I can see both sides very clearly and they do carry that Yin and Yang from the beginning. They contradict each other, meaning they are out of alignment and a lot of bull can come from that. From our perspective as fans, I think we’ll only notice bits and pieces. The Soul Group people are really going to notice the change in music and artistry. Like, not trying to cause drama or anything, but I think in the most objective way possible we can see that the Love Yourself series was a bit of a crock. The music was good, the guys worked on the music, but the “Story” of it started out as being a poor add-on to HYYH, and then they changed it because people were pissed and Fake Love tried to be all cryptic and , but it didn’t work because there was no beginning or end to it, and now Answer is coming out and it hasn’t been anywhere near enough time for the guys to have any real input on a concept or even the music.

Again, they are working on the music, they are producing, but that is only a technical aspect — there’s no real creative input there right now. Even Namjoon said a ton of his songs were cut and he was upset with the Her album because they didn’t have time to do what he wanted to do with it. If you all recall, Namjoon literally WROTE HYYH. He was in charge of that , and then you have this bastardize Love Yourself series that he had a plan for (remember how he talked about it before it happened, it was nothing like he said it would be) was just tossed into what the company knew gave them all that success and recognition. It’s a very common mistake that record companies have been making for years — an artist gets big with one thing, the company forces them to continue doing the same thing over and over, fans get bored or grow up and move on, the artist loses their passion.

It’s all a bit and I don’t want you guys to think I’m ting on BTS because I’m really not, I’m just one of those people that saw the poor attempt at leeching off the success of HYYH and the poor attempt to make Love Yourself into something that required as much fan interaction as HYYH did with the theories and . They don’t have enough time to make things like they used to and that’s what they NEED. They need time, but BigHit is trying to take every opportunity they can because of MONEY, but also, they want to prove something to people in the industry. They ALL have lost sight of the original objective. That tagline of “Music and Artists for Healing” was not just there for show, that was… you know… A THING, and now it’s just some ing words that are slowly losing meaning within this company.

On a ~abstract~ level, BTS is in a bit of a pickle, on a mundane level, here in the 3D, they’re fine. They’re going to continue breaking records and making money, and sometimes that’s all people need.

Okay, I’m done now, thanks for reading!

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