Life Updates + Story updates [Possible Genre shift?]

Hello! Author-nim here with a random life update.

I have two, yes TWO job interviews lined up for tuesday and wednesday [if I get hired this will be my first real job, as in I'll be making more money than I have been with this seasonal under the table job I do every year]

It will be part time so I'll still have a lot of free time, but hey a job's a job. I'm not complaining whatsoever. I just hope I get hired. Wish me luck!

As for story updates:

I've been thinking of shifting my focus away from my main series

Yes I know, shocking right?

In all honesty I've lost motivation. The only real reason I kept writing that series is because I don't see an end to my most popular series at the moment. Ah the life of a wolfau writer.

I just need to shift my focus away from that for a little while, maybe write something different. Don't get me wrong, I am not ending the series where it is. I just need a break from it.

I might return to my kingdomau series, even if it's marked complete. There's still one last story featuring the members of Shinee that needs to be written then it'll tie in the prequels to the original story. The only reason I haven't done it yet was because of Jonghyun. If I get enough interest I may return to it. Who knows.


Well, that's it for now :D Wish me luck with the interviews! And if you want to see this last prequel let me know in the comments below!


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