how to move forward when nostalgia hates you.

When I first began writing on AFF, I strictly wrote YG Family fics, or more specifically, BIGBANG fics. I've deleted most of my older stories but if you went through them, you'd find Mr. T-O-P as my leading man. It goes without saying but he was my ultimate muse when I was a teenager. Now? Not so much. I've been struggling with one of my latest stories and I've been digging deep to figure out why. It's a rewrite of one of my first fics on the site. It was my most popular one and back in 2015, when I re-read it for the first time, I wanted to roll over into a ditch. It was so stinkin' bad. Ever since then, I vowed to rewrite it. I went through several concepts and revised so many first chapters, I'm certain by the time I was done I never wanted to write the word 'college' or 'professor' again. But, something in me won't let go of the story -- no matter how hard I try. However, even now, I find my muse for the story lacking. I treat it as if it's something I just need to get out of the way and I don't like that feeling. After some much needed soul searching, I came to a conclusion: It's him, not me. Now -- by that, I mean, my want to create is no longer fueled by my love for boy bands (or in this case, TOP) it is fueled simply by a need to create. And as a being who is constantly wanting to create, I crave newness.

Mostly, however, I wanted to write the fic as some sort of goodbye to BIGBANG. They're basically disbanded at this point (at least, to me. I'm an OT54 girl) but I just don't think that is the place to do it.


I say all of this to say that maybe it's time I replace Choi Seunghyun as my leading man. While I'll always have love for him -- his fit no longer feels right in the story. I don't know. What do you guys think? (If you don't know what story I'm talking about, it's probably because the story is on private right now while I revise things. It's named Portions for Foxes and it's about a college student falling for her professor -- that's the bare-bones plot of it, anyway). Have you ever replaced a beloved lead character with another? Do you hold onto things due to nostalgia?


Should I hold on to TOP or should a new character take his place?



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This speaks volumes to me! I began writing on AFF when I was really young and just returned to it because of my love of writing stories but I'm finding myself having such a mental block when I try to update my unfinished stories. I realized I loved the storyline but not the characters... but I really wanted to continue the story! So I took some time to change the characters and went through each chapter editing the names and although this was tedious, I feel so much better about continuing to write. I'm even more excited to write now and am more inspired about what I could do with the new characters I'm using. I was worried about how this would affect the reader experience but honestly, it's been so long so since I wrote I don't think anyone would care or notice haha. Besides, the story is mostly for me to practice writing and world-building. I hope you find something that works and rings true to your heart! Happy writing.
I'm super nostalgic, but I've never replaced a character...I think. Been writing for a long time so it is possible I just don't remember.

Do whatever you need to as the writer. You have the original (I'm thinking?), so you'll always have that, even if you're not 100% happy with it. Nothing wrong with freshing it up a bit and giving it a new life. I say do whatever you need to to finish it.
I do know which story you speak of because I followed it and read on it before. And I totally get the TOP issue- he’s not the same. They’re not the same. It’s a good story, but when you’re not in love with a character it changes the story anyway. Change his name. Make him an amalgamation of men. Do what it takes to fall in love with the story and someone in the story again. 🎶true to your heart🎶