Anyone Still Here?

Hey guys! It's been forever.

Just wondering, is anything I know, old friends/readers still here at all? I know I've been continuous breaking my promise of coming back to write, even when I tried to rewrite my last BBH fanfic. My schedule at work and in school just simply do not allow me to have time for myself, not even to rest. And also im STILL on med. But I always always always reminisce the times I used to have here on this website, and I reminisce the times I used to regularly communicate with readers here or on twitter.


Am I just being nostalgic due to stress? Do i associate this website to an easier, less stressful time of my life? I really don't know but I don't really think it matters. All I know is that I miss being a part of the fanfic world, I miss fangirling. I miss having online friends. But I think a lot of you here have also been busy with adulting, it's just the way it is. But I hope we can keep having an escape such as this. Everyday I try to find healthy escapes. 


I really really hope that someday, maybe soon, that I can work on getting back. Even just for me and a few of the people who still know me here. If you're still here, let's catch up and be there for one another. 

How's life been for you?

Do you still fangirl?

Do you still read/write fanfics here?

How's your mental health lately?




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still here and I have the same doubts as you....stopped writing for a really long time but I miss this place :(
Alisha0074 #2
Still here
still here!
Hi! I just recently finished my undergraduate and currently on a hunt for full-time jobs but it was so hard. My job hunting is limited to my own district (parents veto decision), I didn't have my own transport and public transport in my area is still relatively underdeveloped. Not to mention my study field does not have sufficient demand in the industry. Kinda tbh because I have applied over 100+ applications since Oct 2023, and counting. Used to feel depressed about it, but I've accepted the fact that it is common among fresh grads to struggle a bit. I will be attending a safety course (which provides professional certificate) in March, with hopes that I can jump field from biological science to OSH. This is already my plan E btw hahaha, if this didn't work out, may consider working part-time for a while to save money for a car.

I actually stop fangirl over any kpop group now but I still keep my photocards and freebies collection. Didn't think I will sell or throw it away eventhough I am out of touch with the kpop news. Kpop kinda plays a major role in shaping who I am now.

I still have a fanfiction ongoing in my draft but tbh my writing style changed so much since then. I'm trying to figure out how to pick up the story without having to rewrite it entirely according to my writing style now. I've only reread the upvoted stories in my list, haven't try to explore more because idk bro hahaha.

My mental health rollercoaster-ed a lot but safe to say I'm relatively stable. Meet up with my undergraduate friends two days ago, and feel a lot better because everyone is also struggling. I'm not incompetent nor unworthy for that job position. My time simply has not arrived yet.

I think that is all. Hopefully you're doing fine too, Otornim. May you found a balance between working and living your life as healthy as you can. Lots of love.
Life is just one coffee a day for me. I think this is one of those difficult times and honestly, I always come back here when I need the lift me up and help. I truly believe it's a hurdle I'll get over but as of right now it's just taking it day by day.
I do still fangirl but I've always been a fangirl of all things entertainment not just kpop, so I've still managed to keep myself busy with some form of fangirling lol. I still do Love EXO so much but man being an adult takes so much out of you sometimes.
I've never written a fanfiction but I've been reading fanfiction since 2011 and here we still are :) As a bookworm at heart, fanfiction will always have a special place in my heart. There is so much amazing writing in fanfiction and you are truly one of my favorites.
Mental Health right now is healthy but healthy doesn't always mean life is going great. Still living with my parents so still trying to figure out where my sanity lies there. But also I have such amazing supporting friends. The complexities of the human experience as always.
I really do hope you are doing well! Be patient with yourself and the stage of life you are currently in. Don't let life pass you by. Nostalgia is such a warm feeling but don't get burned. Thank you so much for creating the stories you did. And don't worry about updating. We'll be here waiting at least for those few of us still on here :)
MrsDuckbutt #6
Hiyee!! Still here.. Hope youre doing good..
Hey !
Tbh, life is as simple as ever, yes i am stil fangirling for EXO, not as much as i used to do, but it dosen't mean my love for them is becoming any less, it's just i don't have time for that stuff now.
My reading habit is similar to my fangirling routine, i do it as i can get any chance to have some time for myself.
And, my mental health is getting better because i learned to not be hard on myself with overthinking. It really helped me. I'm more social now, and surprisingly, i don't hate it.
Nlnz2016 #8
Hi hi. I am still here and re-reading Baekhyun’s Fanfics :)
I come back here once, twice a month. Life's so hectic. Fangirling? I don't have time for that atm. I do casually listen to exo and look for their updates every once in a while but everything is just so busy
Hey , still re reading your old fics. still fangirling , and always destress by coming back to aff. how have you been lately?
Ohmagosh, finally your here,yes I am still fangirling and still reading even though I am over 40 hahaha and still single and having a good life.And I am still waiting for you to continue ur story.And most of all I am still waiting for Gotta be yours to update😭.
afrina_rina #12
Hey I’m stil here and still fangirling !! Ngl college was super busy and hard sometimes and i came here once in a while to read and escape the reality ! The frequency of me going back here is way lesser compared to last time but yeah i still read once in a while 🤍 Otornim life is hard and my mental health is not always in good condition but i’ve managed to find ways to de- stressed so I hope you can find ways for yours too ! 🤍🤍 ps: During my semester break, i reread your stories too 😚