ARMY, lets not forget this...

I hadn’t planned to do this blog-post but it came sort of spontaneously after the observations of some ARMY from the past few days over Taehyung’s performances of their comeback stages. For those of you who maybe haven’t seen this, several audience members noticed (and fan-cams also show) Taehyung’s hands shaking uncontrollably at the end of each performance. Whilst this could just be attributed to adrenaline, it’s very likely his consistent shaking is from being over-worked and from severe exhaustion.


Most ARMY know that BTS are embarking on their world tour and will be participating in it until February 2019, visiting many cities globally. Hell, some of you have maybe even been fortunate enough to get tickets >.< (if so, have an amazing time!). However, what you may not realise is that BTS were meant to actually have a week of holidays prior to embarking on their world tour – however, the group chose to dismiss this and instead did promotions for their new singles at home. Simply, BTS openly rejected holiday-time so that they could perform for their fans. Whether this was the call of the managers or the members I am not sure, but the fact of the matter is that it occurred and BTS openly neglected that space wherein they should have been resting in preparation for the following months of exhaustion ahead – and yet, they didn’t. Their schedules have been recorded by eagle-eyed ARMY who have noticed as well that the members have been running events 24 hours per day, meaning they have no plausible window to even sleep. Of course, this is nothing new for idol groups who are often subjected to brutal working conditions – yet, as ARMY, it is partly our job to watch out for our boys and use some form of power where we can to voice our concerns. It may be those concerns that could do something to help – it was all those years ago when the video was leaked of a manager raising his fist at Jungkook, after all.


BTS are one of the most influential K-Pop groups on the global scene right now, and their schedule reflects that, as does their dedication. These men are doing everything in their power to reach their devoted fans worldwide, and I have rarely seen a group that shows so much passion, energy and enthusiasm in engaging with their fans and letting them know how much they appreciate us. I think at this point it is clear that there are two key things that keep BTS doing what they are doing – their passion and their fans. They aren’t doing this for fame, for they have already achieved that, and nor are they doing it for money, as they have that, too. You can see so vividly and so clearly during their concerts just what ARMY mean to them, and what their passion for their work means, too. That makes it all the more painful to see them exhausted to the point of brutality to fulfil the demanding schedules they have to. BTS never stop – they are one of the most consistently active idol groups I have ever come across. The fact that they present to us staggering performances and amazing personalities amidst the difficulties of their craft is astounding and something I personally can say I do not deserve. Despite the distance between me and BTS, despite the fact they don’t know me personally, they still care about me and I still care about them, incredibly so. Therefore it is important that as ARMY, especially right now, we don’t demand too much of them. If something happens on-stage, if a member’s performance is not as “strong” as we expect, we should not criticise, we should not fault them – we should view this realistically, through the lens that they are being worked to a near inhumane level (I know this may technically be speculation, but it’s what evidence from the idol lifestyle generally indicates). We need to show them our support but also respect for their actions and for their work.


I’m worried, so terribly worried, and I always become this way around comeback eras, especially now given that it is on the verge of their world tour. Though I fan-girl wildly and seem to obsess over x or y, it’s still true that I see them as human and that it hurts me so much to know that their job is literally in many ways to disguise their suffering for us. They have each other through this and I hope their support will help one another – they’re a beautifully close group and that fact alone reassures me. However, we shouldn’t be neglectful of the fact that beneath all the stage make-up, the hair dye, the slick routines and the scripted output, there are real people, people working to an insane level, for us.


I guess I just wanted to share that >.< now lemme go cry uwu


p.s army at recent concert (in Seoul I think), let’s talk about the comparison of Jimin’s incredibly loud cheers and Namjoon’s near non-existent ones in that vcr, hmm? (y’all cheered loudly at the end but throughout it was not good e.e WYD NOT CHEERING FOR BABY JOON TF TTTTTTTTT sorry I know this is childish but still I am angry over it :/)


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I understand your point. I know I'm not a fan of bts, but Taehyung handing shaking like that can lead to an heart attack. This kids need to rest and take. I understand why they rejected their holiday, but in the other hand they do need to rest and face reality.

Their passion, their love for their fans will amount to nothing if one if then breaks down and is hospitalized because then everything they've worked hard for up until now will be in vein, expect the entertainment is so heartless to still over stress the other kids and make them do things without the sick member which will surely be terrible.

I'm the same age as Taehyung, and also a CEO so believe me when I say stress can led to heart attack because I've been there. This kids need to rest properly mostly him that just lost a member of his family.
Well good luck guys and I wish them all good health and you too the writer of this blog.
i really hope they're okay >< they deserve the world, and rest and they need to realize we want nothing more than for them to be healthy!!!
and yall better cheer for namjoon, without him, jungkook wouldn't be in bts so BE GRATEFUL PEEPS
I really hope they can get at least a little bit of sleep soon, because I cannot stand seeing my boys like this >.< They deserve to rest and I know they love us, so so much, but they need to start putting themselves first, because their health and happiness matters more to us than anything else. I just want them to stay healthy and to not overwork themselves because they want to make ARMY happy >.< I love them so much and them deciding to just take a few days for themselves, to sleep, rest, enjoy some alone time away from cameras and screaming fans, would never make me love them any less. Because they are human, and they deserve to act human, not like some robots who never need anything >.< I wish I could tell them all this >.<
namjin_94 #4
oh my god I literally watched a video today about this matter.. I got so scared and I really hope he’s okay! Also I agree please cheer for Joon! The amount of times he gets slept on disappoints me honestly in his fandom.. This wasn’t childish at all and I completely agree. This situation just had to be brought to light