8 Facts (Tagged by Nina AKA LuHaNsDoll)

I was tagged by Nina to do this, so I guess here it is? I tag whoever wants to do this because I doubt anyone will lol XD I did a 10 random facts about me blog 3 years ago but these are different from those 10 which you can find here :D It was so hard to write this since I couldn't repeat l o l

1. My favorite book genre is fantasy/dystopian settings, but for some reason, I simply cannot write those genres it  

2. I'm a vegetarian but I'll eat eggs if they're baked into things like cake. When I bake at home, everything's eggless tho 

3. My first kpop song was Super Junior's U and I straight up thought Heechul was a female. 

4. The first group I ever stanned was Sistar for female and U-Kiss for male

5. I'm an awful author because I tend to forget things about my own characters. For example: I wrote an entire chapter that took place in a character's house only to forget that she owned a cat. I also forgot her last name and had to check the foreword for where I wrote her full name :D

6. I'm not a good game player because I don't stick to one game for a long period of time but there is one game that I've been playing for a little over two years consistently - Onmyoji

7. Iain De Caestecker has my heart. (and more actors but he's the first that came to mind at the moment lol)

8. I can remember the exact date that I first found Infinite - October 8th, 2011 through THIS performance <3

And so uh there it is, I suppose lol idk how to close out this so I'll just stop


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How do you even bake without egg?? Wowww
Woow I like fantasy but I can't write it tooooo lmao! So i totally feel that. It !
And omg!!! 5 is so hilarious and it happened to me before 😂😂😂😂 I feel so careless lmao