The thing that I don't like #silentreaders

Hi guys its been a while and im posting this cause there is something that's been urking inside me. I've seen a lot of post lately and some direct messages about being a silent reader. Honestly I don't really hate it . Its just i don't like the feeling that you(authors) judging your readers and upvoters that they're being a silent reader and you're making it that its not good at all ... This  is  purely my own opinion. I don't want to hurt your feelings . I dont want to hurt someone's feelings.

Again my opinion. I am here for a reason. This site is a stress reliever for me , to read and subscribe for awesome stories. Wether your you're a featured author or not.  Recently i got this dm's and stories that i subscribe about "BEING A SILENT READER" well man you're just being desperate i think. Your readers is your upvoters and subscribers. Your being irate about them being a silent reader cause you got no comments. and your making it like a big deal and its not a good thing at all. I do comments its just. I dont like seeing those kind of things. Dont be desperate getting karma's . You write for a reason and so far i know. Its not just a point that you are after. You are writing because you love doing so. So please minimize bossing around  to your readers that they dont do comments. Just appreciate that they found your story and subscribe for it. Since they found it interesting!!! Thats it. Peace y'all!!!!






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summertwinkle #1
I'm guilty as a silent reader, but it's because if I want to say something. It's usually not a "nice" thing. It's because there were typos/errors/illogical ideas and I can't help but need to give my two cents. Of course I also don't comment on every chapter. If I appreciate a story enough, I usually comment at the end of the last updated chapter if it was engaging enough to comment. Sometimes authors ask questions that encourage interaction with readers and I do respond to that. Otherwise, if I type a comment, it's usually not a feel good thing.

I have written stories before at another fanfiction site that has anime and TV categories. I must say it does feel like you are getting recognition when you get reviews, favourites, follows and views. So although I started with what I thought was a good story idea...I didn't end up continuing the story, because I didn't actually plan the plot thoroughly. But I actually did enjoy writing a one-shot because at the time I felt very driven to express a speculation. That part was enjoyable. I think if anyone is writing, please write for the joy of writing and not for the validation from others because writing will then become stressful. It's like trying to level up in candy crush against others, instead of playing at your own pace. Right now I'm inspired to do another writing piece because I'm really angry about the situation in HK and I feel like I need a creative outlet.
I'm sorry to hear about your experience as a reader. It's completely your choice if you wanna comment or not and writers shouldn't harass you to do things.
[trigger warning XD]
[youve been warned. but this is solely my opinion]

I learned a new perspective about readers recently. It was the time I just posted a new chapter and I received views and bookmarks, but still no comments. I was about to feel discouraged, until I got 3-4 upvotes within almost shortly (thats kinda big,to me atleast, since you get to vote a story only once). So that made me rethink, (I won't lie--that made me feel better). "Hmm. maybe they just really dont know what to say." so yeah. I'm never really much of a reader, so i cant really put myself into your shoes. So for now, i'm trying my best to stick with my idea and just write <spoiler>and not be too whiny bout it</spoiler>, but i would really love feedback given to my work--it cant be helped XD, it's like a pat in the back.

this is always not the case but the harsh truth is once a writer receives a feedback (and enjoyed it)--this is like an affirmation to their work, theyd start wanting feedback every now and then. Let's say we got spoiled. The reason i said this because when I look back when i first started writing--it was all about me and the idea. Audience wasn't in the equation...yet. I started to receive feedback, it felt good that someone appreciate my work. "Now, i want (more of) those". So i think the writer gotta work real hard to create reaction from their readers, to get the feedback we crave. this is something i learned over time. even i am guilty of demanding feedback from my readers XD So yeah, the sad fact I guess is that all work has to come from the writer. Since, after all, we should be really doing it to share ideas.

so yeah, i think the perfect analogy is that the relationship between our idols and us, the fans. Our idols work real hard to share their craft...........and also getting our attention, to make their hard work not useless??

anyway idk what i'm blabbering about. feel free to disagree with me ;;

oh and another sad fact we gotta face: we now live in a society where feedback matters :/ :/ :/ :/

BUT YEAH, readers these days has gotten a lot quieter than before................. o.O <spoiler>or aff population is just decreasing ;;</spoiler>
I honestly think it goes both ways. Feedback and commenting is important. I agree that it let's the writer know how their story is going and if people are enjoying their story and let them know how to improve. I agree you dont need to comment every time you read but comments really mean a lot to writers. Writing is actually not an easy task even if it's a hobby
Hayagi #5
Well, do you know that authors don't receive karma points when someone comments on their story? They're not asking you to comment because of that.
Many authors share their work because they want feedback. Of course whenever someone subscribes or upvotes, that's some sort of feedback as well. It means that people are interested in or like their story a lot. But if you write a comment with your thoughts on a certain chapter or the entire story, you'll really make the author's day. Because that's one way for an author to be able to improve their writing skills. If someone comments about a part that they didn't really understand, the author can check to see if (s)he can change it to make it easier to understand. If someone writes in their comment that they thought a specific part was funny, the author will be glad to know that (s)he brought a smile on their reader's face. Etc.
This site is really a community of authors and readers talking to each other and supporting each other :) Of course you don't have to comment every single time, but even a simple "I like it" can make the author's day, especially if the author barely gets any comments.
Even if you have subscribed to a story, it doesn't necessarily mean that you've read it. So if you write even a simple comment after an author has uploaded a chapter, they'll know for sure that that reader has read their chapter and that'll definitely make them happy ^-^